Browser limits phone usability
@kugiigi All one can wish for is, unlike morph and QtWebEngine, simplified updates (much less amount of development work) to ensure continued compatibility of websites.
@moodroid said in Browser limits phone usability:
In /home/phablet/.cache/libertine-container/focal/rootfs/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
replace each occurrence of:
Exec=firefox ...
Exec=env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 firefox ...lines 153, 200 and 222
Does that not allow you to do scrolling etc. with the touchscreen?
Thank you very much!
I had put "env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1" after "Exec=firefox..." not before that, so that was probably my mistake. And I missed the first of the three appearances.
I can use the touchscreen now for scrolling etc. That's a great thing! It's pretty smooth in my opinion :smiling_face:
The only flaw is, that the onscreen keyboard doesn't always come up e.g. to type a new URL... Switching to another app and back seems to be a workaround. -
@jojumaxx excellent. Hope it does the job for you until this new browser appears
@uxes "site not found" -? when I click on the link.
@messayisto last artifact two weeks ago -
@domubpkm thanks!
This post is deleted! -
For uFirefox debclicks info see
@messayisto this artifact doesn't work on opo5, rc, focal. It is installed, but has no icon. It is shown under installed apps, but cannot be opened by openstore.
(Sadly I have no logs, I deinstalled the click again, because I use my phone as a daily driver and didn't want to risk anything, sorry for that.) -
I realized, after I set up Firefox, that a Vim shortcut appeared in my app drawer.
It does nothing, when tapped.I didn't install anything but Firefox in my Libertine container, therefore I can't uninstall it.
Where does a Vim shortcut come from? Is that connected to installing Firefox or the Libertine container itself?I don't like a shortcut without functionality...
Should I remove the .desktop file? -
@jojumaxx I think itโs Libertine not Firefox. I just deleted mine.
@domubpkm May I know how to correctly install it? I extracted the latest arm64 zip and open the click file with Openstore. Now openstore sad it is successfully installed but uFirefox can'tbe opened.
@Cubiking The method is good but the .click does not work on your smartphone model.
@domubpkm any reasons for that? Since a browser isn't sth low level, I think it should work on a ut device with near perfect functionality
I really tried to use Firefox for some time now, but often it does not register taps at all or not at the position tapped and too often sites are hard to use due to rendering issues.
Firefox unfortunately turns out to be also quite unusable.
After what I read, uFirefox also is not a real option, yet.Morph is failing on more and more sites.
For me the browser is the most important app on the phone and I can't keep going like this.
Is there another Browser usable through libertine and some tweaks to enable usage on a small touchscreen?
@jojumaxx said in Browser limits phone usability:
For me the browser is the most important app on the phone and I can't keep going like this.
A powerful and fully functional browser on a smartphone is fundamental for all users
Hi @jojumaxx
As I often write and now say, you can come and express that something is annoying for the end user.
That's fine, but it doesn't help in any way.We are all aware of the issue, and there are many ways to react when facing a problem:
- My favorite is to take the matter in my own hands
- Second is to ask how I can help
People get angry, some demand, some others are menacing, ...
IMHO either you have patience and hope for the best or you can try one of the constructive ways I shared.Moem mentioned work done by Alfred on an alternative browser.
You can try donating to keep him motivated on this matter that is important and useful to you.
You can propose your help in testing (or developing if you have the skills).
You can help us bring Morph to a more recent version of Qt (meaning moving from V5 to V6)
You can also help out people working on uFirefox or other alternatives you tried.If I had a magic wand, there would be no post just stating things.
There would be statement + question on how one can act with the skills they have.
Or statement + a tangible and actionable proposal (PR always welcome)We are a community. When one is on the forum they are one of us.
So questions like: what is being done about X?
Those are not helpful if asked to oneself.
Can I do X or Y for us? OR Is it better to do J or K?
Those are useful even if you direct the question to yourself...I'll make a T-Shirt about this and save the world :face_with_tongue:
Sorry for the rant, but people indulge me when I do that from time to time.May Yumi be with you all.
@AppLee wise words, thank you for that! -
Can you please point out for me how to donate especially to Alfreds browser project? - Thanks again and best regards. -
@AppLee I get all that and I am aware.
I am on board as a user since UT started. I always had patience and understanding and supported people if possible.For the following I want tosay first, that I have no insights and mught not be aware of certain things.
I refer to as what UBorts presents itself on the web. An alternative OS for anybody.
I am sure I am not the only one who read stories of people trying UT for some time and then switching back to their former OS since they were disappointed.
Mostly this is, because they simply have no clue of what they hold in their hands.
But the people I know using Android or IOS I couldn't convince even one to switch to UT though for me it's the best.On the device site I read "Runs very smoothly without any flaws. The experience on this device will be comparable to other mobile OSes on the market."
That's simply not true for an average user which UBPorts want to reach. Or amI getting this wrong?
Also my impression is, that the focus of developers often is on things important to them, not the community. There are often things in Q&As I thought about "nice" but doesn't bring the user experience for the average user forward, since he doesn't even get in touch with it.
I hope you get my point.
So maybe UBPorts should name it an OS for people who are willing to renounce and wait if something doesn't work.
But that is not a ready OS comparable to others on the market. You can't expect people to jump on the train if the train doesn't roll (browser, mail,...). In my opinion some priorities over the last years were not set right.Please please don't get me wrong. I just want to clarify this for me and once and for all. I don't want bad blood.
I consider myself as an average user UBPorts want to gather more of.
I also don't have time to read and inform me about everything and other average users may behave similar. Therefore I might have gotten things wrong...?
So I wonder if UT is for me or just for really skilled people.This not meant to disrespect the work of the developers. The opposite is the case, I wish I was that skilled! It's just about the direction and decisions I know too little about!
I'd love to help. I have basic coding skills, but I simply have no time. So I report experiences as a normal user with needs, developers maybe don't always see. I buy devices of Volla who help developing and donate to UBPorts.
That's what I can do.I tried e.g. Volla OS and other degoogled OSes. I avoid apps wherever possible and do things in the browser. I don't really like Android. But basic stuff works on all those OSes, even on Mobian or postmarketOS on the Pinephone (which simply lags hardware). I know, one could write books now on why that is so.
My point is: If UT is praised as working OS for average people, then it should be that. In my opinion, it was, but isn't any more though it could.
It should state, what andfor who it really is.
If that disqualifies me as a welcome user, I accept that I am wrong and won't bother anyone here any more...I really hope, I expressed myself right. I want to stay part of this and I was simply asking for a solution until a new browser is coming.
I am willing to wait but can't get along without a browser. So what am I supposed to do? This is my question...