@Lundrin17 Just to be sure: you mean the first Volla Phone (code name yggdrasil)?
RE: Switching OS with UBPorts installer
RE: 'crazy Volla'
@Keneda said in 'crazy Volla':
Gigaset is a Siemens brand.
Yes, back then ...
But Gigaset was sold 16 years ago -
RE: 'crazy Volla'
@grepo I understand that you are angry about the service. By Siemens, you probably mean Gigaset GS5?
RE: 'crazy Volla'
@musicologist Some users reported in the Volla forums that it was caused by some SIM cards (e.g. https://forum.volla.online/viewtopic.php?p=5791#p5791 ). Can you test drive your Vollaphone without the SIM card and see if the ghost touches go away?
RE: Replace Volla OS with Ubports
@digi6622 said in Replace Volla OS with Ubports:
Factory reset didn't work.
Do you have any details? What happened?
RE: Volla Phone Quintus UT Perks
@RobTheBold https://forum.volla.online/viewforum.php?f=31 might be a good place to ask for more information.
RE: Volla Phone 22 replacing a broken display
@magnargj said in Volla Phone 22 replacing a broken display:
I noticed that the Ubports-installer has two options for Volla 22, one just "Volla 22" and one "Volla 22 with new screen".
Interesting. Which version of UBports-installer is this?
RE: Is there a better browser somewhere?
@uxes Thanks for the details. The linked version of uFirefox works impressively on my GS5 Pro.
RE: Volla Phone Quintus
@GT said in Volla Phone Quintus:
Is it known who is the manufacturer/producer of the new Volla Quintus hardware? Is it still Gigaset or another producer?
The founder of Volla explained in a long (German) post that they have reduced their supply chain, which seems to be a promising move: https://forum.volla.online/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=1260
RE: Screen rotated to landscape: mouse stays in portrait mode
I see.
Is there a workaround so that the orientation could be fixed after/during a boot? I am asking because I am using rotation lock (staying in landscape), so a one-time fix would be enough for me
Screen rotated to landscape: mouse stays in portrait mode
If I rotate the screen to landscape, the mouse (bluetooth) seems to respect the original dimensions, so that the right half of the screen cannot be reached with the mouse. (Current OTA-4, focal, GS5pro)
RE: Swiss German Language support?
@Peter-Gamma said in Swiss German Language support?:
- But the bad think about it is that Pine64 has pulled the Pinephone keyboard from the store.
Do not panic. The pine64eu store still has keyboards: https://pine64eu.com/shop/page/2/ (It is out of stock, as mentioned below; sorry, for the false hope.)
RE: Swiss German Language support?
postmarketOS supports many languages. The English Wikipedia page is misleading.
RE: Alarm clock volume issue
@Ian said in Alarm clock volume issue:
Silly question but did you try setting the alarm volume in the clock app settings (cog wheel top right)?
I tried it before and now; no change. As vibration works, I will try to choose an empty alarm sound (as a workaround).
RE: Alarm clock volume issue
@arubislander said in Alarm clock volume issue:
Have u tried uVolMan from the OpenStore to manage the volume of different audio outputs?
Yes. I tried again, without any effect: all levels are ok, but the alarm ignores them and starts at maximum.
RE: Alarm clock volume issue
If more devices are affected, opening an issue at https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/apps/lomiri-clock-app would be ok, I guess.
RE: Alarm clock volume issue
@jojumaxx I have the same problem on my Volla Phone 22 (UT 20.04, OTA-4) and a similar GS5 Pro. I guess it affects only some devices, otherwise this bug would be more prominent and be fixed already
I also tried the countdown (in the clock app). Same problem. Interestingly, if I push VolUp or VoldDown during the alarm, the heard volume is instantly in the configured speaker range.
It is a showstopper if you need an alarm because it might damage your ears,
Any ideas or workarounds?
RE: Anyone tried installing another OS on a Ubuntu Touch X23
@treebeard If you want a multiboot device, I know only the Volla boot manager from within Volla OS. So, you must first install Volla OS (which might be illegal - I don't know - and deletes your UT) from UBports installer, and then the other OS with the Volla boot manager to some SD card. You will end up with fresh installations and the whole process does not sound simple.
Volla once offered a reflashing service (for money); if interested, check their web site.
RE: Why is there no dedicated subcategory for the Volla X23?
@Charly A good place to report UT issues for Volla phones is: https://github.com/HelloVolla/ubuntu-touch-beta-tests/issues