Wish list : which apps do you need?
Spotify would be nice
@mnjrupp said in Wish list : which apps do you need?:
Spotify would be nice
You might be interested in looking here then...
A better Signal client. Axolotl is nice but not good enough at the moment.
Also, redshift, to save my eyes. -
@Fla said in Wish list : which apps do you need?:
Axolotl is nice but not good enough at the moment.
I agree. I'm sure it'll get there, and I'm waiting eagerly for that to happen.
It's my most problematic app at the moment. But that's beta for you. -
@Moem I'm already contributing to it, but progress is very slow currently. You're welcome to join, we have a telegram channel.
@Fla I'd love to contribute but I can't code. So that's not going to happen. Sorry!
There is one (exclusive to iOS) app that I miss from my iPhone 3 days - a very simple to use, but powerful database app called TapForms.
I could really use something like that on UT if anyone would care to make it.
Perhaps Symphytum could be forked?
A more complete image edit app. InstanPho is a good app, but lacks some features, like resizing images, or free rotating it (with no crop).
@arubislander thanks I will give it a try.
@Rebecca58 "Video Chat" (Telegram ,Teleports - or Morph via WebRTC) - Ineed it badly, that means daily.
I second the need for a "red shift" app to make night use easier on the eyes.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@Keneda said in Wish list : which apps do you need?:
A more complete image edit app. InstanPho is a good app, but lacks some features, like resizing images, or free rotating it (with no crop).
You can crop and rotate in the Gallery app.
I said resizing, not cropping.
https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/gallery-app/-/issues/10And i talked about free rotation, in galery app it's by quarter. Beside it doesn't work anymore...
Wish for a good Audiobook player and a manga reader app
A Briar client would be good too. -
@Keneda - for resizing I find
in a Libertine container can work fine for this, although obviously its interface is clumsy on a mobile device.InstantPho
also has some free rotation abilities (within the limit of 25 degrees either way) in its "Adjust" control. Obviously free rotation being added to the Gallery App editor or other native UT app would be a better solution though.Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@TotalSonic said in Wish list : which apps do you need?:
I know that but libertine is far from stable on any device, when it's not just unusable, see on the forum the number of people that had problem with it, even having to reinstall uT from scratch...
My phone is my daily driver, i don't want to beta test on it, and i don't want to loose any data.
And for free rotation, i know in instantpho there is a beginning of it, but, like you said, limited to 25ยฐ, and with a zoom effect that prevent from choosing what you want to keep/crop, that's why i said "free rotating it (with no crop)", "zoom and automatic crop" i'd have to say.
Beside, instantpho has its own problems, i opened an issue already : https://gitlab.com/dobey/instantpho/-/issues -
Neither Libertine nor Anbox is anything other than a temporary fix. We need to build apps suitable for use on touchscreen devices (across platforms).
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