@applee Works fine with ssh, except that I have to put my passphrase maybe 20 times..
So if someone has an idea how to do it with cable, would simpler. I know I could skip the passphrase forever, but this is not what I want
What I am asking myself: adb is android debug bridge, so on a phone without android, can there be a adb?
RE: Creating Apps, ADB: No devices attached
RE: Delete a calenendar
@gy0im Thanks that did the trick.. I did not know what I was deleting actually, and by mistake I also deleted my phone book. But nothing I can restore, so everything great!
How to add new programs to apt
Hello all!
I am not the super programmer but would like to try. I triedsudo apt install pass
and got:
E: Unable to locate package pass
Since the program is pass opensource, it should not be very complicated to compile it for ubuntu-touch and add it to the repo. However, I have never done this before. How can I proceed?
Or do I just need to add a repo? Maybe someone has already done this?
RE: How to add new programs to apt
@stanwood Thanks... It's a pity that this is exactly the kind of thing I find so cool about Linux. That you have a packet manager, and the programs can use each other.
Is a program via the Openstore also accessible in the console?
So is there an other way to install for example pass on my device?