VOLTE (Voice over Long Term Evolution)
You can also try our temporary solution of using Linphone and a sip provider ( we recommend Jmp.chat). It provides VoLTE equivalency and will keep your phone functional after July 1. With the Jmp.chat webapp, you'll even get MMS (with limited notifications). See our North American Issues Telegram group, and i'll be writing something up about it hopefully this week.
We have some progress regarding VoLTE, but nothing that will be usable by July 1.
A AppLee referenced this topic on
Hi @rocket2nfinity , it's great to hear that some progress has been made with regard to VoLTE.
I just want to ask you how difficult it is to implement and when about we can expect working VoLTE. Will it be rather in likely end of this year, early next year, first half of next year, or even later?
I am asking, because I tend to buy a new phone that will require VoLTE in the medium term to place calls. Thanks a lot in advance.
Official communications so far regarding 4G phone calls remain rather hazy. My personal feeling is that Volte will be set up in the medium/long term (impossible to predict a deployment schedule depending on the particularities of smartphones) and that the Volla Phone will probably be one of the first (or the first) smartphone to welcome Volte (i don't know when).
@domubpkm said in VOLTE (Voice over Long Term Evolution):
Official communications so far regarding 4G phone calls remain rather hazy.
Some update here : https://forums.ubports.com/topic/8028/one-plus-6t-mclaren-supported/8?_=1660670499324
@rocket2nfinity said in One plus 6T McLaren Supported?:
IRT (in regard to ?) VoLTE, we've had a lot of progress with the OP6T. We need testers. Please see our North American carrier issues group on Telegram/Teleports
@gt Maybe shorter term for OP6T, much longer if ever, for other devices. It's really complicated stuff.
But, for those devices that won't get it quickly, possibly never, our Linphone+sip solution works flawlessy. It is also an unfinished effort, so it's a little clumsy. But you will get calls and messages. Need testers for this too.
@rocket2nfinity could you point me in the right direction for more info on setting up xmpp/jabber on UT for use with jumpchat and also SIP? I recently got a Pixel 3a, so not the relevant device that was being discussed, but this is certainly a subject I am interested in until 20.04 drops (will donate towards that when able).
@ghost504 You need to join one of the UT Telegram groups, NA carrier Issues, or the main UT will do, and ask for the Linphone app as it is not yet published in the open store for 64 bit devices. Then ask about the Rik Shaw Method for setting it up. One of us will guide you.
We have a guy trying to put together a simplified post to post here, but he hasn't finished yet as it gets complicated in two places. Most so far need a little help. So, we really do recommend going to Telegram/Teleports for that help.
Either way, it also requires a sip provider. I usually recommend jmp.chat They are both inexpensive, easy to set up, and can also do XMPP if our XMPP apps get fixed.
@rocket2nfinity Could you add the NA issues one I don't have that one.
@ghost504 Main UT group link https://t.me/ubports
@rocket2nfinity Thanks but that does not work for me
It works with firefox on my laptop.
Didn't try with a phone. -
@lakotaubp It works if you open it in UT browser. Don't know why it's erroring out in Teleports.
@rocket2nfinity Ok Thats what I was trying.
Edit: Works from Morph. Thanks
@rocket2nfinity Bless. You said jumpchat for xmpp but what about SIP provider? If you could give me a short list of recommended ones I'd be most grateful. This is actually one of the things I was gonna end up trying on UT!
'Either way, it also requires a sip provider. I usually recommend jmp.chat They are both inexpensive, easy to set up, and can also do XMPP if our XMPP apps get fixed.'
From earlier post from rocket2nfinity.
I wrote a while back, in another thread, that maybe start looking on different solutions. Like Linphone=VOLTE/Phonecalls for example and if possible Signal=sms/mms. I have trouble to get mms working because of missing settings in the messaging app, it is very carrier dependent if it works or not, and I am not interrested in switching carrier. How should we go about this? I know a lot of changes comes with the move to 20.04. Maybe hold our breaths until the move is finished(I know we will be very blue in our faces :smiling_face:)? And see what new possibilitys that comes our way?
@rondarius With jmp.chat you can sign up for a Movim account and build a webapp with it (it's in the jmp.chat instructions). It will get you all your sms/mms without the hassle everyone is doing to patch it now. You will have to unsuspend it using UTtweaktool to get your messages in a timely fashion, and you will not get a blinky light when you do. But you will get your messages.
If and when we get XMPP fixed, it will be even better.
@rocket2nfinity Well, nuts. Gotta use telegram to work on getting 4g volte on ubports, and need 4g volte to get signed in to telegram . . . . oops, circular dependency detected. . . . may have to participate by fax or something . . .
Wait . . . I think I got logged back in . . . maybe . . . I hope
Got working somehow . . . . yay . . . . I'm now on the telegram group and ready to help getting ubports working on VOLTE any way I can . . .