New, FLX1 with UT (and multi boot)
The FuriPhone FLX1 had been out for a few months with FuriOS, a Droidian fork.
What's new is that the UT port is almost complete. Note that it is being produced by the same team that developed the FLX1 and FuriOS.
What's more, dualboot is also supported, making it a competitor to Volla devices.
For the moment, dualboot works with an SD card. It remains to be seen whether the main storage memory can be used at a later date. -
Thanks for the info -
L libremax referenced this topic
More news by Bardia (alias fakeshell) from FuriPhone about the UT port on FLX1 and multiboot :
"Soon in the UBports installer and OTA server": great
"Multi boot without any hassle": niceBy the way, the well known NotKit seems to take part at this port : -
Does it make sense / Or is there a way to merge this discussion with this one?
Or rather create a new device in the device list on this forum?