@Keneda Just giving options. He wants no maps, no camera, etc. Some of UTs phone ports do not have working camera, but most do. Pinephone and Librem, as you know, have physical switches to disable camera, etc. He could just physically remove the camera from any phone as well, although that might have unintended effects depending on how it's wired.
RE: As simple as possible
RE: As simple as possible
@simply I would suggest a Pinephone or Librem 5/Liberty phone or one of the Mobian/Droidian or Postmarketos phones
RE: Morph browser - webapps issues and Javascript
@diddub Try Sapot browser, or one of the browsers available in SnapzOr
RE: N6P device up for donation
@jhayar0719 I have one, free, if you are in North America. Shipping and customs makes it not worthwhile to send overseas
RE: Tello VoLTE
@metalmyles That's because it's using 2g for calls which is increasingly becoming unavailable as T-mobile shuts down the rest of their 2g network.
We have VoLTE solutions being worked on, but nothing available for general use at the moment. When that changes it will be announced everywhere.
RE: Is there an SIP client?
@Inali N6P does not have a 20.04 build - currently unmaintained
RE: Call for testing: Ubuntu Touch 20.04 OTA-5
@karibooooo Did you try using Waydroid and mobile data only?
RE: Call for testing: Ubuntu Touch 20.04 OTA-5
Is GPS still working for Pixel 3a users?
Mine was working before the RC, now doesn't error, but also doesn't get a lock. Currently sitting unsuspend for two hours and no lock
RE: UBports UT Pinephone and Sim Cards
@Frayedknot If your device is a P3a, several of us have noticed this. It's something to do with UT, not the carrier. I haven't had time to troubleshoot it, so haven't filed a bug report for it yet.
RE: Any chance for Focal?
@Timespansoul I loaned them out to a group that wanted to show UT at the local makerfaire. If I get them back, I'll let you know. But, I expect them not to.
RE: Any chance for Focal?
@MOVEQ You can find android 9 and later android builds (some with device tree) on Xda-developers N6P page
RE: If I buy a google phone and then install Ubuntu Touch on it, does it fully remove the google OS?
@muellw Only the driver layer that allows the hardware to function remains. If even that bothers you, there is always the Pinephone either with Ubuntu Touch, or PostmarketOS, or Mobian
Or other mainlined phones supported by PostmarketOS, Mobian, Kupfer, or Lune
RE: Status of VoLTE (Voice over LTE 4G) implementation?
@Tommy The 4G data network is not going away anytime soon. Even Verizon is allowing any device that is a Pixel 2 or later on their network. I just gave away a P2XL that I was using as a data device on Verizon with Sip for calls. So, you should be able to continue using them after the final T-mobile 2g cut-off (which had been postponed).
There is ongoing work to get VoLTE going, and Sip is available now with the experimental linphone app and the google voice web app. You should join the NA Issues UT group on Telegram. We can help you better there.
RE: Booting device after powering off
@Jutleys The unlocked bootloader message is normal.
The delay in turning off, re-booting is a bug of the OP6/T port. Could go into EDL or crashdump mode as well. The port is in need of some work.
RE: OnePlus 6T can't be detected in fastboot.
Also, if you are using windows, the phone's driver must be installed once when the phone is on, and again when the phone is in fastboot mode.
RE: Any chance for Focal?
@Moem Easily. But, United States only unless they want to pay shipping/customs. It's become too costly and too complex for me to send overseas.
Devices are free to whomever wishes to try. But, don't wait long because I'm clearing out the shop.
Any chance for Focal?
I have 3 N6P sitting here, trying to decide if they should go to recycling, or is there a chance for Focal?
RE: Dropping of 3G network....
And I pay $3/mo for sip service. That price has gone up to $5 for new subscribers. That, and my $10/mo data only sim makes the monthly phone bill $15. So, not as expensive as regular phone service in the US with the big three.
RE: Dropping of 3G network....
@MrT10001 Alfred et al, are working on multiple efforts to get it in the dialer, but no results yet.
Currently, our best solutions are the experimental linphone app, and the Google Voice app. Both work well, but have no integration with the dialer and no push notifications. If the app is on and unsuspended though, you will hear it and be able to receive calls (except on devices with aggresive sleep states). So, for example, P2XL can receive calls while sleeping, P3a cannot.