@21347 Hi, I deleted my former post because it was out of the topic.
Regarding your qmi.h issue it seems to come from hardware/qcom/wlan being a different version from fairphone's one. I am trying to get a successful build without resorting to copy-paste (apart from the binary bundle I download from code.fairphone.com) so I modified my .repo/manifests/default.xml to remove the default hardware/qcom/wlan line and replace it by the one you can find in the Fairphone Open Source release. It's still building (and will be for a while) but I am pretty sure I am past the part where it used to block !
If you want to pm me on FP's official forum so we can coordinate and avoid duplicating efforts, my handle is Arvil (with Batman on LSD as my Avatar 😉 )
EDIT : It actually goes forward until I reach an issue with hardware/qcom/audio-caf, I'm still figuring it out
EDIT 2 : I removed audio-caf from the manifest and...
#### make completed successfully (01:03:35 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
YESS ! Now I have to try it, I'll put the manifest in a git repo soon