This week in development (week 52 2024)
@mariogrip Good to hear that 24.04 will see a lot of improvements. Could you please tell us when it is going to be launched?
@mariogrip I think in this stage of develpment of 24.04 it's very interesting to know, what's going on from week to week, especially when it's evolving so fast, like you said.
I've installed it on a Rephone/Volla22 since a few weeks and I've observed, that the OSK is not coming up in some apps (e.g. Morph, messaging-app).
But for now it's running very well -
@kristatos said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
I've installed it on a Rephone/Volla22 since a few weeks
System parameters / update / dev channel ? Not tried 24.04 yet.
@domubpkm What do you mean with system parameters? I've done a fresh install via UBports installer but there's only one "channel" for 24.04 AKA "utnext", as @peat_psuwit told in another thread (but system-settings says "16.04 daily", funny
When your Volla22 is your only phone, then stay on 20.04 until noble is ready, because for now it's not nearly ready for daily use. -
@kristatos said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
What do you mean with system parameters?
I mean that
Ok, the installer.
But indeed, I don't want to juggle between channels and do this if it destabilizes my daily use volla 22. -
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
@mariogrip is there a way I can start working on porting my device to it if it's not in the installer?
@mariogrip said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
I'd like to start posting weekly development updates here on the forums - this is a bit of an experiment, so please let me know if you find these updates useful and what could be improved. The goal is to provide a high-level overview of our development progress.
Is this is only about 24.04 or OS (see my signature to have a clue of my wonder ^^ ) ?
And yes, I bet it will interest lot of people whatever the subject is. -
Just here to say that weekly development updates would be very welcome.
Is this is only about 24.04 or OS (see my signature to have a clue of my wonder ^^ ) ?
Its about a Noble based version of Ubuntu Touch (the OS). As we are currently on a Focal based version and had a Xenial based version before that.
has there been a major change (breaking change?) that makes it necessary to resize the filesystem as a result?
I can't seem to install the latest version 64 (2024-12-23 12:44)
version a few days ago, I believe version 60 went "well" at least bootingI tried installing on top of version 60 via ubports-installer but it ended up boot-looping, then I reflashed the phone back to android and installed latest utnext but ended up in ubports recovery reporting "exit code 256, view recovery logs /cache/ubuntu-updater.log" which is the same error I had when moving from 16.04 to 20.04, which was fixed by resize filesystem "system"
the log file:
Loading keyring: image-master.tar.xz Loading keyring: image-signing.tar.xz umount: /dev/block/dm-0: Invalid argument umount: /cache/system: Invalid argument umount: /system_root: Invalid argument umount: /mnt/system: Invalid argument e2fsck 1.44.4 (18-Aug-2018) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /dev/block/dm-0: 11/196608 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 29884/786432 blocks Formatting: data Keyring doesn't exist: device-signing Applying update: rootfs-1cc30f282c1d6dc014ad80a4b6cf84c82763919be5c2315b9d5b384b0665ddc4.tar.xz mv: bad 'data/*': No such file or directory Keyring doesn't exist: device-signing Applying update: device-3480823f589b096575d103dc137e66ac10d62bdd8f0a4047931864c1a12bf956.tar.xz tar: write error: No space left on device joyeuse:/ # %
@danfro said in This week in development (week 52 2024):
Its about a Noble based version of Ubuntu Touch (the OS).
I meant "about 24.04 version of the OS, or the OS in general".
You answered. -
@Keneda To be honest, I don't really understand what your question is. I simply tried to explain that this post/thread is about noble (aka 24.04) development of Ubuntu Touch.
@Keneda if it's fp5 you're referring too, yes this is pretty much daily driver ready on focal already, for noble it does require more work on the os itself, but the device port is ready. But I wouldn't use noble as your daily driver yet.
@uxes sadly yes it's slightly bigger, this is something we need to figure out, ether by slimming the image down or resize partitions on the fly. LTO has been enabled on nobile, this makes the binaries smaller at the same time, so the increase comes from more code
@tigerpro yes, should be mostly just plug and play, see for the changes that may be needed on pulse config.
@mariogrip I take it that the best advice is to start with a clean freshly wiped device for accurate testing.
My question is to know if that new "week dev thread" is about only noble (24.04), or whole OS subjects (fonctionnalities for instance), or any dev subjects related to UT (like new devices from core team). -
@Lakotaubp I think a device full of data would also be a good testing since most people will the upgrade that way but considering the early stage of the development, data migration might not have been the focus or tackled yet so I guess a clean install would be ideal for the testers.
@kugiigi In that case not a lot works. Updated straight from 20.04 devel. Tried a few core apps all crashed including calls. have moved back to 20.04. Apps tried included system settings, weather, dialler.
Edit: on a FP4 -
@Keneda Thanks for the answer. It would have helped to have clear question to start with.
And I guess only @mariogrip can really answer this question. But I guess this weeks post is about 24.04. From what he wrote, I would assume there will be another post next week that might target other topics. Maybe Marius can shed some light on what he plans.