Hi, does the cable in question allow data transfer?
if yes Perfect
otherwise not good
RE: fastboot cannot find device
RE: On the subject of Ubuntu Touch versioning scheme
I find that remaining so canonical (who is still the founding father of UT)
Wouldn't be too bad to keep their versioning, it's basically up to them and they authorize us to use the term 'ubuntu touch' maybe it won't offend them? Afterwards I say that with innocence -
RE: More detailed explanation for the exact firmware version to use and its downgrade process
Hi !,personally the first one I cited doesn't work well at all..
after the second better but not perfect either I have 4G which doesn't work for example...
or at least 30 seconds when the phone just boots after nothing 3G only
Thank you for your response
RE: More detailed explanation for the exact firmware version to use and its downgrade process
To install Ubuntu Touch (UT) on your Xiaomi Note 9 Pro (Global version) and ensure it works perfectly without bugs for calls, SMS, and 4G, you must use the firmware
Download the firmware from this link: https://xmfirmwareupdater.com/miui/joyeuse/stable/V12.0.2.0.QJZMIXM/
Flash the .zip firmware using ADB sideload with a compatible recovery like TWRP:
adb sideload firmware_name.zip
It is not necessary to boot Android after flashing.
Wait for about 5 minutes after flashing to ensure proper installation. -
More detailed explanation for the exact firmware version to use and its downgrade process
Good morning,
I wanted to know how and which version used precisely to best use ubuntu touch in France because I put the Android 10 firmware, the last one on the list (but the right one?) on: miui_JOYEUSEEEAGlobal_V12.0.4.0.QJZEUXM_597eda23b4_10.0.zip
but I need more clarification on how it works because I have UT it works partially I receive the SMS but I can't call it a bug or if I receive a call it looks like a kernel panic occurs and reboot...Can you tell me what I missed? I used the firmware mentioned and I'm suddenly devel in version because stable doesn't work that much and devel is the same (it's not a judgment an observation!!!!)
Thank you for the help provided I am a veteran of the community I was on 16.04 and I would like to resume UT
RE: Samsung s10E
@kugiigi In the github the last commit allows focal migration but I wanted to know if someone had done it... Is the redmi note7 supported?
Samsung s10E
sorry for the bad english ....I know the S10e is not supported now but why ? it's a good device ?
i see the last commit move to focal version
any person test ?
If yes what is the status ?Thx !
SMS not receive
hello i found a problem width Ubports and google for the SMS
if your friend have a android phone width chat mode activate you in the ubports OS you not receive this SMS...one solution ?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 94 Saturday 13th February @ 19:00 UTC
@ubportsnews Hello pinephone 5.10-rc6 kernel shouldn't it be migrated to the stable version of the kernel? Thanx
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 74 This Saturday at 19:00 UTC
Hi Ubports, the version of ubuntu touch is 16.04 now.
My question is we will go to 20.04 in version of ubuntu touch ? -
RE: Want To Develop UT And Need A Device
@UBportsNews hi i want help ubports to develop app but i have only nexus 4 ... I need if possible a tablet. For scale and correction of bugs ... Thanx you ubports ! Regards Yann
RE: Q&A 54 Saturday The 13th Of July At 19:00 UTC
@UniSuperBox Hello if we need to click to run the desktop games why use libertine? me I think (and that's what I see on github) that it would be necessary to put the material acceleration on libertine because half of the desktop app does not launch .. (I tried 0AD) ben he goes off desuite good after I support the project at 100%;) so I do not criticize at all but it will be cool the new version of mir and Unity 8! good luck !
RE: Q&A 54 Saturday The 13th Of July At 19:00 UTC
Hi Ubports Team ! A question .... 0AD or games for ubuntu 16.04 its possible to run ? thanx for you answer !
(hello from France! )
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 52 Saturday 15th June @ 19:00 UTC
Hi UBports I have a question about games. games such as quake and others can be executed? because there I constantly test quake Nexuiz (yes I'm greedy lol) but I hope that with the updates of mir and Unity 8 it will work! I wish you that it works! a hello from France Regards!