Hi, I'm running OTA 17 and the incall sound seems to fade to the point that i can hardly hear the person on tge other end of the call. Hopefully this os what this post is about.
Does anyone know if there is a solution available or coming?
Hi, I'm running OTA 17 and the incall sound seems to fade to the point that i can hardly hear the person on tge other end of the call. Hopefully this os what this post is about.
Does anyone know if there is a solution available or coming?
@moem at one point I was able to have 2 watches registered but unfortuantely i can't remember how.
With dismissing notifications, if you press the right middle button the first option is dismiss which should dissmiss the notification on the phone as well as the watch, this has never worked. You are correct in saying that pressing the back button dimisses notifications but this is on the watch only.
Hi, I have number of pebbles as well and I have had 2 registered with Rockwork. As with the orginal android app I have found that only one watch can be connected at one time.
However, my issue with rockwork is not being able to dismiss notification.
@lduboeuf yes, there is an issue listed on gitlab but not with nextcloud.
@jiho Hi, yes I would find that very useful and I would like to test if possible.
I wasn't sure were to put this but I am trying to add my nextcloud server via the online accounts but the keyboard doesn't pop up. The keyboard works fine for everything else. Is this a known isssue? or does anyone know of a fix.
I noticed something similar on the gitlab issues.
I am running OTA 16 on a oneplus3t.
@strutter66 I had the same issue with my pebble time. I unpaired the devices and completely started again. The result is that my pebble works well but I am still unable to dismiss notifications.
I can help with this as my Nexus 5 is now spare after switching to a ONO for my daily driver.
The recent update to OTA 6 has done something that enabled me to have a decent connection to my pebble time watch. However, I am unable to dismiss notifications so it is getting there. I think I must be missing something in the set up.
@matteo Thanks, I checked the rockwork github for the issue and didn't find it listed. I have confirmed that I also have the issue with the added info about the pebble OG siuation.
One of the issues that is holding me back from having my Ubports nexus 5 being my main driver is having my pebble watches working.
I currently have my Nexus 5 (hammerhead) running the latest 16.04 (OTA5) with the Xenial version installed.
The original pebble connects fine but I am unable to pause/stop music and dismiss notifications.
With my Pebbletimes, The watch shows 2 to 3 times with 2 variations in the title shown, I have tried both but after the initial connect, connection is not shown within the app.
Thanks for any help.
@cibersheep Thank you for the welcome, I have installed the app and tried to use with varying degrees of success but connection seems a big issue. I am going to try contacting the developer or post on the forum over the next few hours.
@Lakotaubp Thankyou as well, I have sent him a PM
My name is Ashley from the UK. I am an archaeologist and I've been using Kubuntu for a while although I recently switched to KDEneon, I have no coding experience but plan to learn over the coming winter. I tried Ubuntu touch a year and half ago on a nexus 5 hammerhead with little or no success, I tried again a couple of months ago with far greater success and would like to completely move over from Android. One of the main issues stopping from the complete switch is my love of pebble watches which I am currently unable to set up.
I would like to help with this project in some way.