Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
@normandc yes, this thread is still alive. It isn't pinned because we decided to pin this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/176/welcome-to-the-ubports-forums
Welcome btw!
Edit: and your contributions to the documentation are welcome too
Thanks, I had read that topic but not noticed the link to this one in it.I will write a topic in General about documentation contribution.
Hi there
I thought that Ubuntu Touch is dead but I see that "Dead can dance". I currently looking for some good smartphone to install UT. I would like to test it for web development. I want to install NodeJS, Atom, etc. and test the performance. The first problem I have is choosing a smartphone for that purpose.
May the force be with you. -
@zbigiman Welcome aboard. Have a look here https://ubports.com/meet-the-community and here https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/
Hi, I'm a danish librarian with a background in comparative literature, and a place in my heart for Free Software. I've been using UT on my nexus 5 for a little more than a year now, and have recently made the switch to OpO. Never looked back. I simply love the community around this OS and seeing the apps and functions grow.
Planning on giving the N5 to a friend of mine, that I'm trying to get hooked on UT too.If he doesn't want it, I'll mail it to some tech-media in Denmark, along with a letter of introduction - to get UBports some mention.
Seeing as there is a marketing group - what about an activism group?, or does that fall under the same category?
I also really love the 'eco'/'green' aspect of this OS - and most FLOSS in general - that it enables you to buy used hardware and give it new life. For instance, my OpO is made out of 100% reused materials, since I bought it second hand.
Huge thanks to everyone involved in this magnificent OS!
@Lindisfarne Welcome also to you. https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
Hi everyone!
My name is Florian and Iยดm from the north-west of germany ("Ostfriesland")... I`m an interested user in all kind of open source, and I like free-thinking in general...
Two or three years before I owned a E5 and a M10FHD. Then I stopped using UT, but now Iยดm back on it... But now with a Nexus 5 and a M10HD. My old devices are no more mine...
I like UT very much, but I need some support from community...
Best regards!
@1896er That's what we are here for
Have a look around and ask away. Use the Meet the Community link above your post to find out more.
Hi all!
My name is Beduries and I live in the south-west of Germany, next to France and Switzerland.
I have nothing in common with computing. I work in a city administration as a civil registry clerk.I like the spirit of UT and used it in the year 2017 on my smartphone without an alternative. Despite of missing a tasks app like by Android, I use UT on an OPO device on the evenings to read and surf through the internet. I hope to change back someday to UT.
Kind regards
@Beduries Hello and welcome. Use this link for some useful info https://ubports.com/meet-the-community
I'm TA. I waited for UT to come out. Then when it did it only worked on a few phones. Now that there are some affordable choices I do see a Linux phone in my future. I just so happen to have a ZTE R2. So I think I'm looking at this https://github.com/thojohns/android_kernel_zte_z5151 .
Not sure what I can do here. But I'm willing and eager to do what I can. -
@TA Hi please use the link in the post above this to start with. These are the current supported devices https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ and the PinePhone is expected March next year. Porting here.
Hi, I am Rudi alias Pingu from Germany and I am older than Flohack ! (7years ), but I do not know to much about IT I am just an user. I like opensource. I do not like Windows, Apple, Googel Android, Facebook, Whats app! I use on Desktop Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Puppy Linux. My Smartphone is Jolla Sailfish OS Xperia X and for sure Ubuntu touch nexus 5! My messenger is conversations f-droid, Gajim and Profanity . I am verry glad that you people try to keep up with ubuntu touch . Thanks a lot to everybody ! At the beginning of UT I did some Translation thats all what I could do and donated some money. Keep on going please you are all doing good jobs thank you .
@Pingu welcome aboard you might find this useful https://ubports.com/meet-the-community and remember age is not a barrier. Some here would consider Flohack quite young
@Lakotaubp I just installed riot in ubuntu and can now join the german ubports - where are you at?
Hello cela here, been using a Nexus 5 on Ubuntu Touch as my main phone for the last 6 months, happy with it and happy to be free from Android, it does all I need.
I am interested in open software and hardware and plan to get a Pinephone when it is on general sale so I can have an 100% android blob free Linux Ubuntu Touch phone.
I hope that Ubuntu touch retains its uniqueness,I feel it must look and feel different to the big 2.I would hate to see Anbox become a core app, the way forward is we must have more applications on the open store, I hope contribute soon.
@cela Welcome and have a look here for some basic info then just jump in https://ubports.com/meet-the-community. Any further questions just ask.
@CiberSheep hey man thx for lone wolf if that was you I had so much fun going through these adventures ^^
Hello. My name is Tom, I live in Poland. I like the founding of the open source community. Ubuntu Touch is great idea and i think this is a future for people who think about freedom and privacy. Greetings ,)
@tomasz Hello and welcome, please have a quick look here for some useful info https://ubports.com/meet-the-community and enjoy Ubports and Ubuntu Touch