@stanwood This worked fine on my Sony Xperia X Performance (F8131). Thank you!
RE: Can't add a google account
RE: "Desktop" should be background-picture + Icons
@pulsar33 Thank you, that is the discussion I like. You give me an example for a reason why this kind of desktop is useful, in this case as a digital picture frame.
RE: WLAN always rising numbers of connection name and asking passwort
@zubozrout Thanks for the hint!!!!
I upgraded the firmware with the official Sony Flash Tool and after the next installation via ubports (with "developer"-option) everything looked different. Attention: Nearly no apps worked until I repeated with the "wipe all data"-option, at the same time switching to "stable". Now it works in the intended way.
Though the WLAN-PW-problem is not solved. But I guess it will when OTA-19 is stable for my device.
How to find out installed version and how to update
I have several issues on my Sony Xperia X using Ubuntu Touch.
First of all, I have been asked to update the system. Which is not as easy as it seems.
1.) In "Info" I can only find out the Ubuntu Version (16.04 of 2020-06-07) and the date when I updated some Apps last time. No way to find out the Version of the OTA.
2.) In the Updates-Section I can choose between "Development - edge - Release-Candidate - Stable". No matter, what I chose, there's no update.
3.) Forcing the system to update via adb doesn't work, because there is no device listed after entering "adb devices". Lucky users that use Fairphone 2 or OnePlus One get their hardware-ID in the manuel. All others can guess.
So can anybody tell me how to find out the OTA of my Sony Xperia X and, if necessary, update it to OTA-19?
RE: "Desktop" should be background-picture + Icons
@robthebold Thank you for exactly replying to the core of my post. If the goal is to provide a platform for pet pictures, I confirm that it is achieved and the job is well done.
The best support is to keep install instructions actually
I messed around about 3 weeks for installing Ubuntu Touch on my device (Sony F8131).
It should result in the recognition, that the latest firmware was missing on my phone. But why did this happen?
Simply compare the install instructions of F8131 and F5131 (which are quite similar). You see that for F8131 you only have the links to the UBPorts-Installer, while there is much more information for F5131.
That is why I recommend you to keep an eye on the technical instructions for installation on your internetsite, which could save the forum from many unnecessary questions and maybe keep some people from reinstalling Android.
"Desktop" should be background-picture + Icons
Remember your physical desktop. A plane piece of wood with sorted items on it.
When the first GUIs came out, there was a background you soon could chose. But the icons to click and launch applications were sorted in groups, and as soon as you opened the groups, you didn't see the background.
Then Windows 95 came. I am really not a fan of Microsoft, but they realized that people want to see their chosen background behind their icons, and MS managed to find a solution. This was a great improval and the thing how people want to have their desks.
Then Touchscreens appeared. Icons had to become bigger, but instead of migrating Microsoft decided to separate the traditional Desktop and the Touch-Desktop, resulting in chaos.
Meanwhile Ubuntu developed the Unity-"Desktop" with a bar on the left side and an empty desktop. This is what we still have in Ubuntu Touch.
While Ubuntu is back at Gnome, and you can fill the background with icons again, the Ubuntu Touch Desktop is still empty. It can be filled with Applications by pressing that orange button on the leftside down button, but then the background is darkened.
Why don't we
- get rid of that bar on the left side
- make a Desktop with background and icons?
That was and is the best solution, working on Windows 95 - Windows XP and Android.