Call for testing: Ubuntu Touch 20.04 OTA-5
@zubozrout Argh, I have been stung by the Xiaomi naming conventions again!
What I said above pertains only to the Redmi Note 9 (merlin), not the others.
Sorry for the noise.
@arubislander Thank you. So Curtana (Redmi Note 9S) won't receive OTA-5?
Should I switch to RC or Devel to get the latest updates?
Indeed, I did not see any information that this device is "more or less" discontinued, as I just bought it 3 months ago to replace my Nexus 5...It works pretty well on OTA-4 stable, except the vibrator that a fix has already been pushed to devel. That's the reason I was delighted to get stable OTA-5 as well.
@stanwood No, those should also get OTA-5. I will update my answer.
@arubislander Many thanks Arubislander! That's put my mind at rest!
@arubislander Here it goes! Just got OTA-5 Stable on my Redmi Note 9S today!
Update was smooth and no issue at all so far. (except vibrator still doesn't work)
Many thanks for this great achievement!
Redmi Note 9pro
Redmi Note 7
Both updated to OTA-5 (stable) . All seems ok so far.
here are my first experiences with OTA-5 stable on my volla X23 cell phone:
New Problems:
"crazy volla" now every day (before twice a week)
"crazy volla" means: several programs start on their own, sometimes the configurations are also changed. -
recording videos often causes the program to hang.( before no problems)
still open:
- gps metadata in photos incorrect
-after reboot LTE only possible after airplane mode.
bluetooth problems
change volume when making calls does not work. and handsfree is too quiet.
Birthdays multiple times in calendar and not removable.
@Charly If your X23 is under legal warranty, contact the Volla team to explain the problem and try to get it replaced for free..
- Rsses has already crashed 3 times today
- Crashed programs cannot be restarted immediately
Hi @Charly
For bug report and update, it's best to go to gitlab directly.
This post was created to accelerate things during the RC phase.Now that OTA5 is out in stable it won't be fixed until the next OTA.
Did you try full reinstall with ubports installer ? -
No, the phone is like i bought it from volla - exept OTA-5.
Before reaching Volla support if that doesn't work. -
As this thread was created to test the RC that would become OTA-5, and since OTA-5 has been released, I will lock this thread
Any bugs found on OTA-5 going forward should ideally be reported on GitLab. If you would like community input on your particular issue please open a dedicated thread for that.
A arubislander locked this topic on