@Lakotaubp Now I do have a battery problem. I let it run down and now it wont charge, whatever charger I use. I think that that is the end of the road for my OPO - shame. However, that is typical for LiPo batteries. They should never be allowed to completely disharge, or so I understand.
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
@Lakotaubp Thanks. Will do, but it will have to be tomorrow now. I'm not aware of any battery problems. Thanks for your help.
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
@Lakotaubp I have the same problem with Debian 9 (4.19.97-v7l+) but I'll try your suggestion.
Using power and volume down together for recovery, all I get is this screen, with which I seem to be able to do nothing.
power and volume up together give me a screen that says "Fastboot Mode" -
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
@Lakotaubp Thanks. i'm using elementary OS 0.4.1 Loki
ADB is not seeing my device, unfortunately, whether I have it in fastboot mode or in its boot screen mode. I've tried different ports and usb leads to no avail. WIN 10 seems to see it though ?? -
RE: Nexus 5 - Review
@C0n57an71n That's a shame. I like my Nexus 5.
BTW. It has just come back to life, 2 days after being dropped down the toilet! (Not recommended!)
RE: Nexus 5 - Review
@C0n57an71n My Nexus 5 rarely reconnects to WiFi, but I find it best to cancel the initial request for a WiFi password, then swipe down from the top and select your normal WiFi. Then it connects automatically. But I'm using 15.04.
My BQ M10 reacts the same. -
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
@Lakotaubp Thanks. I'll try that, if I can get passed the initial boot screen.
RE: Can BQ M10 be connected to an external display?
@dtarrant I bought an M10 Android and have run UBports for a considerable time now, but it was a real pain to install. You have to follow the instructions extremely carefully. I found bits of the install would only work on Win10 (Probably from memory - installing Ubuntu) and bits on Linux, but I got there eventually. It is a very nice tablet, if a bit limited.
(not used with an external display though, as yet) -
RE: Help!, UB recovery, what opción select? Oneplus one
@karlitozebc Sadly, I have the same problem on a OnePlusOne. With both Linux and Win 10, I can get to the reboot phase, but no further. I just get the opening:
powered by Ubuntu
supported by ubports
screen.I've tried over and over again, but I think my 'phone must be bricked. A shame because my Nexus 5 had been running for a couple of years on UB before dying.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
Thanks @advocatux and @Lakotaubp. Using Ubuntu 19.04 and UB Ports Installer, I've been able to install 16.04 OTA9 on my bq M10 HD, at last.
However, whereas using bq's Ubuntu 15.04 OTA5(?) allowed me to at least browse the internet, but little else, I now have the original problem back. The bq appears to connect to the WiFi but I cannot get a network connection, so no updates, no browser etc.
I've tried 2 different WiFis and have performed a reset. (Settings Reset Erase and Reset all.) This has made no difference as neither WiFi will work. Although it says it has connected to my Bluetooth keyboard, it has not given a code to type and the keyboard isn't working with the bq10. It seems that the wifi and bluetooth issues are connected.
Is there a WiFi/bluetooth I/O problem with the OTA 8 & 9 and the bq M10 HD? Is there anything else I can try?
Edit. Reading wifi bqm10 it seems that this is an old, but unsolved, issue. However, I don't understand why wifi worked well for months then suddenly stopped. Only installing bq's original Ubuntu did I get it back, but that is such a limited OS.
Edit 2: I can connect through a third modem, a mobile MiFi, so I'm up and running. Thanks for all your help.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux I'm busy installing a new OS, after loosing network connections on the last one. I imagine that this has something to do with the instruction to uninstall modemmanager. When done, I'll check udev/rules.
The UB Ports Installer was 'seeing' the bq M10, but when instructed to reboot to fastboot, I waited and waited but nothing happened. I restarted and repeated, with the same result.
I had implemented 'Developer Mode' on the bq M10 but, interestingly, I was not asked for my passcode. I don't know if that meant that I was not actually in developer mode.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux I was tempted and tried, but neither UBports install nor the manual method would work for some reason in either debian 8 or Win 10. My debian 8, main computer will now not connect to the internet! You've got to laugh. Time to dwell 2 marching paces, or maybe a few days.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux Thanks. At first I had no success. I restarted the udev service
sudo service udev restart
then checked that the cdc_acm kernel had not been removed
lsmod | grep cdc_acm
started the flash tool again
sudo ./flash_tool.sh
but got the same errors as before.
Then I used a different USB port, and the flash_tool started downloading to the bq M10.
I now have Ubuntu 15.04 OTA13 running. Maybe I'll stick at this level of success for a while, before I risk messing up the M10 yet again. -
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux Thanks. I have followed the steps in the docs very carefully and have tried other USB ports, but there are more for me to try. The step:
9. Turn your device completely off, but do not connect it yet
Puzzles me, as SP Flash Tool immediately reports -
When I connect the bq 10 as in step 12
If I cancel this and press on the Download button, I can leave SP Flash Tool running for 30 mins, but nothing appears to happen - no download, nothing.If I run the following (without SP Tool running), I get the following
$ fastboot devices
FA111208 fastboot
So I assume that the computer is communicating when I have the bq 10 in fastboot mode. -
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux and @Stefano Good to hear it isn't bricked. I tried all sorts of other things but will now follow your advice and see what happens. It is such a good tablet, when it works.
Edit: I have tried the SP Flash Tool but, although my computer 'sees' the tablet as an MT65xx Android phone, the flash tool doesn't seem able to communicate with it and eventually times out. I'll try looking for other forum posts on flash tool, or maybe I need to install some flavour of Ubuntu on my computer.
@advocatux I'm using Debian 8. Will this work instead?
sudo flashrom --server=https://system-image.ubports.com touch --device=cooler --channel=ubports-touch/16.04/stable --bootstrap
In man flashrom I cannot see a --server option.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@Stefano said in WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5:
@advocatux doesn't work with originally Android version, unfortunately
(Ubports installer )
Thanks Stefano. I wish that I had read your post before installing UBports Installer (0.2.2-beta). It wouldn't work on one Linux machine so I tried a manual install. This wouldn't work either. I tried on another Linux machine and it appeared to work flawlessly. Only problem is that my bq M10 HD now boots to the initial Ubuntu screen and no further. Trying the manual install but adb devices doesn't see my M10. I think I might be the proud owner of a brick!
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@advocatux Thanks, but with WiFi not connecting, I cannot carry out an update. I could reload the OS, but that was a horrendous experience last time, but if that is the only option, I'll prepare myself mentally for the task.
RE: WiFi password loss after each and every reboot on MEIZU Pro 5
@ubuntoutou I loose the WiFi password after reboot of Nexus 5 but if I just cancel the enter password screen then 'pull' the screen down, exposing networks, and click on my normal house WiFi, it connects. It hasn't forgotten the password at all. However, I suspect that the problems reported here are far more complex.
On my BQ M10 HD, I can no longer connect through WiFi as it no longer gets an ip address for some reason. It 'sees' the WiFi OK and says it is connected, but the icon (top right of screen) turns completely white after about three minutes - no bars. It had worked well for months but now I suspect something is corrupt on the WiFi side. Is there anything I can reset somehow? I've tried rebooting, turning WiFi off and on and have tried connecting to another WiFi network, but with the same problem - no network access despite appearing to be connected.
Having overcome so many installation problems with UB Ports on the M10 HD, this very nice tablet was growing on me. Despite a few restrictions, it was doing almost everything that I wanted out of a tablet, ie web, emails, notes, nextcloud access, videos (restricted to a few codecs), podcasts, document viewer, ebook reader and no google!
(Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - armhf (20190220) OTA8)
RE: install UBports in bq m10 Fhd ubuntu edition
@guru Many thanks guru. I've just carried out those steps and so far dekko2 seems to be working well, having overcome previous problems. If they re-occur, I'll post the output from the log.
RE: install UBports in bq m10 Fhd ubuntu edition
I've now updated the OS using Install Ubuntu Touch on the Bq m10 HD and following the "manual installation instructions" from a Debian 8 computer.
It was straight forward and seems to have worked, even though I hit an error or two ie I couldn't delete the user data nor the cache. I'm now running OTA-8.
However, I'm still hitting the same problem with Dekko2 though although I've tried re-installing it. I can find no way of getting Dekko2 to download any new emails, although on initial installation it did download my mail.