2020 is an important milestone for UBports and UT with new phones (pinephone, librem5 and may be vollaphone), halium 7.1 and may be Halium 9.1 to be used for new hardwares porting, new QT stack within sight :-), collaboration with others communities increasing,...
So it's interesting to follow how this affects certain data that are publicly available and gives an idea of the growth of the audience for UBports community and Ubuntu Touch.
20211116 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 10,5K (~+0,5K) followers,
Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@ubports: 1,81K (+0,13k) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3717 (+27) members,
UBports forum: 6912 (+389) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1055 (+21) (547(+29) + 167(-6)+ 341 (-2)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 151 (+0),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 551 (+8)
Donators via Liberapay: 116 (+3)
Devices supported by UT : All 78 (+14), Phones 68 (+13), Tablets 7 (+1)
Distrowatch Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 98 (120), 6 months: 98 (119), 3 months: 116 (75), 4 weeks: 107 (85)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
10K (~+0,5K) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
7562 (+782) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
7672 (+523) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 1608 (+170) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
33,4K (+2,9k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
22,2K (+0,6k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
38,9k (-0,1K) followers
Twitter @thefxtec (https://twitter.com/thefxtec
2706 (+112) followers
20210813 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 10K (>= +509) followers,
Mastodon https://mastodon.social/@ubports: 1,68k (-0,01k) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3690 (+94) members,
UBports forum: 6523 (+324) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1034 (+16) (518 (+12) + 173 (+5)+ 343 (+1)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 151 (+0),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 543 (+17)
Donators via Liberapay: 113 (+6)
Devices supported by UT : All 64 (+6), Phones 55 (+6), Tablets 6 (+0)
Distrowatch Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 100 (125), 6 months: 94 (129), 3 months: 92 (128), 4 weeks: 49 (212)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
10K (>= +509) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
6780 (+629) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
7149 (+638) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 1438 (+161) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
30,5 (+1,9k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
21,6 (+0,4k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
39k (-0,3K) followers
Twitter @thefxtec (https://twitter.com/thefxtec
2594 (+89) followers
20210513 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 9491 (+441) followers,
Mastodon @ubports@framapiaf.org: 1,69k (+0,14k) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3596 (-3) members,
UBports forum: 6199 (+309) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1016 (+2) (506 (+20) + 168 (-19)+ 342 (+1)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 151 (+0),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 526 (+20)
Donators via Liberapay: 107 (+3)
Devices supported by UT : All 58 (+0), Phones 49 (+0), Tablets 6 (+0)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
9491 (+441) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
6151 (+655) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
6787 (+633) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 1277 (+119) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
28,6k (+2,3k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
21,2 (+0,6k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
39,3k (-0,2K) followers
Twitter @thefxtec (https://twitter.com/thefxtec
2505 (+92) followers
20210213 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 9050 (+674) followers,
Mastodon @ubports@framapiaf.org: 1,55k (+0,26k) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3599 (+218) members,
UBports forum: 5890 (+196) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1014 (+27) (486 (+19) + 187 (+1)+ 341 (+7)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 151 (+8),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 506 (+27)
Donators via Liberapay: 104 (+18)
Devices supported by UT : All 58, Phones 49, Tablets 6
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
9050 (+674) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
5496 (+656) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
6154 (+874) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 1158 (+201) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
26,3k (+2,6k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
20,6 (+1,2k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
39,5k (-0,3K) followers
Twitter @thefxtec (https://twitter.com/thefxtec
2413 (+249) followers
20201113 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 8376 (+685) followers,
Mastodon @ubports@framapiaf.org: 1,29k (+0,13k) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3381 (+180) members,
UBports forum: 5694 (+ 299) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 987 (-91) (467 (-66) + 186 (-15)+ 334 (-10)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 143 (+0),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 479 (+20)
Donators via Liberapay: 86 (+1)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
8376 (+685) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
4840 (+833) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
5280 (+626) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 957 (+175) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
23,7k (+2,8k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
19,4k (+0,4k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
39,8k (-0,3K) followers
Twitter @thefxtec (https://twitter.com/thefxtec
20200813 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 7691 (+ 1184) followers,
Mastodon @ubports@framapiaf.org: 1,16k (+306) followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 3201 (+393) members,
UBports forum: 5395 (+ 664) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1078 (+42) (533 (+12), 344 (+10), 201(+20)),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 143 (+0),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 459 (+35)
Donators via Liberapay: 85 (+32)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
7691 (+1184) followers,
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
4007 (+982) followers,
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
4654 (+770) followers,
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 782 (+180) followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
20,9k (+3,1k) followers,
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
19k (+0,7k) followers,
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
40,1k (-0,3K) followers
20200513 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 6507 (+ 1086) followers,
Mastodon @ubports@framapiaf.org: 854 followers
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 2808 (+256) members,
UBports forum: 4731 (+ 369) accounts, (L-00*, excluded),
Openstore Apps: 1036 (+6, 521+334+181), (scopes excluded),
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 143 (+1),
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 424 (+35)
Donators via Liberapay: 53 (+12)
Twitter @UBports](https://twitter.com/UBports
Twitter @postmarketOS (https://twitter.com/postmarketOS
Twitter /e/ foundation (https://twitter.com/e_mydata
Twitter @hello_volla (https://twitter.com/hello_volla); 602 followers,
Twitter @thepine64 (https://twitter.com/thepine64
Twitter @Puri_sm (https://twitter.com/Puri_sm
Twitter @JollaHQ (https://twitter.com/JollaHQ
40,4 k followers
20200211 (YYMMDD)
Twitter @UBports: 5421 followers,
Telegram group UBports [ENGLISH] : 2552 members
UBports forum: 4362 accounts
Openstore Apps: 1030 (506+332+192, I excluded scopes)
translate.ubports.com "Used languages": 142
translate.ubports.com "Registered users": 389
Donators via Liberapay: 41