@developerbayman Pull down top black bar, tap battery, tap flash light?
@lakotaubp i seen that ....what really prompted this thread was i was bumbling in the dark and to many clicks to figure out
so i was like "this needs to be right here" then i came and typed this lol
C CiberSheep moved this topic from Design on
It is right here, you are just not used to it.
Or it may vary depending on the user.If you haven't noticed, the top bar "dropdown" menu is sensitive to where your finger is while dropping (left to right).
So while you're swiping down, you can adjust the menu you want by slightly scrolling left or right.So to get the flashlight, it's:
1- press the power button (or double-tap on screen for those compatible)
2- swipe down on the battery menu
3- tap the flashlightIt cannot be easier or faster without creating another complex feature to accommodate some very niche use cases.
To my way of thinking the notification bar is cluttered enough without adding such non essential functions to it. If a two row bar was to be developed then that would be the place for such things, but there are far more important hurdles in UT to overcome before considering that sort of change.
@cliffcoggin Maybe that's a good idea. Adding another row or 2 for configurable quick toggles. I'm gonna experiment with it
@kugiigi nice also got me wondering about "home screen" while technically UT dont have one in a traditional sense
im wondering if i can lock a app open so it always is in the main screen even if you change open task or the app menu?
im working on a neat 3d menu
@developerbayman said in flashlight to top quick menu?:
so got me wondering about "home screen" while technically UT dont have one in a traditional sense
There are several apps that take over the "home screen" function. One that I have used is Launcher Modular, you might want to give it a try.
@moem yeah ill have to check it out i wish i could find some more in depth info about clickable and project permissions and the like im trying to roll my own
@cliffcoggin i wonder if it could just be responsive so whenever you add a item iy just produces another row ......i really hate to say it i really do ......but we should take a really good look at how and why android does things (i just realized android does this) ....i say we make the billions in R&D work for us
@developerbayman said in flashlight to top quick menu?:
....i say we make the billions in R&D work for us
- Not everyone wants their OS to resemble Android.
- The core devs have very much enough on their plate. Let's not try to get them to do even more. There's hardly even a handful of them.
@moem very true ....once i learn a few more things i have plans on diving in myself
....right now im still trying to conquer clickable once i do that i can add functionality all over the place via apps
as far as core development goes im still stuck on building halium so once i figure that out itll be sweet
i have a few more devices id like to add to the list ....also on thing i have to deal with is since my laptop died a few weeks back
my main computer is a orange pi 5 16gb ram model its pretty sweet but im kinda limited to arm64 and the ubuntu image im running isnt the cleanest being freshly rolled
My current dev box
@developerbayman said in flashlight to top quick menu?:
@cliffcoggin i wonder if it could just be responsive so whenever you add a item iy just produces another row .....
That would be a nice improvement once UT is a fully functional OS for all supported phones, but I don't see the point of tweaking the bells and whistles of minor functions while major functions such as the camera have not been maintained for over a year, the Adblock application is about to lose its maintainer, VOLTE (or do I mean VOIP, I never remember the difference,) does not work, not to mention the enormous amount of effort involved in the transition from Ubuntu 16 to 20. My impression is that Ubuntu Touch is on the verge of collapse for lack of people willing and able to take part in the core development work.
@cliffcoggin i think your right .....thats kinda why im trying to light the fire of making ubuntu touch more like ubuntu desktop giving you the pc in the pocket advantage
...make a very public release that this change has happened ....id bet a dollar to a donut the users and developers come in droves
no one is interested in a linux distro that dont linux .basically the current philosophy is going to ultimately strangle UT to death
not trying to be mean (to whoever makes that call) ......but the writing is on the wall
ubports repos should be locked and only UT compatible software should be allowed there
but then have a user/sources.list that enables other repos with a explicit warning things wont work ....UT's biggest issue is the fact it cannot leverage the history of linux .....development has been limited to one thing (clickable~as far as i know?)
UT only has a handful of apps and half of them are web apps and the others are buggy or dont work ........basically all terminal apps work for the most part but i cant even download htop without modding the rootfs (R/W permissions)
put 2 versions in the wild...
what we currently have and another that tries to be like ubuntu desktop (even with the mobile desktop environment limitations)
watch the download count then the forum members #'salso why not run other desktop environments? ...so what i only have a six inch monitor? lol ........p.s dont try to run another desktop environment it will currently render your device a brick
i guess i dont even get why we are even trying to use libertine at all ....other than display issue cause the small screen ......and im not biting on the more secure bit ......i get it but its not worth it in my eyes ......maybe ensure compatibility across board with software like any good distro
the real magic would be to get lomiri/unity8 window manager to interpret opening windows in a size/dpi that fits your screen
idk its all just wishing helplessly .....if i can ever build halium im gonna try to roll my own distro based on UT but be more as described
basically the only differences should be lomiri/unity8 and halium other than that just like any other ubuntu desktop experience
a general rule iv learned over the years with linux is any distro after a fresh install needs to be built up by the user to gain usefulness
....cant really do that on UT as of yet .....i know people be like "try mobian"
.....but that is not my point... my point is when the first flagship of a linux mobile operating system dropped on the world ubuntu touch
it fell flat on its face because its nothing like linux
i feel like this was a great sin to linux(i know i know ...im a broken record on this topic)
i have a bunch of python id like to move to apps but i still dont get how to initialize python in the clickable package all the docs and tutorials appear to skip over how to do that exactly
once i figure this out im going to try to use py4j to bring the java development kit to UT then we can expose UT to the direct world of java
i could fork it....but i wouldnt be a good fit as a maintainer
not sure if this is the main repo or just a fork i googled it and grabbed the first one -
@developerbayman AFAIK all the core apps are now on gitlab
https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/apps/lomiri-camera-app -
@cliffcoggin Because of this thread and your idea, I spent days on this
Kinda neat and definitely a quick way to turn on the torch.