Ubuntu Touch VS Sailfish VS KDE Plasma OS OnePlusOne
... and it's good too!
What all security features does this browser have? I know with the brave browser it has a ad, script, and phishing blocker built in. It also has fingerprint protection and https upgrader built in. Does this browser have anything like that? Ex: (extensions that do the same?)
Sorry if this has turned into a lot of different questions just seeing if I can turn this into a daily given my usage. Is it even possible to port android apps over to Ubuntu Touch?
What all security features does this browser have? I know with the brave browser it has a ad, script, and phishing blocker built in.
To my knowledge, only a Private Mode. But healthy behaviour is, in my opinion, sufficient to ensure a proper level of safety
@libremax There is also an advertising blocker, through an external application, that works quite well: uAdBlock
Thank but I can't find uAdBlock neither in https://uappexplorer.com/ nor in https://open.uappexplorer.com/.
No result with an internet search either -
@libremax i don't no, why the search function is not showing this... https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/uadblock.mariogrip
Thanks, I may try it someday.
How do i try sailfish on the Pro5?
@wdehoog I tried installing with multirom ubports and sailfish, but when updating sailfish does not start the installed system, I have a oneplus one
Sorry for asking but what exactly are you doing? Which files are you using to flash ubports? Which files are you using to flash sailfish? What do you mean with 'when updating sailfish'? Which installed system does not start? -
@wdehoog first I put a multirom twrp, ubports I flash it from multirom with multirom nanager and sailfish from add rom in multirom.in reference to the system that does not start commenting that I install sailfish the latest version I do a pkcon refresh & update and when restarting it does not start sailfish remains the screen with the oneplus one logo.
This thread is really old. I think it may be best to start a new thread to discuss this bearing in mind the main purpose of this forum is UBports and Ubuntu Touch. Also we don't support dual boot even though a few have done this.
@Lakotaubp I apologize for having used this forum, but seeing that this developer was here, I wanted to ask you a question.
@ricardo65 hi, of course there's no problem using this forum! What @Lakotaubp is saying is that is more effective and way better to start a new thread than dig up one so old
Unfortunately multirom images for recent ubports seem not available.Am I right to conclude you got sailfish working but after
pkcon update
it fails?If not please start here https://github.com/wdehoog/sailfish-bacon-images/wiki on looking how to install sailfish on your oneplus one. If you have an unaddresses problem you can create an Issue on github.
This post is deleted! -
@advocatux I apologize for having used this forum asking for the solution of another operating system. but I saw that this developer was here and I asked him.
@wdehoog I've already put it on github