"UbuntuTouch" name
Lets avoid any more Utopic Unicorns please.
- adjective
- of the greatest or highest degree, quantity, or the like; greatest
- being at the farthest point or extremity; farthest
- adjective
@advocatux Mooooooooooo
Super Cow Powers
@3arn0wl no please, I hate names that ends with OS :pouting_face: :face_with_tears_of_joy: , their awful, the name should say it's an operating system imo. Names don't do it for other products/softwares, why should the do it for OSes?
I would prefer to stick with ubuntu touch. But if we really shouldn't be allowed to use that, then I would suggest debt - Debian Touch
I'm not wedded to them!
The OpenOS name is particularly strong though, because a) it says exactly what the platform is and does, b) elevates the platform from being just one of many, to the OS in the same league as Open Design, Open Science, Open Motors etc.. and c) it's a warm, welcoming word.
I'm sorry to say it, but I'm going to: whilst Ubuntu is a lovely word and a fantastic idea, Canonical and Ubuntu are only widely known amongst the Linux and Techie communities. Ask Jo/e average in the street: the vast majority of them will have no idea about Ubuntu.
I have actually been thinking about this alot in recent days, I talked a friend d I to trying it, the name however puts him off because he is strictly a Windows and Android person, Im thinking "Ultimate Touch" could be a good name, as UT IMO is miles better than Android and iOS, however most of the people I've talked to have told me they're not interested in trying Linux, until I tell them that Android is for all purposes of the argument a Linux distro, albeit a very poorly designed Linux distro, but a Linux distro just the same. So what are your guys' thoughts?
Hi guys, I think Ubuntu is a good name, Ubuntu phone was created by the Mark Shuttleworth team, I am proud that they made an alternative to Android and iphone,
they made a very strong bet on making this operating system, that now we follow the UBport community, I think the name is its origin, where the system comes from, to change the name will not have more impact on the world,now I have Ubuntu on my mobile and on my computer.
I use Ubuntu Mate, but there is also a family behind Ubuntu, ...Gnome, Unity, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu...If you talk about Linux, the first word that comes to mind is Ubuntu, although there are many Linux distros and very important, Debian, Red Hat, Fedora Linux Mint......
I think it's better to continue with the name of the Ubuntu family.
@tigerpro I'm afraid calling it โUltimate Touchโ might attract the wrong sort of attention : )
So true @Josele13. And Ubuntu Touch has already established a name for itself.
I don't care about names in general as people got used to everything in the past no matter how silly, how boring or how geeky...
But if a new name is in question... follow the UBports CD (like with the new telegram app) and rebrand it with something like UBtouch or UBphone or UBone (two, three,... X )
This could be the start of a whole bunch of products like apps, os,... under the UB.. label
Get rid of Ubuntu, start something new..
This is the name I think of temporarily.
Unity Touch
Meaning is unity8 in touch -
@tigerpro said in "UbuntuTouch" name:
I have actually been thinking about this alot in recent days, I talked a friend d I to trying it, the name however puts him off because he is strictly a Windows and Android person, Im thinking "Ultimate Touch" could be a good name, as UT IMO is miles better than Android and iOS, however most of the people I've talked to have told me they're not interested in trying Linux, until I tell them that Android is for all purposes of the argument a Linux distro, albeit a very poorly designed Linux distro, but a Linux distro just the same. So what are your guys' thoughts?
Rather, Android is a very well designed Linux distro, precisely because the users don't even realize they're using Linux. Maybe you should also educate your friend about all the other devices they have which are most likely also running Linux (TV, thermostat, alarm system, fridge, car, etcโฆ).
@mymike said in "UbuntuTouch" name:
@3arn0wl no please, I hate names that ends with OS :pouting_face: :face_with_tears_of_joy: , their awful, the name should say it's an operating system imo. Names don't do it for other products/softwares, why should the do it for OSes?
That's just not true. Have you never heard of AutoCAD? PHOTOshop? Painter? macOS?
Names are just that, names, and often it is good to make it more unique by adding what specifically it is as such.
Well, UTOS ?
@Louies said in "UbuntuTouch" name:
This is the name I think of temporarily.
Unity Touch
Meaning is unity8 in touchI see no reason to change the current name - since it is Ubuntu Touch, but if Canonical ever did request a name change, Unity Touch or Unity Mobile seem like good choices to me. Neither describes the OS under the GUI though, unlike the existing name.
There are already enough things named Unity. The name "Unity" is a bigger problem here than Ubuntu, I'd say.
@dobey said in "UbuntuTouch" name:
There are already enough things named Unity. The name "Unity" is a bigger problem here than Ubuntu, I'd say.
Probably. Let us hope there is no need to change it.