HI all,
I am considering buying a Volla 22.
I wrote to Volla guys and they told be, if interested to use the dual boot, to buy a Volla22 with preinstalled the Volla OS and put Ubuntu Touch on microSD-Card. They told that it is not working the other way round.
Has anyone experience in it?
How should I proceed to load the UT on the microSD card? Using the UBports Installer?
Thanks to all

Best posts made by MV
Dual Boot on Volla 22
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi all,
I'm Marco from Italy. I use an E5 HD with UT. I really love UT. I hope I can continue to use and upgrade this phone or at least that the project will go on to have a new working OS fpr smartphone. Good luck to all the community. All the best! -
Ringing volume and other issues
Hi all,
received the Volla phone and i'm happy with it.
Anyway since some days I'm facing some 'not fundamentals' issues.
-First of all after have tried to change some setting (volume and vibration), now the ringing volume is really low (difficult to hear) despite the indicator is at max level.
Already tried to change settings, type of ringing, exclude vibration, turn off and on again the phone but no benefit.-Time on the right top corner: the second number of minutes displayed is unreadable, 'cutted' by the display rounded corner!
A third 'issue' is with the fingerprint setting. At the end of the procedure, the display shows 'All done' with green flag on a black background. The bottom of the display is white.
I wait some second and nothing happened. I tried to tap the display but nothing. Only after some attempts the fingerprint procedure goes back the the setting menu.
Is a matter to be patient or is an 'issue'?
RE: Where is librem 5?
Really sad to read these things. I joined the Librem5 crowfunding only because seemed there was an agreement with UBports. I'm using an Aquaris E5 HD that works fine but with a 'old and slow hardware'. I was really excited from the Librem5 idea. I should receive my phone for the end of this summer (I hope). Reading your messages seems me to understand that I'll not see UBTouch on it
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
@Jaime Hi Jaime, how does UT work on Fairphone?
Recharge and 'FastBoot mode' displayed
Hi all,
also after the last update to OTA16, I faced the same problem when Volla phone is 'off' and connected to be charged.
No problem if I turn off the Volla. But if I connect the plug to charge the battery, the display turn on, Volla logo appears, and then in the lower left corner appears 'FastBoot mode...'
To turn it on again, I need to push on/off and volume swtiches. Is it a known bug?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 77 Saturday 6th Of June At 19:00 UTC
@UBportsNews Hi all and thanks all the community for the great job is doing. I'm following UBports from the beginning and some weeks ago I decided to use as 'primary ' phone my Aquaris E5 (the original Ubuntu Edition and pass the Android Aquaris X5 Plus phone as backup).
I'd like to know if there will be some development in the future to port the Librem5. When I decided to join the crowdfunding, it was mainly because it seemed that there was a collaboration and in the future the chance to port Ubuntu Touch on the Librem5. In theory I should receive it, the Evergreen batch, in August. Can I still hope that Ubuntu Touch will be ported on it? -
RE: Volla phone touch screen freeze.
I got the same problem. The Volla support suggested to try to clean the display, and eventually to send it back.
I cleaned it but no result. I suspect is a display problem. -
RE: Update 16.04 on BQ E5 HD
@lakotaubp Done. It seems now works all. I still have a problem with Telegram. I'm not able to finish the procedure: code received, typed inside but allways the 2 minutes timer arrives to the end. Tried to request the call but nothing. Strange...
Latest posts made by MV
RE: Teleport: Images not being send if attached to messages
A friend has the same problem with Teleport on her Vollaphone22 with Xenial.
Despite it seems that attachment of image (from the gallery) and the the sending is ok, no images are received. -
RE: No ringtone or message tone
Problems solved on the Volla with UT doing an update.
On my one with dual boot, there are no updates available now through the Vollaboot loader and the phone continues to not ring with incoming calls -
RE: No ringtone or message tone
Hi all,
me and a friend of mine have a similar problem.
2 Vollaphone both with stable 20.04 on them.
The first one is a Volla22 with UT and the other one a Volla22 with UT on dualboot.
To both, after some weeks the phone stopped to ring with incoming call. Only vibration.
I went in notifications and i found the list of the app that are using 'sound' and there is not the phone...
Any idea?
Thanks -
RE: Volla22 Xenial Teleports
Thank you very much. I have to see if I'm able to do what they say -
Volla22 Xenial Teleports
Hi all,
in the last months some friends of mine decided to do the big step and change the phone with UT.
More or less quite all of them are facing some 'problems' and I'm trying to help them.
One of them has a Volla22 with Xenial (stable channel).
I see that Teleports still not have the header and setting on the top bar. Is it for all UT?
I mean, is there any more updated version or the situation is same for all?
Thanks -
RE: Volla X23 and UT-Tweek Tool
@Lakotaubp said in Volla X23 and UT-Tweek Tool:
@MV I think your friends phone will be UT 20.04 and a version of UT Tweak Tool is not yet available for 20.04. However it may not be to long now until there is.
Hi Lakotaubp, are there other ways to change the size of icons or is too complicate and is better to wait for the UT-Tweek Tool for 20.04?
Thanks -
Volla X23 and UT-Tweek Tool
HI all,
I write here because there is not a specific X23 device 'folder'.
A friend of mine bought the Volla X23 with UT OS.
I had a Vollaphone with UT on which I loaded UT-Tweek Tool (usefull for many things like to change the size of the icons on the lateral bar).
It seems me that UT-Tweek Tool doesn't fit on X23 for its different OS version.
Am I wrong?
Is there an another manner to change the icons size on the lateral bar on the X23?
Thanks for any suggestions.