Last FM?
No, there is no way to have the music player do that currently.
@ImmyChan In addition, the fm (frequency modulation) protocol is being kindly abandoned in most countries in favour of the new DAB+ (digital audio broadcast) standard.
E.g in Switzerland, the fm bands will definitively cease to operate in 2022 . -
@stanwood the question has nothing to do with radio broadcasts. It's about support for social network/streaming site.
@dobey Oh Sorry...
I'm a LastFM user too and I would like to scrobble music from a native app.
I think it is not possible at the moment, but you can use the web player.
There is a web app I've made some time ago in the openstore: -
What the hell means scrobble? the so english google translate doesn't know the word... It thinks it's portuguese.
@Keneda An answer of sorts
Scrobble is when you do something (like listen to a song), and then that something is tracked into a log. It could be private (like how iTunes tracks everything you listen to), or displayed publicly.
Ok so it's basically "link"...
"Is there a way to link what music i listen on my uPhone to account".
Could work with "share" too. -
@Keneda For translations, you have this: Very good translations overall. And of top of that it's google free !
But the word 'Scrobble' isn't translated either... I was wondering the meaning just like you.. -
@Keneda For translations, you have this: Very good translations overall. And of top of that it's google free !
I'm on PC here, i browse web with PC when i have one next to me.
@Keneda Hi,
Deepl is also on the web -
@Keneda Hi,
Deepl is also on the web
Music is being played by the media-hub. It sends Mpris2 compatible signals on dbus. So a small service (for example in python) can pickup the meta data of the played tracks and send it to LastFM.