Porting in 2019 - a true journey
Hi, very good idea.
In my case I have no knowledge at all on how to port UT to another device.
What I need to know to get started is:
- How to identify a device eligible to porting
- What are the tools I need to know to achieve this goal
- A glossary of all the terms, tools, softwares, technologies or other stuff I don't understand.
- The main steps and a methodology on how to get to a full working image.
According to me the first thing required (and the most important) is the glossary.
Most of the time I don't understand a term and I'm not able to search for it because it's not something easy to spot on internet if you don't know what it is...
For example search for ADB without any idea of what it might be (now I know, but it took a while to figure it out when android was first released)I like the idea of a blog with some videos and screenshots to understand what we are talking about.
The UBPorts documentation is nice, but for graphical items I think it lacks few pictures to illustrate things...
Thanks a lot for all your contributions.
@advocatux said in Porting in 2019 - a true journey:
@wgarcia we have mailing lists but nobody uses them
Yes, nobody uses them because they are not promoted by the UBports core team. In the times of UbuntuTouch (Canonical) we have had very successful communication over the list ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net (the list is even still active and from time to time I get mails from it or ask there for help).
When Canonical closed the "shop" and we moved to UBports, started this idea "we don't need mailing lists, we need this ongoing gaggle in the tg groups" which is not archived and not searchable and full of posts which have nothing to do with technical problems, full of jpegs/gifs/emotions etc. When we (wgarcia and I) tried to subscribe in December 2017 the list has even been moderated and subscription was a mess.The forum here is better, at least archived and searchable. But one needs a browser and to be online, while mails could be read offline. I.e. the forum is far away from being as useful as a mailing list.
Just my humble opinion on this.
@Giiba improved documentation is what I meant by stating that we'd like to improve the knowledge base, It'll profit directly from what we can gather.
Glad to hear documentation was in the plan
@AppLee has a good list, whereas I don't even know enough to have come up with such a list.
@AppLee luckily the porting docs are not in that bad shape, but you need both:
- First read through http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/ - but maybe dont start immediately, as to get the full picture you will also need
- https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html and both link to each other in some places.
Though I am an insider I followed the documents for a device some weeks ago, and I found them quite understandable. But please give some feedback if you find things that need clarification. ItΒ΄s hard to write a good documentation without review from non-knowers so to say.
And here it is: The first episode! https://soundcloud.com/ubports/porting-a-true-journey-episode-1-where-do-we-begin - Enjoy!
@Flohack I just listened to your audiocast. It was very interesting. I noticed that your audio was crystal clear - much better than Alfred's. He sounded somewhat muffled. Do you have a better microphone or an audio processor? It would be great if Alfred and Aaron could be made to sound as good as you.
@dtarrant I can test with other equipment next time. I agree my audio quality could be better.
Dear All,
we are also taking questions about porting, and we will try to answer them during the episodes. Feel free to post your questions here.
Can u guys help me to port UT to xiaomi note 6 pro. Well, I feel porting a bit complicated as instructed on the website. I thought porting is of copying and pasting commands and UT will be installed. My device runs Android 8 (oreo)
@Ranjith Have you had a chance to listen to the audiocast that goes with this thread yet https://soundcloud.com/ubports/porting-a-true-journey-episode-1-where-do-we-begin which should help also http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html and https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html you may also find this page useful for general info https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
when using this thread and posting questions could everyone please keep this in mind from Dalton.
UniSuperBox 19 Apr 2017, 15:26
This forum is for the discussion of porting work, build errors, and other wonderful hurdles when porting Ubuntu Touch. It is not a place to ask the UBports developers to port to a new device.
The devices which we support can be found at https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io. If you would like to discuss devices to port to, please consider making a topic in Off Topic.
If you like to port Ubuntu Touch to your device, please see our porting documentation.
Any future topics asking this question or a variant of it in the Porting subforum will be moved to off topic and locked. Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for your understanding in reposting this reminder
@Ranjith well unfortunately porting is not only copy/paste. Ubuntu Touch is not Android, and in many cases you will get stuck even with a good guide. Some programming experience, shell know how and a good understanding of the Linux booting process will be necessary to not get frustrated too early. That said, even good porters got stuck with this or that device.
The biggest roadblock is first to know if your device is open enough to try a porting. You definitely need an official LineageOS or Cyanogenmod tree. Also your device must have been shipped with Android 5.1 or 7.1, we do not support any other Android version right now.
When will be the support added to the android devices other than lollipop and nougat?
@Ranjith We dont know yet, we do not have enough people to work on this at the moment, sorry.