Login screen/Code input Design
@capsia cool, there was a draft pr that unblocked rotation i had - it just needs the animations applied to it - lomiri already has a layer that makes sure the apps underneath the lock screen are the proper rotation before unlocking, then @CiberSheep had some work on moving some elements too
hopefully some pieces to the puzzle to help
Hi all,
I'm looking for a way to get multimedia controls on Lock/Login Screen. It's possible? It would be very convenient -
Hi @rocky58
You already have them in the drop down menu under the speaker icon...
There is a parameter in the settings to allow notification and quick settings... -
@rocky58 last time the old notification design on the welcome screen was brought up (i assume the media play back stuff would act as a notification bubble on the welcome screne) florian said it woud take a huge rewrite, and you might have to break thjngs beforwe they worked properly.
If its something you have the skills to do then Ill happily try and find the old canonical design documentation for you.
@capsia I just saw the latest QA. You guys are doing great work!
Just wondering how this project is doing. Being well aware devs have much on their plates, unfortunately not capable of adding anything prog involved, so not intending to push here. I am looking forward to seeing this project evolving and be implemented, especially an integrated ICE feature.
@3t_ed Hello! The first changes are targeting OTA20. You can check them here:
https://github.com/ubports/unity8/pull/401Currently I'm working on some new improvements for the devices website, after that I'll add more features here
Thanks for the update and provided link. Your work is highly appreciated. -
@capsia really looking forward to this!! thnks for your efforts.
@capsia ah, forgot to ask; will the changes be included in devel-channel?
@messayisto It will be in the dev channel when the request for changes gets merged ( you can check on this link: https://github.com/ubports/unity8/pull/401 )
@Keneda finde das immer noch am nesten schon im Darkmode
@carrabelloy Please don't necro this thread for a comment that will earn you another warning to use English on the forum.
I will lock this thread now, as it has served its purpose by now.
A arubislander locked this topic on