@saveurlinux try swipe on a file in filemanager. working at least with zip for me.

RE: Wich UI app to use to unzip/untar files ?
RE: Gotta release fast
@unisuperbox said in Gotta release fast:
Who is your ideal user for the fourth channel? Right now, the split is fairly clear:
I try to clarify my point of view and map suggested channels to the current channels we have:
devel -> current devel
testing -> current rc
rc -> current stable
stable -> kind of LTS release; for users who don't want to download the entire footfs image every week, but want to receive security updatesIt is not relevant ATM, since most users are kind of beta testers. But it could be important when the community grows.
RE: Gotta release fast
Great to see there is public discussion about this topic!
I think the point is to pick up almost every UT user, since there are not many of them. There are still users using Canonical version out there.
In some projects we used more layers to solve that kind of problems. In UT world the approach could be to introduce one more release channel (maybe that would be the happy medium metioned by @dobey
devel → will likely break something on your phone
testing → kinda mix of current devel and rc
rc → stable enough to use as daily driver, well tested, introducing new feauters frequently
stable → rock solid version, for users who don’t care much about new features they don’t need ATM.
The user could decide to use rc or stable without being afraid that something will beak with next update.
But there should be a way to deliver critical bug fixes on any channel instantly.
RE: help needed with installation on nexus 5
@obacht as Ivan mentioned here:
"There is direct support for calendar sync in the calendar app, but you will need to manually set up a cron job in order to sync your contacts. This is a temporary issue: support for carddav should be added later in the contacts app."
I didn't hear any news about that - so the problem is still there.
RE: Pi devices
@aury88 That's true, my mistake. I read a time ago that there are deb based images for raspi 2 + 3. Maybe they call it different - can't find the name of the project.
RE: Pi devices
For you want to adopt the UI you can use Ubuntu (core) + Unity8 on RasPi. Also you can run anbox on a desktop. But I think there could be some performace issues (at least on zero).
RE: clickable and Python/QML App ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
clickable --desktop
also didn't work for me. On desktop I use qmlscene for testing. -
RE: clickable and Python/QML App ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
@ropod7 I ran into same errors when I tried to use clickable app template. It is not ported to xenial.
So just use python build template and remove local python libs.
RE: Partition 44 does not start on physical sector boundary
This error messages says that partition is not aligned. Basically the adress must be divisible by the block size.
RE: Boolean search how to
You also can't search when you are not logged in but you can read all topics if navigate there. ¯(°_o)/¯
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi community!
My name is Paul Reiter (neopar), I live in Germany and I am working as a software developer for mobile robots.
I am using Linux since Ubuntu 6.06 (so I spent a lot of time configuring beryl, compiz, emerald… with a lot of pain around xorg.conf and fgrlx - my laptop with ati mobility radeon x1100 from 2007 is still doing well and is running bodhi linux now).
I have some coding experience (Pascal, Java, Python, shell scripting) but also in administration (Jenkins, Redmine), virtualization (VirtualBox / QEMU) and handling with OS images.
I own an BQ E5 Ubuntu Edition since first release and already coded some apps for it using Ubuntu SDK (QML + Python), but I never published them due ether some legal stuff or it was too special use case. Early last year I had to switch to Android (for managing some business issues via WhatsApp), so I had no clue what is going on in UT community for around one and a half year (just followed the canonical mailing list but it is dead since view months).
Even if I do not have much free time for family reasons at the moment, I want to participate in this friendly community to make the world a better place… or at least to build a stable alternative mobile os.
BR Paul