• Volla x23

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    From what I have found out from TheKit is that most parts needed for voLTE are merged but have not reached 20.04 Devel yet. When volte is working there may still be an issue with the x23 in the USA may well be the bands and the up coming Quintus may be a better option.

  • Ubuntu Touch as second operating system

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    Thank You. I contacted them via email and got a reply, that the update will be available soon. However it takes already few weeks since the reply. Might be I just have to be more patient.

  • probably bricked my X23 trying to flash VollaOS properly

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    @rubencarneiro : Your are welcome.

    By the way as Info for all, that are seeking having VollaOS on their phone, even when it comes with ubuntu touch. I think now to sideload Volla OS is much easier, because when I did Install Volla OS with ubport I had the situation, that it loaded VollaOS12.1 and got an error message that the phone has been manipulated. It took me also quite some time to update to volla OS 13. I have seen in different posts in differen forums, that people normaly live with that. But I have now no error message at the beginning and as I have understood from Ruben, that the sideload way also flashes the boot partitions, so everything is fully conform for Volla OS and secure now.

    If my thoughts are wrong, please correct me for the help for other Volla Phone Users. Thanks Dom

  • Bluetooth Headset buttons not working

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  • Anyone tried installing another OS on a Ubuntu Touch X23

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    @Pingu Thanks I took a look and the ubports installer does offer to install volla OS. I'm going to learn more about volla OS before making a decision.

    I'm too dependent on android apps to carry on using UT on my daily driver after 9 years enjoying the ride with UT and muddling through. It's not the fault of ubports .

    More and more busineses are cutting costs by developing apps instead of websites. Banks won't allow their apps to run on Waydroid (it's virtualized so seen as insecure). My bank was clearly exasperated at being asked by yet another customer.

    I can't get into music concerts without displaying an android app

    Several apps need hardware access not yet supported in Waydroid. My hifi remote control is an android app needing Bluetooth access. Another app needs wireless access to my camera.

    An NHS supplied weight loss course required I use an android app with Bluetooth access. No android device was provided on the grounds 'everybody has a smartphone'.

    Cryptocurrency companies are almost entirely app only, many needing camera access to scan barcodes.

    When we say 'app' we mean a piece of software able to run on only two operating systems, both American, with strong links to the American deep state. Both openly accepted as in reality invasive surveillance devices, feeding into the American NSA.

    I would blame weak western governments, but it's. common knowledge every western politician and news outlet is under the thumb of the CIA. And this is exactly where the pervasive surveillance comes in. It's true the American deep state has little interest in any of us. Until that is we make waves or act politically. Then the dirty laundry comes out of the NSA archives, ensuring through bribery and blackmail the compliance of another decision maker.

    You may preserve your privacy online, but your friends and family are all gossiping about you online leaving a trail of information.

    I'm long in the tooth and remember computers began as completely 'free' and private systems, that freedom taken step by step over 50 years.

    For my current needs the most practical route is degoogled Android. Over a longer period I hope that ubports and Waydroid can fill the need. I'll continue watching progress and hope to return to Ubuntu touch as my daily driver in the next 2 to 3 years.

    My best wishes to the ubports team.

  • Volla OS (Volla Phone x23) to Ubuntu Touch

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    25 Posts

    To complete on the security aspect, the confinement of apps makes Ubuntu Touch also more secure in this way.
    Meaning that installing a "bad" app will have a lesser impact.

    The trade off at the moment is that we have an unlocked bootloader which creates security issues in case of stolen or lost device.

  • The state of Volla x23, for all users out there.

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    When will there finally be a subcategory for the volla x23? The device has been around for a long time now.