Random Development Ideas
Hello Everyone,
I would just like to gather random ideas that we can maybe implement or fix in Ubuntu Touch.
I already have ~100 in my list of ideas but I thought it would also be cool to get other people's ideas. I base my ideas from my personal experience and preference so your ideas may give me wider perspective on things. Of course, I won't be promising anything and it will still depend if my skills would allow me to put your ideas into realitySo that you'll have an idea on what my skills can do, here's a list of some of my previous, current and planned works.
Previous works:
- Advanced text manipulations in the OSK (selection mode, copy/paste, etc.)
- Theme support in the OSK
- New Downloads UX in Morph
Current works:
- Check my github profile to see my open PRs (https://github.com/kugiigi)
Most of my recent PRs are related or beneficial to tablets because I recently got one - Floating and one-handed mode in the OSK. It's still not an official PR but it's already working and here's a preview
Future plans:
- Split mode and numbers row option in the OSK
- Redesign language menu to something similar to Sailfish OS/2nd level characters
- Try to implement tab navigation history save/restore feature in Morph
In summary, I'm quite knowledgeable with QML+JS and I can do a bit of C++ (templating from existing codes
Most of my ideas are not life changing and won't compare to the essential works from the core devs, rather, they improve the day to day experience with UT, well at least that's the goalI've been a bum since early this year so I'm basically full time with Ubuntu Touch so I will have plenty of time working on the ideas I may pick. I'm dealing with something the past weeks though and maybe for a few more but I'm pretty sure I'll be back at full speed eventually
If you want to support me to stay being a bum while contributing to UT, I would greatly appreaciate any amount
https://liberapay.com/kugi_eusebio/donateI'm looking forward seeing your ideas
Thumbs up!As for
"3. Try to implement tab history save/restore feature in Morph"Would that include a feature to open a select group of tabs in private mode?
Everytime I have to reboot the device I need to manually open a number of tabs and select websites and forums with associated login and passwords.
A safe and easy way to get these loaded would be a great feature to Morph.
@3t_ed Oops, I forgot one word there. It's about navigation history per tab so back/forward will be retained after an app restart.
As for your concern, I don't get it. Main purpose of private mode is to not store any data of your browsing history so your use case is a bit contradicting to that -
Floating OSK sounds cool for tablets
Instead of having window buttons all the time you could go with window manipulation handles (like in desktop mode) three finger tap on a window -
Swipe keyboard like Nemo/Sailfish. There is already an open source swipe keyboard built in QT for Nemo on git.
Red Shift - because us vampires don't like blue light
@cibersheep Yeah I thought about that but the implementation of 3-finger tap is quite complicated to copy from Lomiri
Also, those buttons are used in one-handed mode on phones as well so I just left them there. It is true that you can accidentally press them though. I'm still thinking on how to avoid that.
@rocket2nfinity Sailfish has swipe typing? Didn't know that. I don't really use it so my interest is low but it does sound cool. As for redshift, that's out of my skills
@kugiigi said in Random Development Ideas:
As for your concern, I don't get it. Main purpose of private mode is to not store any data of your browsing history so your use case is a bit contradicting to that
I know and prefer private mode. There's only black and white when it comes to private mode and that's a good thing in itself.
It's just that a certain number of websites I do trust need to be loaded and filled out again and again. I would like some sandboxed shade of grey.
@kugiigi said in Random Development Ideas:
Floating and one-handed mode in the OSK. It's still not an official PR but it's already working and here's a preview
Kugi, you're to good, I see you trying to be sneeky in your screenshots, you always got something cool developing!
I love floating keyboard and one handed keyboard idea, and that odd browser search thing looks amazing to!
@3t_ed I think you need first to define your use case and your goal. What are the things you want in private mode that normal mode doesn't do? What are the things that private mode does that you don't want? Do you know any other browser that has a similar mode you want? I can't relate because I barely use private mode
Something I would like to see is tap (or double tap) to reveal the lock screen. At present it is necessary to push the power button, which is not easily accessible with the Nexus 5 in a case.
@cliffcoggin I think that's doable but may require kernel changes which I have zero knowledge
I'd want it too though currently I'm using a magnet to lock/unlock my Nexus 5
Perhaps you can get a magnetic case.
IMHO your use case is for webapps.
I'm using private browsing only for a new website for a one time thing...
If I need this site open frequently and do not want the trouble to login every time, then I create a webapp so the cookies are confined and not shared with other tabs.BTW cookies from 2 private tabs are shared between them and lost only when closing the app.
At least that's the case on desktop, maybe Morph does better, but I doubt it. -
@cliffcoggin this actually already exists on the halium 7 ports for OPO, FP2. Is the Nexus 5 getting one too? I'm not sure.
@loops That would be useful, but I have no idea if that is planned for Nexus 5.
@kugiigi could you look into what is wrong with the Nextcloud account tool? It seems to be using qtwebengine for some reason and the OSK is borked. Thanks
@povoq You mean the online accounts sign in page for Nextcloud? I think the issue isn't just about the webview but something to do with the popup dialog which I think is some sort of a secured dialog.
Tap button for searching in contacts to replace broken keyup.
Downgrade to previous versions of software on RC and Development.
Dropdown top menu to be displayed as grid. -
@marius-ciclistu I don't understand the first item. Contacts app or messaging? and where exactly?
Downgrading doesn't fit my skills, sorry
Dropdown top menu, you mean the indicators? I think that's too big of a change and needs a lot of planning and discussions.
@kugiigi Hello.
Thank you for all your support for UT over the years.
Personally, generally speaking, I think that, if you can, the priority problems to be fixed are those related to the virtual keyboard not going up in certain circumstances.