most wanted core apps to run ubuntu as daily phone OS
@Phil-UK The thing with WhatsApp is that they are not open source and I dont like a reverse- engineered version of some App to fail intermittently when it is a core App. So support for WhatsApp is currently not on the horizon
@Flohack I 1000% agree with you. UT should have only opensource app and/or be based only on open source services by default....
neither Android is based on proprietary services/app by default (excluding google services obviously).
About the proprietary services/app the thing that we really need is a way to find easily them (for example why many user don't know about LoquiIM? it is probably hard to find)Imho by default we need only the very basic things also for convenience reasons: the OS with the DE-GUI, with the hardware exposition to the user space and the ability to integrate the apps with the system(ie I install an app "clock-x" and "mail-y" and I want them be able to put an applet on the toppanel), the phone calls, the sms app, and a way to install anything else.
Proposal: list the default apps in current version and maybe indicate which you find easy/hard to maintain. my own reason for this phone is convergence. second, i like to think, it is more safe and less surveilled.
I forgot an import ant thing: Backup subsystem + GUI + Scheduler to make real 100% backups possible. I think we should work on this before any App renovating, as currently all our data is exposed to full loss in case the phone breaks
@Flohack, I totally agree and as a non-user of Whatsapp myself, I could live my life without it. However, there are more than a few people out there who cannot live without it and therefore will not even consider moving away from something they know and have used for a bit, to something new and not offering them what they want and also have currently. I personally think this comes back to the new shop model; does a new shop on the high street sell what people want or what they think people want?
@Phil-UK Yeah, see my other answer to you
- Also we could try to engage with WhatsApp & Telegram on an official level, but I am not sure this will work. The have no interest in supporting us and to give away their secrets
Google Chrome(ium) would be nice, mostly because of syncing my Google Account & settings (and stuff).
@Flohack I think my plan may have to be convert all my friends and anyone I know to Telegram, that may be easier lol. I was talking to a developer friend of my last night and he was saying that although everyone uses Whatsapp, he prefers Telegram as it has multi device support. That got me thinking that this may be a way to get more to Telegram and build up the base user numbers.
Having Nextcloud/Owncloud account integeration is paramount for myself to use UBports as a daily driver.
- Phone
- SMS Messaging
- Mail client (Hopefully Dekko, think it's a great app)
- Web browser
- Telegram (I've gradually started to convert my friends from WhatsApp)
- Camera
- Music App (I think the Ubuntu Touch app is one of the best looking music apps out there)
Clock - Gallery
@MDJ Than you are done. Everything you mentioned is already working on my Fairphone 2
i allredy happy
terminal ---Β» running
nano ---Β» running
flashing devices are running very stable (bq5 / nexus 5 )
ok i miss elinks browser but this is not mainstream ....
basic tasks a for mobile- phone (coreapps)
calling, messages,
For my execuse....i wish the standard-image is small as possible... makes it easyer by flashing and develope to new devices. :=) -
@Flohack why not add a functionality to the existing recoveries installed on our phones? Could it be done similar way as TWRP?
I do a regular backup of whole phone to my externalSD with TRRP, before I do any OS update and then I'm just a step away from restoring it the same way. After the backup flash the (ubuntu) recovery and do the update. I know it's too much hassle, but if there is a such a functionality build into the recoveries, it would be so much easier... but totally agree, backup app (GUI) is needed. -
an alternative Browser
fully working email client with notifications
Libreoffice reader, writer
Flash light integrated to the system
and then just add a functionality to some existing apps, like add blocking unwanted numbers in phone and sms apps, calls recording,
The web browser needs to be improved
countdown and timer in clock
Themes, icon packs -customisation should be improved
File manager should be improved as wellApart from that I'm happy with it.
i would like to see instagram with all functions working, and a better camera app than can focus on things written
Flashlight -
Contact database with custom fields.
Phone (loud).
Email client (pop3 and imap).
Reliable offline maps.
File manager (incl. archiving, batch rename & encryption).
Browser with adblocking & rss/atom/xml feed detection (sends the url to the feed-reader app).
Feed reader: rss, xml, atom. loads full article text where possible, option to not load images, display themes.
SMS messager.
XMPP messager.
Calendar with different views: day, week, month, year, agenda, timeline.
Clock with custom alarms, world-time and date calculator with timezone offset.
Calculator with programmer mode (calc with computer notation), unit converter.
Per-app security overrides, including (especially) internet access.
Text editor, works with any textfile regardless of extension.
Voice recorder, works when phone is locked.
Spreadsheet, with graphing, conditional formatting and xls compatibility.
Word-processor with pdf/doc/(clean)html export. Can easily place/resize embedded items. Can reference (rather than duplicate) content from other files, eg: spreadsheet.
Pdf editor (Xournal is probably good-enough).
Shell with all the usual goodies.
Python3 - roll your own solutions if all-else fails.
Image editor (Mypaint?).
Video editor: trim, crop, straighten, levels, watermark, text overlay.
Camera software with persistent settings/custom-presets for iso, shutter, flash, focus-mode, exposure, etc..
Picture gallery with basic editing (crop, resize, straighten, levels, temperature).for the OS in general:
Inter-operability between contacts, phone, email calendar and maps (eg: save map-location to contact, load contact address in maps).
Copy/paste any visible text in core apps (including labels).
True Multitasking - need to be able to do other things while waiting for a slow operation.
Strict system theme (applied uniformly), can change color of every non-raster UI element, can use variables in the config files if no UI.
Dark theme (given the above). -
Hey don't forget Authenticator.
About Android apps, I don't want them. It's OK to me if someone wants to develop and app like Anbox but it shouldn't be a core app.
Basically, I'd support the lists posted by MarkDJ and by many other users here in the thread.
But I would like to emphasize some additionals remarks:- Carddav Sync should be integrated graphically (same as it was finally possible to graphically add Owncloud-Account/Calendar)
- Contacts app should show birthdays of contacts (they are stored in the contacts but not shown)
- If possible, the e-mail app should directly use the emails stored in the contacts (I dunno if this is possible with all the app confinement taking place in UT)
- Phone app should contain the possiblity of SIP at some point. The missing IP phone feature is one of the most missing features of a modern daily-driver smartphone at the moment.
(via terminal I already got linphone running using apt (and crashing my system with the next OTA), via Libertine I got Qutecom installed but was not able to configure it with my SIP account, Linphone in libertine crashes ...)
Off-topic part:
Regarding transporting app: I agree that it should not be a core app similar like gas station app etc. But it is an important application for a phone. Fahrplan is a great app but has some limitations and unfortunately is not developed anymore. The by far best open source transport app, I've seen so far on F-droid:
Different transport networks selectabl, real-time information about delays, map, walking included into navigation ...
Would be nice if something like this would be ever seen on UT. But as discussed before: I don't see it as an core app but already as a specific user case app. Sorry for this off-topic part of my post. -
I agree with @cbp.
But I'd also like a "lite" option; without all the features, but without using so much space either. -
I need this app OpenVpn editor APP