I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation
Thank you for all your hard work! Get well.
Godspeed and take really good care of yourself. -
@unisuperbox - Dalton - I believe that self care, and allowing oneself to explore possibilities and potentials that might go beyond what one has done previously should always be the priorities in career and life decisions, so you have my utmost support towards your next endeavors, hopefully which provide both de-stressing and rich rewards from other opportunities.
Beyond that - have to say I am sad to see you step down - I think your leadership, hard work, and friendly manner have without a doubt been a key factor towards UBports and Ubuntu Touch development reaching so many accomplishments during your tenure - so THANK YOU for that! Very best wishes to you for a truly happy and healthy life in whatever you choose to do next.Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@unisuperbox Take care of yourself ! Thanks for all hard work on Ubports.
Understanding and thanks for your (over)investment and inspiring mindset.
Thank you for all you have done for UBPorts, you have been instrumental in making Ubuntu Touch as groovy as it is, and the community such a nice place to be. Take your time, get better, 'Live long and prosper'. -
Dear Dalton, I am stunned to read you tonight.
I am infinitely grateful for all the work - beyond all limits - that you have done for the foundation.
You have put your heart and soul into this mission and now I understand you need to find strength and serenity.
I wish you all the success you deserve, and may your innumerable qualities lead you to goals.
Please don't go too far awayTake care of yourself and I hope to see you soon!
It's a sad day.
I don't know if I still stick around longer, as a jack-of-all-trades myself
Thank you for the spirit and leadership you brought to UBports. You are young and probably will drive bigger things in the future. But, I believe in you as you believed in many of us.
First of all, thank you so much for all that you have done! We were so lucky to have you.
I hope that whatever it is you decide to do, it will give you satisfaction.
I've had some online contact with you and you've always been pleasant and a joy to talk to. You, sir, are a Good Egg.Lastly, please realise that you will always be welcomed here. So if the mood strikes you, don't be a stranger.
Hey Dalton. Thank you so much for all your work. I already miss you. Wish you the best and hope you will find what you are looking for.
@unisuperbox I mirror everything said here. I totally understand. You put your heart and soul into something 24/7. There is sometimes only one outcome. Please rest up and do what is best for you. The community you have helped build will continue and reflect what you have made of it, though will be diminished without you.
all the best, listen to your heart and take care of yourself, and thank you for everything... -
Sometimes in our lives we meet magic people that want to help others and we want to be more like them. Thank you for being an inspiration, for all your efforts and your kindness. Have some rest, we will treasure all the things you have taught us and that make our community friendly and curious
You did great for UBports, now do great for yourself!
@unisuperbox :victory_hand: :red_heart:
Thanks -
Sorry to see you leave Dalton, but I am not surprised by your decision. The strain was evident on the last two Q&As.
Don't concern yourself about departing: your health is more important than a mere phone system no matter how much like wizardry it appears to me.
"Don't worry, your grandfather died doing this work!"
That was a strange way I was greeted one even in Khartoum, Sudan, in 2010 as it was well past sunset and I was still working away on the network infrastructure at the NGO I was volunteering with. The speaker was this elderly Sudanese man who was encouraging me that I couldn't get it all done in one night, so take some rest. His words sounded funny though because my first thought was: "Huh? My grandfather didn't know anything about running CAT5!?!" but as I thought about it what he was saying was "you can't do it all, there will always be more to do than 1 person can do." In some ways that is "fatalistic thinking": will we never make it?? But it is also true.
So this is what I am acknowledging and passing on to you to, good sir:
"Don't worry, your grandfather died trying to get 20.04 out the door."
So, wishing you a good break and a re-kindling of passion. We will make it with help from the community that ebbs and flows but continues on.... it may not be as you thought it would be when you first took on the reigns as Development Manager, but you have led us a long way, and you deserve some rest and acknowledgement that your effort was so appreciated by so many.
@unisuperbox Thanks a lot for all the fish!
Sad about this news, I always thought you @UniSuperBox were one of the pillars of this project. However it was evident something was happening behind the scenes, because your interventions were always rare and rare. I hope you'll recover soon and health must be always in a due care, so take your time with no rush. Of course I hope you'll eventually come back, much stronger than before ;). Anyways, please consider my personal side thought: you are still young and you have had the envied position of being contracted and earn some money doing what you like doing the most (at least you always seemed so passionate about this job). I'm a chemical engineer and I find my daily job boring because there isn't creativity nor fantasy at all in what I do. In your job instead, at which you are skilled and talented without any doubt, you have the chance to count, to steering where the project is going and to put your creativity at Community service. None of you devs was ever supposed to get burning out, this is a volunteer project. Sometimes I just feel you devs want to do too much but bear in mind you don't owe anything to the Community, because you are delivering code for free and things can be moved forward at slow pace, the pace that most suits to you.
Said that, have a rest dear Dalton and see you soon -
Thanks for everything! All the best to you!