Thanks for the reminder. Voted for this beautiful project and beautiful hard working people. Spending their spare time for just helping other people and making this project for what it is. And it is something! Thank you. Hope it helps

RE: Proton Lifetime Account Charity Fundraiser
RE: Music app update 3.2.1
Same here on Pixel 3a XL.
If you want to use the app in the meantime, while it is being fixed, you can install the older version from the open store:
RE: Whats your solution for WhatsApp?
@Dunbrokin I use the link under the picture of the Googleplaystore.
RE: Signal App for UT
@lkroll said in Signal App for UT:
@Tobi79 You can also use Matrix with a Signal Bridge as a workaround.
Do you know a good article how to accomplish this option?
RE: (Forum) In the unread threads I only see threads from two days ago.
@Bolly sorry I misunderstood. I can not see what you mean because I visit the forum more often.
RE: (Forum) In the unread threads I only see threads from two days ago.
@Bolly it is not the case here. Delete cookies?
RE: 20.04 Focal: uNav freezes with GPS enabled
Had the same only can it trigger on another way.
- enable gps
- start Unav
- search destination and confirm
- then hit the button to begin the route so gps will start searching
- cancel by searching new destination and confirm
- hit the start button and the freezes
Indeed looks likesomethingbwith gps
RE: Volla Phone 22 Raffle Winner
Okay, okay. I'm a little disappointed :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
RE: android-gadget-service
@hunter616 Have a look over here:
You are looking for usb_moded. This works fine when your dekstop is Linux.
On your phone go to the terminal:
usb_moded_util -c rndis //activates USB Tethering
On your desktop go to the terminal:
ip a
Now you'll see an usb0 in the list. In my case the desktop connects to the phone and I have an internetconnections throuh the phone.
usb_moded_util -m //gives a list of all modes you can choose from
usb_moded_util -c mtp_adb //default mode for adb and charging
usb_moded_util -c rndis //activates USB Tethering
etc. -
RE: Teleports
Remove TELEports from your phone and delete every trace of it. The last step I choose adb.
On your desktop in Terminal:
- $ adb shell
- $ cd .config
- $ rm -r teleports.ubports
- $ cd ..
- $ cd .local/share
- $ rm -r teleports.ubports
Then I installed version 1.17 from the openstore. I think 1.18 would have worked too but I thought, just to be sure.
After installing and setting up with the country code and phone number, I reciefed a message on Telegram (desktop and iPhone version). And now it works like a charm!
I think the problem occured in the first place, because I was new to Telegram. So I did not have an account already, before installing.
RE: Teleports
@MrT10001 Thank you for your answer.
So I tried my BQ E4.5 phone on Xenial and intalled TELEports there. No problem. I'm getting a Telegram message. Works like a charm.
I also tried other versions from the online store. None seem to send a message. So can this be a Pixel 3a thing? Anyone with this phone using TELEports?
Today tried Teleports but can't get it to work. The problem here is I don't get a Telegram message with a verification code.
I installed Telegram on my iPhone. After that I installed Telegram on Waydroid. Waydroid ask for a verificationcode that I could find on the iPhone in Telegram. Then I installed Teleports, which alse sends a message to my Telegram account, but I'm not getting any.
Even the desktop version is working ok in Ubuntu desktop.
Code was send for a couple of times now. Also installed an older version of Teleports (from de online UBports store) but this doesn't do it eather.
Any ideas here?
RE: waydroid update
@mihael But it got updated?
Maybe the update funtionality broke because you used the terminal way of updating in the first place?
- Try a reinstall off Waydroid?
- Try looking in the logging app?
RE: waydroid update
@mihael New update. What changes after the update:
buildnumber: 62 test-keys -> 63 test-keys
build-date; today's date
LineageOS-version: 18.1-20231103-V...
Vendor security patch level under Android version like you metioned also unknown here
Android security update still on 6 october
RE: Pendrive
@hunter616 For both Focal (Pixel 3a XL) and Xenial (BQ E4.5) it recognizes the pendrives. Recognizing meens the envelope on the topbar lights up green, and I hear a sound. In Focal I can not eject the drives, so when I remove it from the phone and put another pendrive in, it does not react to the new drive anymore. In Xenial I don't see this behavior. After a reboot it works again.
Ejecting in Focal does work in the Terminal app ($ umount /media/phablet/name-off-pendrive)- Can you try after a reboot?
So you do not get the message the drive was attached. But have you also checked the filebrowser app if it shows up there? In the filebrowser you should tab on the hamburger menu.
- Can you try the filebrowser app?
The drives are formated as isofs (Ubuntu install drive), msdos (Windows install drive :astonished_face: )
RE: Nextcloud calendar sync not working
Nextcloud (I have Owncloud) sync is working correctly with my phone and server. When I do
account-console show x
I get the same "DeprecationWarning". So this will not be your problem.But I see another difference in the output.
name: nextclouduser-name@owncloud.domain-name.euSo I think you should only give the base url when you add the nextcloud account in accounts. Could this be your problem?
Oh, and I choose Owncloud, not generic. So that could be why these lines are different.
RE: Only a few hours left to win a Volla Phone 22
@UBportsNews Thank you for mentioning
RE: WayDroid unstable on 20.04
@mkarpicki then you start apps from within Ubports. That way I also had your problem. What you should do, start Waydroid and then start the Android apps from wihiitin Waydroid.
When you start apps like this you only see the app icon of Waydroid in the Ubports starter.