Does anyone knows whatbisbthebissue with the automatic broghtness?
As it seems that the proximity and light sensors are working, is hust missing repowerd configuration or is there othee issues with it?
Thank you
Does anyone knows whatbisbthebissue with the automatic broghtness?
As it seems that the proximity and light sensors are working, is hust missing repowerd configuration or is there othee issues with it?
Thank you
@keneda does changing a spesific alarm sound works?
@3t_ed do you mean that you want to export the bookmarks?
Thata a good idea. ill added to the gitlab issues list hopefully it will be simple and i can deliver it in the next release
Hey nice long and civilized disussion
Just wanted to add my two cents, So when it fixed it should not impact the speed that the device is opened.
No need to make the device slower and less usable beacuse of design...
If Anyone has this issue and the libretine is a chroot libretine (try runing libertine-shell
and it will complain that it's not lxd/lxc container).
just run
chroot <librtine directory normally at : /home/phablet/.cache/libertine-container/xenial/rootfs >
and then run
su 32011
dpkg --configure -a
this should finish the installation of the package
@3t_ed this seems to be a core issue that will probably be fixed in the future....
But in my experience with ubports changing the app and opening a keyboard. In a different app and then coming back to the online accounts will probably work around this issue.
Hey @cr9c ,
This is weird an easy check to do is making sure that the nectcloud account is selected in the account settings of the uRsses app there should be a tick mark () next to it.
I it does please open an issue about it at : https://gitlab.com/dark-eye/ursses/-/issues
and add the logs if possible.
also OPML import should be supported please open an issue in the link above and attach the opml file you are trying to import.
Thank you
Hey @cr9c,
Thank you for notifing me on the issue
There was a issue with nextcloud ob previous versions male sire you are on tje latest release v0.9.1.
If you are can you describe the isue what happens after you select a nextcloud accout?.
Do you see ny errors being displayed?
If you can and have time please oprn an issue in the gitlab eith the application log (can be retrived with the logviewer app)
Thanks you,
@3t_ed Yeah both of them are fixed plus :
Regarding librepay it won't auto charge you unless you marked it as such so you can just charge the amount you want and forget about it and in the future when it will remind you just remove the donation "subscription", it actually pretty fair and doesn't try to let you forget or guilt you about your payments (like other crowdfounding sites ).
Hey @3t_ed ,
Nextcoud integration already exists just associate your nextcloud account with it through the
Settings -> Accounts -> click on the '+' action.
It currently only support the feed list but i`ll add read/unread/stared stories in the future...
folders will be added once/if i`ll figure out a sutible UI for it
Next version will probably be uploaded during this weekend.
@3t_ed It seems that there is some bug with the qt settings QML object when using arrays properties (which is what i use to save the feeds list) this was fixed in the next revision (i moved to a U1DB for now) so it should not happen again in the future....
However this might mean that in the next update it will happen again (i noticed that it's happens intermittently ) as it's an issue with the qt.labs.settings component, So i suggest to back up the ~/.config/darkeye.ursses/darkeye.ursses.conf file ( make sure that the app is closed when you do it) :
cp ~/.config/darkeye.ursses/darkeye.ursses.conf ~/darkeye.ursses.conf.bk
And if the update delete the feeds list again you can restore it with :
cp ~/darkeye.ursses.conf.bk ~/.config/darkeye.ursses/darkeye.ursses.conf
This should prevent the loss of the feed list in the current version of the app.
@3t_ed Yeah i improved the caching response time which moved the bottle neck to the actual xml processing I`m trying to run it a sync in the next (or next next
) release.
The double results are still being investigated (I have a solution but i don't want to apply it until i can find the cause...)
In any case thank you for using the app!, Feel free to request and report any thing you want or that bothering you it will only make the application better
Hey @3t_ed ,
I Just noticed this post i actually saw some complaints about the issue in the Open Store.
However i was not able to reproduce it on my devices (PinePhone and Aquaris M10FHD tablet) all the update gone though without any noticeable issue.
Are you using the nextcloud sync? i did noticed that sometimes during development the nextcloud account will be detached from the uRsses application but reauthorizing the app should connect it back again.
In any case I've opened an issue about it on gitlab : https://gitlab.com/dark-eye/ursses/-/issues/8
And i`ll try and investigate it.
@arubislander hey just saw the reply sorry for late response.
I'm on RC with v22 update installed.
Im using a pinephone it serms thst my issues with podbird started after the ota-16 update i think its realated to the QT 5.12 update
It seems that on my device (pinephone with some kernel and script changes) podbird and teleports become basically unusable and very unresponsive.
It might be related with an issue i found in the clock timer that receives a lot of drag events ( > +60/sec ) that overload the CPU with updates and make all the animation stutter.
Edit: the camera app gallery zoom issue happen to me too i`ll investigate it further...
.... Annnnd yes, There's seems to be an issue with a MouseArea that is a child of the PinchArea adding scrollGestureEnabled:false (added Qt 5.5) didn't solved it.
Still investigating
@saveurlinux can you do a live broadcast to peertube?
Maybe we can add a swap creation tool to the UT- Tweaks app. this way the user can choose.
Also this way the user can also use the SD card as swap it will be slower but will solve the degradation issue (Which BTW on the current 1 days (none-) statistics i have seems to be kinda ok, will probably loose 1GiB of storage after 5 years on normal use as the average write operation is 0.68/s ).
@dobey i understand the reason behind it but also a little puzzled as in this regard isnt 32mb is as bad as 1 gib? as the only thing we care about here is write operations (iops) and not the size stored on disk ( i'm sure that there will be some reduction with 32 mb as there will be less apps running in perellal but still... )
We can also reduce the swappiness tobhave a more prenunce effect with a limited swap size
In any case i've added zswap to my pinephone with 1GiB of swap abd reduced swappiness , i'll try and use it as a 'daily driver' ( as much as the pinephone can be... ) and report disk usage statistics in a few days.