@jiho nice
the audio call not work, also fingerprint.
I'm working now to fix this issues
RE: Nexus 5X (Bullhead)
RE: Nexus 5X (Bullhead)
@jiho can you reboot to recovery twrp,
Then :
adb shell ls /data
verif if android-rootfs.img & rootfs.img exists
Also can you give me the log under
/data/system-user/var/logAlso you must format data partition before install to remove any encryption
RE: Nexus 5X (Bullhead)
@jiho thanks
Did you installed vendor.img?
There is twrp install file which more simple and it install all needed files
https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=9180008750105244726 -
Nexus 5X (Bullhead)
I want share my work with any wants test and help for porting this device.
You can download this file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R_BUT-I0-YNfM1Et6mGi_AcqpEituXQh/view?usp=sharing
which contains:- system.img
- vendor.img
- halium-boot.img
Code source :
1- Reboot to recovery mode (twrp)
2- Install halium-boot.img
3- Install vendor.img to vendor partition
4- install Ubuntu touch read this :https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/build_and_boot/Halium_install.html
LG Nexus 5X (bullhead)
I am not responsible for bricked devices
I have start the port of UT on LG Nexus 5X(bullhead), current state, what work :
Touch Screen
Camera (on first boot if system tell you for permission, just reboot phone)
GPS (tested with uNav)
What not work yet:
How to install :
1- Download this ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip
2- Backup your data, boot, vendor partition (system not needed) if you want return back to your current rom
3- Format data partition (format to remove any encryption setting)
4- Copy ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip in internal disk of your phone
5- install ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip like regular ROM
6- reboot.Password : 1111
- for wifi you must wait few seconds
- for camera, first boot maybe will not work (permission missing), so reboot phone after setup it.
Best Regards
RE: Lg v20 variant
Finally i finished the port for device H910, I will upload this night. For more information please read this:
https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/300 -
Lg v20 variant
For LG V20, i finished the port for H910, its beta version need more test and fixe bugs.
Download link : https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=14871746926876820212Installatio:
1- backup your data and boot partition. System partition you can take it, we not use it.
2- Download ubuntu-touch-h910-01-01-2020.zip
3- Install the zip
4- RebbotPassword : 1111
RE: LG V20 T-Mobile (h918)
@unklebonehead you have h918 variant ? if yes you can't install twrp by adb , you must use lafsploit .
RE: LG V20 T-Mobile (h918)
@unklebonehead i will upload new version bugs fixed : camera.
RE: Ubuntu Touch on LG G6 (h870 model): call for testers
@Guf said in Ubuntu Touch on LG G6 (h870 model): call for testers:
Annoying flooding of errors in dmesg with the following message: "IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_bind: pm-service Do not have permissions" . It unfortunately drains battery
Hi i have ported LG V20, same hardware and manifacture. for this error
Annoying flooding of errors in dmesg with the following message: "IPC_RTR: msm_ipc_router_bind: pm-service Do not have permissions" . It unfortunately drains battery
Didi you added SECURITY_ANDROID_GID_CAPABILITIES in your kernel ?
see this
http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/wifi.html -
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
I removed both minimediaservice & miniafservice, camera don't work, got "Camera service not found", but the driver is loaded correctly and system detect 3 cameras.
I think there is problem in sensor or sound, because got many errors in logcat.
Also why /data/misc/media is empty, there is no media_codecs_profiling_results.xml. -
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
Yes, android_getCpuFeatures i fount it builded in halium (libskia.so)
and i added libskia.so to libbwfocuspeaking.sopatchelf --add-needed "libskia.so" lib/libbwfocuspeaking.so
Also i updated camera libs , got camera work.
Make photo work , not very good, but i can take photo.
Video record no. I will investigate it more and return to you for HELLP
Best Regards and thankouy -
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
i'm tried to remove the dependcies i ran this commandpatchelf --remove-needed "libjnigraphics.so" vendor/lge/v20-common/proprietary/lib/libfilm_emulation.so
got this error
E HAL : dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "android_getCpuFeatures" referenced by "/system/lib/libbwfocuspeaking.so"...
This method android_getCpuFeatures i think its part from android NDK
Edit : i found it in libskia.so extracted from stock romnm -D libskia.so |grep android_getCpuFeatures 002ffca8 T android_getCpuFeatures
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
@peat_psuwit Thankyou very much for your reply
First note is camera.msm8996 driver can't load without added libjnigraphics.so, libandroid-runtime.so and 17 others blobs files. I extracted them from cm-14.1 rom and added it to my system.img to make driver HAL camera happy and load.
I tried remove dependencies with patchelf but not work (got methods unknown errors).Second note :i tested camera with gst-inspect-1.0 got this error
** ERROR:gstamchybris.c:1286:scan_codecs: code should not be reached ** ERROR:gstamchybris.c:1286:scan_codecs: code should not be reached No such element or plugin 'androidmedia'
With droidmedia logcat show me this
ServiceManager: add_service('SurfaceFlinger',9) uid=1000 - ALREADY REGISTERED, OVERRIDE ServiceManager: service 'SurfaceFlinger' died ServiceManager: add_service('media.player',10) uid=1013 - ALREADY REGISTERED, OVERRIDE ServiceManager: service 'media.player' died
Thats why i used old camera_service with no hope to make video record work.
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
@peat_psuwit said in How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port):
ps ax -H
The device is LG V20 tmo h918 based on halium-7.1 and i used stock kernel for nogat 7.0
ps ax -H : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bF2t6MgwQZ/
Also i added camera_service in init.qcom.rc to force start media record
service camera_service /system/bin/camera_service
class main
user media
group audio cameraThis is error in logcat
https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7rdQg83CbP/ -
RE: How to: test GStreamer-droid based camera support in Ubuntu Touch (for Halium 7.1 based port)
@peat_psuwit i tested it and video record not work got this error
ServiceManager: Waiting for service android.media.IMediaRecorderFactory...