@povoq what are requirements to have webgl working in morph?
Which phones will get it? -
@suoko It's not known yet which devices it'll work but so far Nexus 4 had problems with it though last comment says it's working now. If you want, you can try it now by running
sudo ubports-qa install xenial_-_gpu-browser
andsudo mv /etc/profile.d/disable-qtwebengine-gpu.sh /etc/profile.d/disable-qtwebengine-gpu.bk
Note that these commands are safer to run on an updated devel version although it's generally safe but there's still risk. You can always reflash with the installer if anything bad happens. -
@UniSuperBox Would the procedure work on one of the Volla canals currently with the expected effects ? I'm asking to avoid a 450 mb reflash in the process if it screws up
Thanks -
@kugiigi thanks! I already tried cause i found similar instructions on telegram and it works!
@kugiigi said in morph browser: not possible to show map due to missing WebGL:
sudo ubports-qa install xenial_-_gpu-browser
When trying to install this on MX4 I get this error:
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/lxc-android-config_0.233+ ubports0+0~20210319074119.1~1.gbp6f8eda_all.deb (--unpack): unable to make backup link of './lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules' before inst alling new version: Invalid cross-device link
which I suspect might be a reason it then fails with this error: https://gitlab.com/ubports/core/qtubuntu/-/merge_requests/18#note_594404496
Since it works on the Nexus 4 then I would guess other legacy devices should be good too.I am used to no-space-left-on-device errors with my phone but have no idea what could be causing this while I suppose this doesn't happen on (most) other devices.
Anyone has any ideas? Thank you
PS. The fact it mentions "./lib/..." seems on its own weird. Not sure what it bases the path on (I have quickly looked at the source here http://repo.ubports.com/pool/xenial_-_gpu-browser/main/l/lxc-android-config/ but haven't seen "./lib" anywhere. Might be just a standard message though, just don't recall seeing it like that anywhere before.
Edit: ok, I am not the only one with that error https://forums.ubports.com/topic/6492/enabilng-webgl so I guess this might possibly not be the reason for it not working for me.
@zubozrout Sorry, I have no idea at the moment but it seems to be an issue with the installation rather than the actual functionality of the changes. Sadly, I can't try it on my MX4 because its USB port isn't working anymore so I have to make sure it never breaks
@kugiigi Thank you for the quick reply and of course re the MX4. Mine broke (in a different way) about a year ago so I took my brother's one he no longer used and that is still working but looking forward to a new device once something gets available. Also sorry for tagging you personally. Just wanted to "steal" that installation command. Anyway, this is not urgent since I/we lived without webgl for ages now :).
@domubpkm - the WebGL fix works very well on Volla - I have tested on OTA-17 and OTA-18 (stable and rc channels).
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
YES after the fix on OTA-18, i get for the Volla a spinning cube
IT WORKS for example with that
BUT, i can't rotate the earth with https://earth.nullschool.net/
The marine currents, winds are well animated. However, when you press your finger on the globe, it does not turn gray, which happens for example with Volla OS and the following rotation.
So the problem is perhaps not related to the Webgl with this website? A not recent enough qt? (Maybe I'm saying something absurd).
What is missing to rotate ? @dobey
..... but works here https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/earth/in-depth/
UPDATE : for testing https://earth.nullschool.net/ i plugged a mouse into the USB C port of the Volla and the globe rotate fine, but not with my finger, which would confirm (at least in the idea
) what I said earlier.
@totalsonic Problem-free installation. Seems to work very well. I didn't notice any malfunction on the Volla (except one trouble see above but i don't think it's linked to webgl). Cool to be able to use this 'Webgl' radio site http://radio.garden/live/
- 14 days later
@domubpkm said in morph browser: not possible to show map due to missing WebGL:
What is missing to rotate ? @dobey
I have no idea
@domubpkm said in morph browser: not possible to show map due to missing WebGL:
So the problem is perhaps not related to the Webgl with this website? A not recent enough qt? (Maybe I
Debugging the website might help to find what is missing: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/appdev/webapp/webdebug.html