add arm64 support. I'm sorry it took so long. A lot of work, I don't have time to update applications I hope there will be more time in August.

RE: Godot 3D Test
RE: Current state of video playback?
@flohack That's why I developed this project. That is, I can write improvements for an existing media player and they will be published?
RE: Godot project
- If you want to create a Godot project, you need to use version 3.2.1 - We create a project folder and copy the missing files to it.
Directory click,, clickable.json
from ubports-circle-jump - In all files, you must replace the project name with your own.
- Open Godot project. Project->Export->Linux/X11->Export PCK/ZIP
- Save your *.pck file in project(Clickable) path.
- Open terminal in project path and run:
You may have an error: 404 file not found.
In go to 7 line and change URL_LATEST
Copy actual ubports-godot link for armhf architecture.# The latest build can always be obtained from this URL URL_LATEST=
For better work, do not forget to change the settings of your project, as in the example of ubports-circle-jump
- If you want to create a Godot project, you need to use version 3.2.1
RE: Godot project
I managed to create a project. Created a new folder, copied the project. And I copied the missing files, then replaced the name in them with what I need.
The build has started, but the project crashes when launched on a smartphone.
It is necessary to understand how the circle_jump. pack file is created -
RE: Godot project
@pavelprosto I love to ask, and then answer my own question
error in
Go to 7 line and change URL_LATEST
Copy actual ubports-godot link for armhf architecture.# The latest build can always be obtained from this URL URL_LATEST=
Then launch terminal, connect your phone and run:
It remains to figure out how to create your own project like this.
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@domubpkm Tell in details. I don't know what automatic dialing is?
Godot project
I try compile Godot project for Circle Jump script don't work. Instructions on how to compile there are not.
Does anyone have any experience or instructions on how to compile a project for Godot? -
RE: Current state of video playback?
@flohack Yes, we have already talked about this.
I think I will fix this error when I can do APT support. I have already managed to successfully compile and run Transmission, FFMPEG, Midnight Commander, PIL library for Python
But here the question arises whether the developers will be ready for such innovations -
RE: Current state of video playback?
@nocturn-adrift Thank you!
Hopefully in the future I will finish it fully and it will become the default application.
The application does not support subtitles and cannot correctly detect that the file being played is not a supported codec. Sometimes files .mp4 can be made with different codecs.
I am converting everything to WEBM To avoid this mistake -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@keneda Yes! Thank you so much for this idea
And about express contacts. For the link to work correctly, it must be in the form of:
tel://<country code>.<subscriber's number>
For example in Russia the country code is 8
So the link of the express contact:
tel://8.1234567890 -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
New version to upload in Open Store and GitHub:
- The api of the application was updated on GitHub for everyone
- The position of the widget settings button has been changed so as not to overlap with other elements.
- New template browser for links. Added many new
- Added Analog Watch Dial
- Added Dutch translation
- Added time update slider for weather widget
What hasn't been fixed/added yet
- Landscape mode does not work fully
- Widgets still do not support localization(only the program itself can be translated)
- Later I will add a browser for icons for the link widget
- There was a wish that the stickers could be of any color.
RE: Porting QTWebflix(Netflix app) to Ubuntu touch?
@comlarsic A very cool idea!
Kodi plugins work in Python, you can take authorization algorithms and program work from them
You can use the Morph browser component to play the video.
You can see how this is implemented by me
The video player code itself is here -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@keneda I will add these sketch to the new release
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@cliffcoggin If anyone has such a problem, it is a conflict between installing directly from the directory and the open-store.
- Delete uHome.
- Delete 3 directories
/home/phablet/.config/uhome.pavelprosto/ - Install uHome from open-store
- If the application displays an inscription, "I cannot create a cache",
do not panic. Run the application again and everything should work.
I can only guess where this problem comes from. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the final version was compiled on the new version of clickable
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@aarontheissueguy Of course, I would like to become the default application)
The application will expand, I will add its API. In the near future I will update the API in GitHub so that the developers know how to interact with it and what functions are there. -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
@domubpkm Yes! You did the right thing!
When you install an application directly or through the open-store. They are saved in different ways in the system.
Therefore, it is important to first uninstall the beta version and then install from the Open Store so that there is no conflict of installations.
For example, only an application from the Open Store can go to sleep.
So now uHome is also more economical in terms of phone resources. -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
I forgot to add a button to remove custom wallpaper! I will definitely do this in the next update.
I have not forgotten about live wallpapers and I am thinking about it. I have a couple of ideas and ways to implement this.
About Dekko, I really love this email client too. Unfortunately I cannot implement a widget for it, uHome's permission are very very limited.
But it can be implemented by the Dekko programmer. His application can interact with my desktop and I will be happy to help him with this. -
RE: Need testers Home Screen for Ubuntu Touch
uHome is published in the open-store
It was a very long and difficult journey. Thank you all for your tremendous support!
I leave this topic for testing new beta versions and finding bugs