@trwidick said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
Do you want facebook messenger built in to the os like most android phones?
HELL NO!!! :pouting_face:
@dobey said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
I don't know if the ffmpeg stuff does hardware decoding on PCs or not, but I think probably it doesn't either.
FFMPEG supports Hardware Decoding for about 10+ years now!
That's what Kodi/XBMC uses and the moment FFMPEG got Hardware Decoding the VLC Player got it too!
@bigmouth said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
@trwidick Wish: Enhanced start menue
I'd like to be able to create directories to sort my apps.
Also I wonder if widgets were possible, e. g. the clock app to show current time at the desktop and the weather app its information, too.
Widgets are the garbage of Android and Windows systems and have no use on Ubuntu Touch since you can easily scroll through your opened apps
But Folders would be nice for sure, however please keep in mind you simply might have too many apps installed and many of them are easily replaceable by your browser!
@keneda said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
I don't know where do you live but in France SMS/MMS are unlimited and free of charge with any contrat...
And i think it's the same in quite all countries in Europe, so yes, MMS is commonly used.
In The Netherlands MMS was basically EOL before it was introduced!
I am really surprised to see soo many requests for MMS Support
Oh and MMS works with any smartphone, no need for the same "messenger" app installed in both sending and receiving phone, it's GAFAM and third part app free.
Dunno man...
I really REALLY like Telegram : It works on all my devices and syncs all Chat's completely unlike all of their competitors!
** Di sound on my Android phone **
Open Telegram on my Linux Laptop and read the message!
Or my Windows Gaming PC
Or any of my Ubuntu Touch devices ofcourse!!! :grinning_squinting_face:
100% AWESOME!!!
@trwidick said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
@keneda A agree this can be very Important. I use youtube at work everyday. No better way to find a teardown of a laptop that needs a new motherboard or jack replaced. I wish i could code our problems away, but i do not code. The pixel 3a i think has hardware encoding, youtube works quite well, with out buffering, or skipping frames I might be wrong tho.
Encoding is not the same as Decoding and we need Decoding via Hardware Acceleration in this case!
As much as I hate YouTube the last 5 years or so : We really need it inside TELEports for example!
Or perhaps VLC for Ubuntu Touch in the future ?!
@dobey said in Wishes, Dreams, and Unicorns:
@keneda Well, yes, GPU is used in Linux by browsers too, at least for rendering acceleration. Using hardware decoding if available, in Linux, has always been trickier because it's not something drivers tend to provide, for example, and AFAIK GStreamer and other things don't have decent detection or handling of such things.
That is sadly VERY TRUE : Hardware Acceleration and Decoding of video's in Firefox for example is only available for about 1 year now!
And with all the new stuff going on with V4L2 it continues to be a ongoing drama story...
See : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=libreelec+nvidia+gpu+v4l2
My personal dream is simply to have this :
Ubuntu Touch with Convergence
On any phone, for any phone!
And the ability to simply use Desktop Software in Convergence mode!
All phones should have had a hardware keyboard and a stylus pen for a very long time now!
But some fruit brand guy decided to ruin all that and now we are stuck with onscreen keyboards which are not suitable for our huge fingers! :pouting_face: