Thank you all for your reply; I'm so impressed with Touch. Definitely a keeper.
@zubozrout said in Manpages in terminal?:
you can always Google man pages for specific things when on the go, even narrow it down by distro and its version when searching.
I had just spent about 45min searching for a ubuntu-app-launcher man page (saw and used the command in vid) before posting this; not convenient.
@hummlbach said in Manpages in terminal?:
If you want to have man pages in the terminal (which absolutely makes sense when thinking of convergence!) you could put them and man into ~/man respectively ~/bin manually and set the environment variable MANPATH or INFOPATH accordingly. Or make a click package for it which installs it to /opt/ and set PATH=/opt/ and MANPATH=/opt/ or whatever in ~/.profile... That would be cool, I would install it too!
@dobey said in Manpages in terminal?:
@hummlbach Or, simply install them in libertine and access them inside the container.
Yep, definitely going for the computer in a pocket; I'm absolutely going to implement 'man' with or without the continuation of the precedent :0] Thank goodness this OS makes that possible. Thanks for the tips.
Thank you all for your time! Good to meet you.