@bogotrax another output. I hope this helps even though i am not sure it is suppose to look like this. I expected a clearer firmware description.
RE: Unable to turn on bluetooth on Mi A2
RE: Morph browser doesn't let me post on askubuntu
@cliffcoggin i have non installed. Is there a browser inherent one?
RE: Morph browser doesn't let me post on askubuntu
@kugiigi ok thanks for the info!
RE: Morph browser doesn't let me post on askubuntu
@kugiigi simply nothing is happening when you click on 'add comment' or 'add answer' also with the fork that was suggested. Is there any chance that another browser with another engine exist?
Morph browser doesn't let me post on askubuntu
I know it is a rather specific problem but i can't post anything on askubuntu. Using the waydroid browser from the same device, and everything works. Is there an alternative browser with a different 'engine' i can use on UT? I am a bit confused by that problem.
Thanks! -
RE: Unable to turn on bluetooth on Mi A2
This is what i get as a result from the terminal when trying to get infos about bluetooth. Can you check if it has the same stats as yours?!
RE: Unable to turn on bluetooth on Mi A2
@nauvpp hello nauvpp, i followed your advice and used fastboot flash bluetooth_a bluetooth.img on my mi a2 , but it was not effective. I used the latest firmware from firmwareupdater site for xiaomi devices V11.0.28.0.QDIMIXIM . i extracted the bluetooth image and flashed it with the img. Can you confirm that these are the steps to take? Is there anything you did differently? Thanks in advance! Is there a way to read out the firmware version for bluetooth of my device somehow?
RE: the Days with UBTouch and my MI A"
@messayisto shouko just sold his phone so i guess either somebody else will take over or he does support with the help of active testers. But you can contact him directly, if you want to know more. I can't speak for him: t.me/shoukolab
RE: Bluetooth stopped working
Since Shouko doesn't maintain this device from march on anymore it will hardly make any news, but i found out that bluetooth simply "doesn't like" when the cellular data is on. It only works when wifi is on and it needs a reboot after that. It is very annoying since waydroid" doesn't like" wifi which makes it impossible to for example listen to music when you are on your way with the mi a2. Anybody experiencing same or similar issues and searched for a solution already? My skills are limited but i like to learn about more terminal commands if that helps in my issue. Having cellular data on and no wifi, simply doesn't let the device find any other bluetooth devices. Rfkill shows no blocks and the bluetooth service is enabled. So there shouldn't be a reason that it doesn't work. Any other ideas on debugging the issue? -
RE: the Days with UBTouch and my MI A"
@markus66 have the same problem regarding offline charging. Simply doesn't work. Would like to address that. Where or how do I contact the maintainer?
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
basically what i did is
sudo -s
mount -o rw,remount / && apt update && apt install waydroid && waydroid initAnd then
sudo waydroid container start
And followed by
sudo waydroid session start
Both give a lot of information that look like errors. I am not able to debug this. I came to the conclusion that the waydroid helper needs just endlessly long time till it installs waydroid and then suprised me with a reboot and a working lineage after all my manually installing of waydroid.
RE: Bluetooth stopped working
@lakotaubp had the same issue and had to reinstall my device, i would change bluetooth support to "working but with issues" since having to reinstall is an issue. Seeing how many people struggle with bluetooth on their mi 2 i think it would be justified. I also tried with service restart in terminal and it didn't work.
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
@bogotrax ok guys, it worked through apt install + waydroid init and container start. Didn't do it through libertine, so no clue if this is an appropriate approach. But even wifi works on android so it is something. Thanks guys for support!
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
@mschmids Hello, thanks for your support! I really appreciate it. Reinstalling sadly also didn't do it. I would install through terminal if sb could point me to a tutorial on it. Again thanks for your input!
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
@mschmids ok waydroid icon crashes and every android icon crashes both with cellular and wifi. Sadly. Can anybody post the install over the terminal or adb. Maybe i have more luck that way. It also says xdg session not wayland when i try starting waydroid from terminal. Any idea what that means?
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
@mschmids I tried fron the UT drawer. How do you enter the lineage desktop?
RE: Waydroid on Xiaomi mi a2
@mschmids i can't get waydroid apps to work on my mi a2 - the browser e.g. just crashes and i can't access any of the other (lineage) apps. I used the waydroid helper. How do i apt waydroid? Or is there a workaround?