Thank you for your comments.
I feel my position is so hard to explain and whenever I try it feels like failure.
I am reading so much and try to gather information, yet I get the feeling I know nothing. I consider myself a normal user though I have a little programming background which helps me to understand some things or to help myself in some cases.
Ubuntu Touch targets "normal" people, right? So I don't know if I am about to reproach myself for the fact that I don't exactly know who develops what and who exactly is responsible for what.
Maybe I can gather a better overview somewhere?
My reality (the one of a normal user) is, that I have several phones running Ubuntu Touch. I was able to use them as my only daily driver. For a long time I didn't even have an Android phone.
But the eco system mostly has one app for one need. Over time, developers/maintainers dropped support for whatever reason.
E.g. me and most people I know communicate over Matrix servers. We got Cinny. Cinny starts failing more and more (e.g. emoticons and symbols are not usable any more). I read, the dev had to drop it due to health reasons. I wish him all the best. But that leaves me with the only alternative to use a web based client. That's not optimal due to notifications not coming up.
I was depending more and more on web apps and therefore on the browser, which is totally ok for me. The browser became the most important app to me - the browser, the only app keeping UT alive and usable (at least for me). If you are told then, that the browser's increasing failing on sites is not easily solved but we're not really doing something about it until 26.04., it's pretty annoying. Especially because I think one could have seen that coming. And I feel the solution is not to tell average users to use Waydroid.
What do you tell people who bought an expensive phone with the promise of an experience comparable to other OSes on the market, to explain this?
I counted on Volla phones, since they are new and come pre-installed and have a company as maintainer... But it's not an advantage. Compared to the Pixel 3a it's not worth it.
Another point concerning Volla is, that the UBPorts installer fails on 90% of attemps to flash a Volla Phone. I got all 4 Volla phones, all running UT by now, so in this case I know what I'm talking about.
That leaves me with expensive hardly usable phones, that will likely brick on the attempt to flash something else. I went through a lot concerning this.
I do not have too much money. Each time a new phone was released I was hoping, the UT is running better on it and I saved money to buy it. And I could distribute them in my family or even sell to colleages and convert more android users. But in that state, I can't convince them.
I spend so much money, time and effort in getting things to work, I just don't want that any more, because I am buying phones ready for end users, right? I shouldn't have to bother with half of the stuff not working. If I buy a Pinephone, they write there in red, that everything is in a beta state and might not be usable as daily driver.
The UBPorts website says more or less everything works fine. I think the Pine64 hint would be more suitable right now.
And even though I know, that Volla has most of the money for the phones I bought, I'd like to get what was promised and what I paid for and that's my point. In case of Pinephones, I knew before, what to expect and that's ok since these phones don't even cost half the price.
Then I listen to Q&As and so on and it all seems to be about things just not necessary to make the basic system just work.
So how does the future look? Will I have a working browser again?
Will I have a touch phone again? What about the other stuff? Maybe you should directly ask the community, what really is needed and concentrate on that. I can't imagine I'm the only one having these issues. And as I said, before I have to do 80% of my stuff within Waydroid, which sucks my battery empty in no time, I just use an Android phone.
I hope you get my point. And the questions, as a not too deep involved person are:
Why can't I just install apps like on any Linux system? Is that prevented by design or is that just not possible?
You know, the pinephone works better concerning this, but lacks hardware. Can't these two approaches just come together?
There's Mobian on the Pinephone. Ubuntu is based on Debian. Is Ubuntu Touch an own thing or still based on Debian?
Why don't I have the "freedom to break my device"? It feels like using and Android phone with the Termux App is the same linux experience at the surface for people like me.
If Volla sells a UT phone, what do the developers/maintainers of Volla do and what exactly does UBPorts? Where exactly is the deviding line? Who is doing what on such a port?
Why does the focus lie on convergence? As I said before, we have Libertine and Snaps, without any usage on a touch device. At least my devices get hot when trying to use them as a PC. So the question is just why? While the rest of the system needs caring so badly.
And here we close the loop since I'm back at the beginning. Who does develop what and why? and what's the future looking like?
If I could get back the money for the phones, I'd sell them immediatly. I'd just have a Pixel 3a and check by from time to time to see how things go. But since that is not going to happen and besides the fact that I was dumb enough to buy them, I just wonder what to do now (remember: flashing another OS fails on those phones in 3 of 4 times. I'm done with that) (keep an eye on ebay).
So what would be your advice for someone like me who bought phone after phone believing it's getting better on the next one? As a non involved person, should I have seen that coming? How could I have known that? Or could I and I was too blind? Too dumb? In my opinion here's clearly a lack of communication and information - for avaerage users at least, you're aiming at.
I wish I could help by getting into app development, but the apps I need are not currency converters... To be able to do something about the really important apps I would need way more knowledge, time and experience.
I am the first to contribute again with money, if I get a working touch device again...
Thanks for reading until yout got until here!!!