Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
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Hey everybody! My name is Richard but you'll probably see my on here as rchar66. I am a Product Designer by trade here in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I've been working at several companies over the years as a Product Designer now for the past 31 years. Designing all kinds of products from Stereo Headphones, Electrical Motor Components, Interior and Exterior Lighting, Food Service and Medical Carts. And now for the past 10 years I have been designing several different kinds of unloading mechanisms for covered hopper cars in the railroad industry.
My first experience with computers was in the early 1980's when I got my first computer, a Timex Sinclair ZX81, which I still have and it still works! I had to keep it because it was the first time I did some hacking and had to take a full size keyboard and re-wire it to make it work with that computer. The original keyboard eventually failed and beacuse it was on of those thin membrane keyboards and eventually failed from so much use.
After that computer I moved up to a Commodore VIC20 and then a Commodore 64. I used those computers a long time and had a lot of fun with them. Eventually I started using an Intel based PC, at first with just DOS and then Microsoft WIndows. After being completely fed up with dealing with all the issues of Windows, I started reading about Linux.
My first version of Linux was RedHat 5.2. I was able to get it installed but knew nothing about Linux and struggled with using Linux all together. I ended up not really ever using it, but played around with it here and there.
Then a few years later, I found Mandrake Linux. I had read a few articles about it and liked how it looked and decided to give that a try. I decided to install it on a brand new laptop that I bought. I figured I would do a fresh clean install and force myself to learn how to use Linux this time. And I'm glad I did! I started learning how to work on the command line and how to do a "hacking" to make the WiFi drivers work. It was fun and I actually was able to use the laptop for a lot of things and I was learning how Linux worked!
It was a few years after that when I had read about Ubuntu. I wasn't really interested in using Ubuntu, but Mandrake had become Mandriva, I was starting to have some small issues making things work after running some updates, so I thought, why not give Ubuntu a try? And the rest is history as they say.
After starting to use Ubuntu since version 7.04, I am now using 16.04 LTS on 2 System76 Meerkats, 1 is used as a desktop computer, the other as a HTPC on my TV, my laptop is a System76 Lemur and then of course I have my BQ M10 FHD tablet that came with Ubuntu Touch and now I have UBports on it.
From starting to use that Timex Sinclair ZX81 (at the age of 16) to logging in to local BBS's here in Milwaukee with my Commodore 64 to using DOS & Windows on Intel PC's to using Linux now (at the age of 51), I have seen a lot of different computer systems and have learned a lot! And it all of it has been fun! I wouldn't change or trade it for anything else.
Hi, I am a long time user of Ubuntu touch since 2013. Linux user since 2009 or so. I had a SmartQ 5 "pocket computer" running Linux - an early version of Lxde prior to becoming interested in Linux, that's what got me into it I suppose (I still have this device and it still works but I could never manage to keep it up to date) .
The first smartphone I ever owned was the Nexus4 which I only bought because I found out about Ubuntu Touch. I never even used a mobile phone before that apart form one I got free and only kept it as an "emergency" phone.
I was told to get a mobile phone by my wife so she could get in touch "any time she wanted", which is kind of why I did not have a mobile phone n the first place.
She even threatened to by me one but I thought no, I will find something that I can tinker with hence the Nexus 4 installed with Ubuntu Touch.Since I had no experience with smartphones I was quite happy with the Nexus 4 installed with Ubuntu Touch and did not miss the fact that there were so few apps for it. I have used Ubuntu Touch as my only phone OS ever since.
I was a bit disappointed that Canonical has not put more effort into keeping Ubuntu Touch going but am determined to keep using an Ubuntu phone, great work in keeping it going UBports.
I am a bit slow of the mark coming to UBports but I will be migrating my original Nexus 4 and newer Meizu MX4 this weekend.
Is there a migration path from Canonical, or is it best just to flatten the phones and start again? -
Greetings everyone,
I'm not so much a new comer to the project as I am new to the UB Ports community. I formerly worked at Canonical as a lead developer on the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes and was a big mouth in the Juju community. (no really, I talked a whole lot...)
I have admiration for the Halium project and the continuation of UTouch. I just picked up a One plus One to lend a hand with QA of the releases. I may lean on you for help to track down the proper information to attach to a bug report but I do plan on trying to help make UTouch a daily driver, and will post fun hacks I come up with in my hobby time.
Cheers everyone, and may we find good luck on our adventure together.
Hello everyone,
My name is Adrian, I am an Ubuntu user since 12.04, and loved Unity since, I am from Romania and currently at the age of 28.
I am a Java/Spring developer at work and trying to be an open-source developer in my free time, aswell as a casual WoW player.
If any1 is aware of Cumulus & Cumulus-Qt, I am one of the developers of the Cumulus app aswell as being the one responsible for Cumulus-Qt port, which I hope to port to UT in the near future.
Some goals of mine, regarding Ubuntu Touch, for the future are:- port Cumulus-Qt to Ubuntu Touch
- help translations for Romanian language
- develop for Ubuntu Touch(develop features for existing core apps aswell as new)
These I will do in my spare time, after work and when I am not working on something else so I do not promise anything super fast because my experience isn't that great either.(2 years on my current programming job and another aprox 2 years learning diverse languages, so I am not high skilled programmer by my standards)
Anyway ,really hope that Ubports community will increase with time and improve Ubuntu Touch to become a reliable piece of software which will hopefully gather more attention from both the public and developers.
Hi !
I'm a Nexus 5 (hammerhead) user in France. I just tried Ubuntu on my phone and it worked well. What a good job on it! Even if there are minor bugs and some missing apps (like whatsapp), it works well on first startupI would like to help in translations if you do agree! My languages are French (of course) and Spanish !
See you ! -
I'm a long time Linux enthusiast and user and working as an embedded software developer living in the unix/posix world, talking/writing c/c++ most of the time.
I'm currently using ubuntu touch on my meizu pro 5 and also used it before on the nexus 4, the bq E4.5 and the oneplus one. Each of the first three has been (resp. is in the case of the meizu) my daily driver.
I'm really happy to know you guys are here. I'm very thankful for the work done by the designated ubports foundation, canonical earlier and the communities (ubuntu touch/ubports). Unfortunately and luckily at the same time: two children mean very less software developing in my spare time... -
Hi all,
my name is Ingo, I'm from Hamburg, Germany, and quite active in the Fairphone community. After almost 4 years with the FP1 I switched to the FP 2 around 4 weeks ago. Those two were my first two smartphones ever. And now with the FP 2 I installed a custom rom/alternate OS for the first time.
For everyday use I'm on LineageOS, but to support development of alternate OSes I wanted to give Ubuntu Touch a try and see how far I get. Still very new to it, though
I'm Frank and i literally just stumbled across UBports and Ubuntu Touch. To my astonishment i didn't know anything about this until half an hour ago despite me having used various Linux distros (Ubuntu, MINT, Porteus...) at home and at work since ~2011. I promise i will do my own homework but need to ask some questions straightaway:
How does UT work with Whatsapp?
Is there such a thing as a beginner's device ie a device which is easy to install and would work reliably afterwards?
How long would an OS be supported?
Is it possible to install UT on Blackberry Passport for example (which i'm currently using as a backup phone?
How easy is it to sync a UT phone with a laptop/works computer (...long story...)?As i said i only just spotted this website but really like the idea...
I really can't understand what all the people likes about the Whatsapp spy software. I never used it and I don't miss anything. There are many other messengers available...
Whatsapp is closed Source and they don't offer an App for GNU Linux.
But the developers already successfully running Android Applications on GNU Linux via Anbox. You can try it on your local Linux PC and WhatsApp will work.
See here: https://youtu.be/jyp5xI54j5M?t=2036
But it's still in development and not a stable release...It's not possible to install Ubuntu Touch, alias UBports on your Blackberry Phone. Only on the Phones which are listed on the website: https://ubports.com/page/devices
Because ARM processors in most smartphones don't have hardware detection like Intel or AMD. That's why you need to create the System for each specific device. And if the device is closed Source, it's an never ending job. -
@wlbi Lol yes i admit it I use Whatsapp sobs uncontrollably because i have to and i'm also all to aware of certain risks involved with it...
As for you mentioning Anbox (that's something else i haven't heard before...) this may have just given me THE reason why to go out and buy a Meizu or bq and install UT. This thought is 'work in progress' i may add. Thanks for the input (or eye opener) -
My name is Jason John (jsnjhn), I'm 29 from the French speaking part of Canada but now living in Switzerland. I'm a professional graphic designer with web design experience, I'd be happy to give some of my time perhaps helping with visuals, wireframes, front-end, UI & UX. Since we are a few here perhaps we could discuss the design of UT together and look for upgrades.
Hello UBports community.
I'm RP and I am a voice actor, and a recent adopter of Ubuntu Touch (like, 4 days ago) on a second-hand OnePlus One I ordered on eBay.
I've been a Xubuntu user for several years, and it's the main platform I work on except for digital audio workstation stuff where I need to dual boot to Windows 10 (though mainly because I don't know Audacity as well as I know some other proprietary platforms).
Since the RIM 950 I have only ever used BlackBerry mobile devices. Until Ubtuntu Touch came along, none of the BlackBerry knock offs looked especially appealing to me. And unlike so many other mobile Operating Systems, Ubuntu Touch doesn't set out to copy BlackBerry, it instead brings the existing magic of Ubuntu to the device in your hand(s). Glorious.
I am really enjoying the Ubuntu Touch experience, especially being able to SSH into it and hopefully not break it while running things like top and sftp and all that exciting stuff (only light sarcasm, I actually like that I can do those things on a pocket device, at long last).
There a list of things I'd like to see happen with Ubuntu Touch in the long run (SIP phone, SIP phone!), and I am sure everyone has one such list, but not being a developer, I know that at minimum I can sit on the sidelines and cheer the devs on.
(Just like that).
BUT, I'd like to be able to do more than that. If anyone here is a film-maker of any kind of rank, I'd be into comping my voice over services to help make instructional and promotional material for Ubuntu Touch. Comping as in... as a volunteer.
I'm also a half decent proof reader (as I go back to check this message for oopses... found one! edited....), and I am fluent in French so I can voice and proof-read in two languages. Maybe that's helpful. I'm not particularly talented at translation, mind you. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.
More about me and what pass for my accomplishments on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rpthevoice/
Oh and I am also a media host, producer, and event / broadcast MC, and would be happy to comp those services for UBPorts / Ubuntu Touch initiatives too. You never know, IT COULD HAPPEN.
Looking forward to moving forward with this community. Was that too forward?
@arpi Welcome
You may be interested in joining the french UBports telegram group http://t.me/UBports_Fr
There is a discussion beginning about an audiocast in french to launch in the coming days/weeks -
@libremax I appreciate the heads-up, libremax! And that would have been great! I looked into what Telegram is and tried to sign up but it told me (on the web version) I needed to sign up from Iphone or Android and I don't have either of those (I keep a pretty tidy network here, you know).
When I tried using the Telegram App from the OpenStore, it wouldn't go past the screen where it asks for my first and last name. There's also a field for "Code" but I have no idea what to put in there, and if I put nothing, it won't let me go to the next step.
If I had to guess, I am guessing "Code" is something they tried to send me via SMS (though nothing is actually stated saying so), not realising that I don't have SMS capability because I don't have a cell phone number (I use exclusively SIP for telephony).
Hopefully that group will eventually read these posts and reach out to me via the forum! Thanks for letting me know about them.
Hey everyone, I'm Josh. I've been tinkering with Linux for about 14 years now and happened to have a Nexus 5 gathering dust. Ubuntu Touch is definitely a bit of an ideal mobile OS to me.
The concept of convergence really appeals to me. So much so in fact that I even toyed with Windows Phone 10 for the sake of using Continuum. It really isn't as bad as you would expect.
The idea of a phone being a useful computer when attached to a display has been a bit of a holy grail to me for a long time. For instance, my first smartphone was an HTC Touch Pro which I ran Ubuntu on from time to time (it wasn't solid enough to be a daily driver).
From there I had moved to Android and it was okay but kind of mediocre in my opinion. I've never liked the idea that the quality of your software should dimmish just because your screensize gets smaller.
I bought a Smart Q 5 tablet to mess around with Ubuntu on the go but quickly decided it was a bit of a weak experience. It didn't feel well supported at all.
As of right now I have a Galaxy S8+ but I find myself using my old Nexus 5 I bought as a back up phone years ago.
I feel like Ubuntu Touch still has quite a way to go before I can make it my daily driver (I need a phone for work) but it hasn't stopped me from using it all over my home.
I'm really looking forward to updates and I would absolutely buy a phone for a 64-bit port when that comes to pass. Until then I will be tinkering on my Nexus 5...which I am using to post this message from Ubuntu Touch.
my name is miousername and I'm an embedded kernel developer. I use ubports 15.04 r3 on the meizu pro 5. This is my primary phone. Thanks for supporting this wonderfull project! -
Hello everyone,
I'm Matej from Slovakia, I'm 37 years old. For few year I've used UT on bqE5 maintained by Canonical. Recently I've bought new phone FP2 and I've installed UT by Ubports. I'm familiar with linux (10 years no other OS) and I'm using Ubuntu on all my devices. I've a degree in cybernetics and I think I'm slight above average in reading/writing code. I'm familiar with C++ (I hate it), Pascal/Delphi (this was long time ago), PHP (along with html/css/js for work), SQL (for work), Matlab (long time ago for school) and Go/Golang (my current favourite). I've tried other programing languages (Python, Haskel, Java, ...), but I'm just above beginer level in them.
I'm willing to do some help with Ubuntu Touch, so be patient with me and I'm looking forward to make UT better with you.
PS: I speak Slovak, English and German and I'm currently learning Japanese (fresh beginer).
@jezek Hello @jezek and welcome to UBports have a look at https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you underway. Theres lots of info there, and no doubt lots of things for you to get involved in after that. Most importantly enjoy yourself with UBports Ubuntu Touch : )
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