Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Welcome @dcmike
Here you might find some useful information:
https://ubports.com/meet-the-community -
Hello All,
I am Robert Wurster and I am brand new to UT. I have ordered the UBports CE PinePhone and am looking to get involved in FOSS projects as I am tired of the "Big Three" selling my info to the highest bidder. I am here to put my efforts and resources to work creating an alternative.
I have been a Linux user for the last couple of years and a tech enthusiast as long as I can remember. I look forward to helping out.
I am most interested in getting the word out to more casual users, so that more and more development is feasible.
Robert Wurster
Hello Robert and welcome.If you want to help you can check out the link I put in my previous comment.
You can join our matrix and telegram groups.BR
@rmw408 Greetings, Robert.
Hi there!
I'm Miranda, I'm 24 years old and I've been working as a graphic designer for quite some time now (Macfag here yet only because Serif apps don't run on Linux). I'm responsible for the communications on a NGO called Instituto LGBT+ (an Institute of Culture, Arts and LGBT+ memory), and always loved programming and things related to tech, so I always help as I can our technology team, since we are a very small group, we bounce back and fourth in different areas.
I guess it's been like 2 years that I found out about Ubuntu Touch and was really amazed, because inside tech, topics like privacy, cyber security and community based open source projects are things that I'm completely passionate about.
Right now I'm aiming to finally focus on programming, something that I played with since I was a child (it was dope building a ragnarok server haha) but never felt confident enough to be an actual programmer. As a trans person, the tech world can be pretty daunting, because we never know if we will be welcomed and respected, and I'm still trying to find the guts to deep dive into this big passion I always had for this area. By the way, I use neutral and masculine pronouns (they/them and he/him).
I really wanted to have a phone running Ubuntu Touch, but I'm from Brazil and there's only two sad realities: or the phones that are old and run UT are never found (ebay is not an option because dollar is like almost 6x our currency + taxes) or the newer phones like oneplus one didn't even arrived here yet. I will just keep hoping the dollar goes down so I can buy a Pinephone, haha.
I really want to help with the OS development and applications development, and I'll use my interest to see Ubuntu Touch growing to learn new skills to do so
I'm open to tips on what topics I should learn more about to be truly helpful here!
And I also talk a lot.
What market place do you use to buy online? There is no localised ebay to Brazil?
Sadly, i don't think real will increase as much as 1 to 1 with dollar.
Nexus 5 is quite the same age than 1P1 and may be easier to find on your local market (it costs between 50 to 100$).Here in France, before, when franc was our currency, it was 6.5x lower than dollar, now with euro, 1β¬=1.2$, but we earn 6.5x less euros every month than we earned in franc, adding to this that most companies convert 1β¬ to 1$, and not 1β¬ to 1.2$... So 1=1 does not necessarily solve that kind of problem.
@Keneda we do have ebay here (but the phones I found are imported, never from local sellers so the infamous taxes still apply), and a couple of interesting market places. I searched for the nexus 5 and mostly were broken or in poorly conditions, mostly to retrieve pieces intead of using the phone, although there are tons of replacements pieces and covers for nexus 5. Unfortunately here we don't have the costume of taking really good care of phones to sell it in the future, people usually throw it of or break it. I did found one in good conditions but the seller didn't sent it through post mail and I'm from another city, so no deal
And indeed, with covid-19 I do not see dollar going down so soon, even worse with the actual president.
@miranda Hello and welcome this link maybe useful https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
@miranda Greetings!
I want to introduce myself but my post keeps getting flagged as spam.
@Moem Greetings.
Hello! Trying again... maybe a shorter post will work. I've been reading through people's introductions, and interesting stuff like the meet-the-community page, and it might be time to introduce myself here.
I'm Moem, or at least that's how a lot of folks know me. The name came from one of my favourite books. I'm active in the Dutch hackerspaces community and on the Linux Mint forum where I'm a moderator. I'm Dutch. -
@Moem Hello again and welcome. Let me know if you are still having issues.
I installed Linux Mint five years ago and things went downhill from thereMy first smartphone was an already outdated Blackphone and I enjoyed the option to use as few Google-linked apps as possible. Then a Oneplus One was dropped into my lap, taking things even further down that path. LineageOS is pretty neat. Recently I heard that Ubuntu Touch runs on that phone too! So I got myself a cheap used one with a broken screen glass, and here I am. New glass is in the mail, UT is installed and I like it. Once the phone has been repaired I'll put my SIM in it and see how I like it in actual practice as a daily driver.
I'm not at all a developer but I do enjoy tinkering and UT feels like a community of tinkerers. It feels lively and fresh and I'm happy to be here.
@Lakotaubp Working now, thank you!
lol uTouch not so fresh to me after 5 years using it, but yes you can say that ^^
Welcome :grinning_face: -
I am Michael and live in Germany. Linux-wise I privately left the Microsoft world for Ubuntu about 12 years ago and switched from there to ArchLinux about 3 years ago to tailor the system more to my needs and to aviod regular completely new installs.
I became aware of the Pinephone a while ago and was very interested to have a phone which I have completely under my control.
Ubuntu Touch was not my first choice, but I went ahead and got a Nexus Hammerhead anyway just to tinker with it.
While I am impressed with how well 16.04 is working, the documentation is lacking. Most things I want to know I find in the forum, as some have already had the same question. I really miss documentation on how it "ticks" internally and where to tweak using command line. Like in the ArchLinux Wiki
Update: some help is to be found in the ubuntuusers wiki, but I have the impression there are some differences here.BR Michael
Welcome Michael,
If you want to help with the documentation or anything else, you can start by checking this link: https://ubports.com/meet-the-community -
Hi UT World!
I'm Daniel KuΕΊma from Poland (rubel not dismiss with Russian Rubel currency, is from Tibetan turtle
and I wish to support UBports community as end user promotor. I'm almost 50 so quite old one with the young heart so I hope that I follow you and catch your mindfulness (what I can say about people who are doing that just a great job).
In my past of course I had experience with linux, it was always my love but you know different things and hard time of getting sometimes something to work, work for corporation, always obstacles to have linux as my main machine, finally always failed and sooner or later I had to end up on MS but it wasn't always so long again returning to my favorite but always something. I realized that the reason was that I was trying to solve problems by myself rather than to looking for the help of others I was spending lots of time of reading manuals trying to mess with the code etc.. To be a master You always needs to learn from masters unless you are genius, but learn from master is always the quickest way
Last time when looking for linux phone it was around 5y ago and I saw that is in pretty early stage of development so I've got scary just to see what is going on and I knew that this is not time for me yet.
Now I'm very happy to met You, Your goals seems transparently to my in real not just saying that because make you happy or whatever. We are very very similar I think... lets see..
I just bought one OnePlus One and Nexus 5, waiting to come and will start my new journey, just finish my crazy wind turbine work and finally have back lots of time to make something beneficial for humanity. So.. I know what is going on and know why You are here to.
I've just dive in.. will read what is here in "Your Ocean" presented for general users. When my phones comes I will start my journey, one is going to go as gift to my friend, he is artist and totally not knowing computers from technical point of view, so he will be my tester and I hope that I will be the end user outreach and link with us if get into troubles, sometimes quick link to the manual or just say "at this moment is not working" can save days or weeks messing around
So I will take few Euro for installation, I need to have some money for live, and part for every installation will go to your pocket, this is one of the deals, see how fast it will grow, I hope that this way we all can get faster mature with some stuff, like polish translations, maybe office aps or signal or something like that.. I don't really know, I just know that I wanna support UBports just because I saw You guys and see how much effort, passion and love you put into this and we don't wanna to stop it that this project will stop or fail, never...Well.. What I can say more..?
Wishing You all great job and fun and lets create Our Free World Together!
P.S. When you take a look on my FB (maybe you will check me), maybe you can be little scary of my quite wrathful form of presentation of things. Well this is kind of art more and not aggression calling for making destructive revolution. I'm buddhist and in general peaceful being, with lots of love inside so .. don't get scary please, so I see you folks and I remember me when was in this age to:) We need to do all evolution of awareness before will be to late... -
Hi rubel, welcome.
Here there is no gender, age, color or religion that matters we're all ones and zerosGood choices for the phones you order their well supported.
To begin your journey, there's a telegram channel for new comers to help people install Ubuntu Touch on their device.And you might find interesting content on the link I posted just on top of your post.
@rubel Welcome aboard and have a look here https://ubports.com/meet-the-community for some useful info, and 50 is not old round here at all.