• 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @captaincook Well if it's an obvious major issue like wifi doesn't work, or camera or calling it's probably device specific. If it's a general question like how do I do this or that, or if after an OTA a feature is missing (regression) then it's more device agnostic hence better asked in support. I know it can be confusing but support was crowded with device specific questions making it harder to find answers. Now you can search the dedicated subforum and learn about what is not working yet and witness progress. While you can ask for help about how to do something with UT ; how to sync my files with Nextcloud... I hope it helps.
  • [GUIDE] VPN always active

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    @bigb The script from the gabsoftware link works great when run straight in the terminal, but when put in startup, the vpn tries to reconnect but can't for some reason.
  • 0 Votes
    17 Posts
    @BigB @herr-b Great @herr-b said in [SOLVED] PiVPN with PiHole home server. UT client configuration [step-by-step]: (I also used the same folder, you used in your post but I don't know if this has any influence, just made it easier for me to check the fields and make the new input.) Any directory should be fine, I've just used the same as on my pc to make checking easier
  • How do I make a VPN connect automatically after I log in?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    I was able to get an always-on-vpn using crontab. Warning I haven't tried to find a way yet to turn it off, so if you need to turn off your VPN from time to time, I don't have an answer yet. *Make sure to make your terminal Read/Write during this whole process. It's Read-Only by default. I used the UT Tweak Tool to do this. I used this script (https://www.gabsoftware.com/tips/automatically-reconnect-to-your-vpn-on-linux/) as a template to automatically reconnect to my VPN when it turned off. I used this terminal command with my VPN turned on, nmcli c show --active | grep vpn, to find out my personal MyVPNConnectionName and my UUID number. I also replaced sleep 30 with sleep 5, but that's just a personal preference. After replacing MyVPNConnectionName and the UUID number in the script with your personal VPNName and UUID number, I recommend copy/paste the script into the terminal and let it run, toggle off your VPN and see if it toggles back on automatically. If it does not toggle back, then you'll have to go back and correct the script, whatever that correction may be. Personally, it didn't work for me the first time, because I had deleted the "" around "MyVPNConnectionName" and had to go back and re-add them. I then used this website (https://linuxhandbook.com/run-shell-script/) to save the script. This website says to make a scripts directory (mkdir scripts) which I did not do. Making a scripts directory probably won't have any affect on this, but I can't say for sure, because I didn't do it. If you do make a scripts directory, cd into scripts or whatever you named your scripts directory. For this example I'll refer to the directory as scripts. When you type cat > vpn.sh (I'm using vpn.sh, you can name it anything you want as long as it ends in .sh) into the terminal, the terminal will look like it's "thinking" but this is where you copy/paste your working script into the terminal. After I hit Ctrl+D to save it, my terminal closed, but it did save. When you reopen the terminal, make sure it's Read-Write if you didn't use the UT Tweak Tool. Then make the script executable in the terminal by typing in chmod u+x vpn.sh (make sure you cd into the scripts directory if you made one) I then typed chmod 755 vpn.sh (I don't know if this did anything at all, but I did it, this may not be necessary) Test the script (if you made a scripts directory cd into scripts) type bash vpn.sh into the terminal to activate the script and toggle off the VPN to see if it turns back on automatically. Hit Ctrl+C to clear the script. To make this script turn on automatically all the time, type crontab -e into the terminal. Pick 1 nano <---- easiest and hit enter. If you've never used nano don't use your fingers to scroll down. Long-press the hamburger menu at the top left side of the keyboard and pick Scr. Swipe left on the top of the keyboard next to hamburger menu till you get to the scroll buttons and use those to scroll down to the bottom of the crontab directly below the last #. There type in @reboot /home/phablet/./vpn.sh if you made a scripts directory, type in @reoot /home/phablet/scripts/./vpn.sh Long-press the hamburger menu again and choose Nano. Then find Ctrl+X and press it. Then hit y then enter. Then hit enter again, and it should take you back to the normal terminal. Reboot your phone After reboot, before I unlock my phone, I get a VPN error notification. After I unlock my phone with the passcode this notification goes and my VPN turns on automatically. Even when I relock my phone, the automatic VPN continues to work just fine. Remember, as of right now, I cannot turn off my VPN, I haven't tried to find a way either.
  • Missing Push-Notifications via VPN

    Locked Support
    1 Votes
    23 Posts
    Hi and welcome @ubportsuser For sake of keeping up with the various topic I'll lock this thread. I suggest you create a new one and refer to this one. It will avoid confusion for what might have been an old issue fix years ago. Thanks for understanding.
  • Encryption and vpn

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    17 Posts
    @haveaniceday said in Encryption and vpn: What do you think? Do you know how we can receive a passphrase during boot time via user interaction? PostmarketOS uses OSK-SDL to accept encryption password input on touchscreen devices during startup. If you're good with C++, you might have a look at the code on Gitlab. I'm still slowly working my way back into coding after many years of only scripting and am sadly not up to the challenge of seeing how that could be integrated to the Ubuntu Touch boot process. Bear in mind that even if you can unlock a crypt on startup, integrating this into the UBPorts installer is going to be another large challenge. @haveaniceday said in Encryption and vpn: Maybe those files are what you are looking for: https://github.com/ubports/unity8/blob/xenial/qml/Components/PinLockscreen.qml https://github.com/ubports/unity8/blob/xenial/qml/Components/Lockscreen.qml Thanks, I'll take a look. Maybe it's not too hard to integrate a counter there and link to a shutdown or nuke script.
  • VPN Password on OPO

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @joe I think that the upgrade the problem is, too. I did the upgrade two times. One time with the software on the Pc but I reinstall 15.04 again because of te many bugs (6 weeks ago) Then I get the upgrade again via the air. Next week I will wipe my device and inform you. Thanks!
  • Setting up Proton VAN?

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    9 Posts
    I use PIA and I have found this link while searching though about setting up Ubuntu Linx and it is a shame that the vpn set-up on my M10 is not as easy as this, https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/ubuntu10.10-pptp However, in the Advanced Open VPN section i have Ino idea which file to downloead and use. I would assume that i need the tcp/strong file but with vpns i do not want to get it wrong.
  • Openvpn extra options

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