Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
@LDovic Welcome, have a look here:
@LDovic Welcome!
I think one good entryway to developing is via the core apps - as the most experienced UBports developers tend to be busy working on the OS itself, there's not enough people working on the core apps. Should be possible to make a pretty big impact regardless of experience level, and it's probably a good introduction as well.
In case you're interested, they're found on gitlab.com/ubports/apps.
@potet I'd very much like to help with the core apps, I'm assuming linux desktop os recommended?
@LDovic Hi and welcome. Apps for Ubuntu Touch, including most of the core apps, are build using clickable. So yes, a linux OS is needed for developement.
As already has been said, apps are hosted mainly with Gitlab. For some general information to get you started check out our doc . You will also find some links to Telegram groups there.
If there is one of the core apps you like best
head for issues, if you are looking for a starting point. Or if you already have an idea to add THE missing feature just go for it.
Just got here, running UBPorts on PinePhone and Planet Cosmo. -
@MonCon Hello and welcome. Have a look here for some info https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
Just installed on the Nexus 4. Lot of comments. Lot of work to do. This thing is awesome!
@TotalRando Hello, welcome and good to see you enjoying UT. You might find this link interesting https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
Hi everybody!
I'm Mathieu from french alps, 35 years old and I use UT since 2 weeks on a Xiaomi redmi 7 onclite and I really enjoy it! It works quite normally for an unofficial ports. I study electronics at school but I almost never works in it for differents reason ( to ski and mtb almost everyday ) but I still lovin it. I already read the Ubports docs and many post of the blogs thanks to advices of @libremax on the french forum.
I'm linux user since only 2 years and I use Raspberry pi for "tv", it's awesome for 40€ computer!
I really want to see what UT will become and maybe be a part of it.
On this page https://ubports.com/fr/meet-the-community some links doesn't work.
So keep going and enjoy! -
@tchan Thanks for pointing out the link issue. Will see about getting it sorted.
@tchan Greetings, Mathieu.
@TotalRando Greetings. :hand_with_fingers_splayed_light_skin_tone:
@MonCon Welcome aboard!
@tchan Links should be fixed now.
Hello All
I am David, from France and I was using an Aquaris BQ4.5 Ubuntu edition since 2015. A few weeks ago I switch to A Xiaomi MI A2 on witch I installed UT. This is my daily driver.
I am a normal person, not a DEV
and I run Linux on my personal computer since I first install Debian on my Amiga. Yes I know I am very old.
I never been to UBPorts forum as I never had any issue with My BQ, but even if the new Mi A2 is working pretty good I had to do some fixing and most of the resources where here, so here I am.
Hi @nodorf and welcome
Here you can find some interesting info:
Also check out the FAQ:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/6838/frequently-asked-questionsI'm glad you had a good experience with UT.
@nodorf Welcome (Bienvenue), David!
Hello everyone! I'm James from Norway and happy to join you!