Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name
In means of convergence verb "to converge" should be Guqula according to google translate. (btw system > uhlelo)
While giving it a deeper thought, question may also be: What do we want to express by name of the system? and since there is not yet longterm goal besides make the system working, that might be a very difficult question to answer.
@Flohack : example of words starting with ub in zulu or those which contains ub
There's always Mobuntu (mobile + 'buntu)
I think I'd prefer something a bit more outside the box, though. Something creative that pinwheels from a stream of consciousness word association.
eg Niles > Nilesy > Nilesy-Wilesy > Wile E Coyote > The Coyote (from an old episode of Frasier)
Cell phone > Cell > Perfect Cell > Dragon Ball Z > Android Saga > Android > Red Ribbon Army > Red Robin > Red Robin OS! ( a few copyright infringements there)
I don't think I have the answer, but trying to push the discussion a little further.
Gesture McSwipeyFace OS?
What about Open Orange Linux? Orange comes from color, that is mainly used in Ubuntu's theme and symbol. Or we can leave orange behind and use lemon or another fruit, because they are colorful and tasty.
Yeah, and get sued by Orange carrier
I would go with something abstract or a single word used in everyday. And make it not contain "Open" or "OS". It's very generic in my opinion.
Unless we can stay with Ubuntu Touch, as this is recognizable an I am for sticking to this name as long as possible.
About Canonical letting the OS down - well, I think it is more important that they created Ubuntu Touch. Without them Ubports would not exist. And - so far - the OS is still Ubuntu, just became unofficial flavour. It is still planned to be upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 and not diverge away.
@Mitu said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
Yeah, and get sued by Orange carrier
I would go with something abstract or a single word used in everyday. And make it not contain "Open" or "OS". It's very generic in my opinion.
Unless we can stay with Ubuntu Touch, as this is recognizable an I am for sticking to this name as long as possible.
About Canonical letting the OS down - well, I think it is more important that they created Ubuntu Touch. Without them Ubports would not exist. And - so far - the OS is still Ubuntu, just became unofficial flavour. It is still planned to be upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 and not diverge away.FRENCH
Mitu a raison, si on peut garder UT, se serait l'idรฉalENGLISH
Mitu is right, if we can keep UT, would be the ideal -
One other this that I noticed when I looked at it again was the fact that the time on the two clocks is different in the picture. This does not give a good idea of consistency to anyone looking at it.
Just to add another proposal:
"Community Based Operating System for Mobile Devices" or short: CoBOSMoD
And the logo should necessarily include an 'O' -
my suggestion is "TOUCHY"
If it needs one how about Utouch.
I dont think we should use "Touch" in/as the name.
Ubuntu Touch was actually just Ubuntu, but people called it Ubuntu Touch because even though convergence was promised, we never got unity 8 to a good enough level to be default on the desktop, otherwise I believe we would have just called it Ubuntu.We should look at current names of projects
- Android
- iOS
- Windows Phone
- CyanogenOS
- LineageOS
Personally I think we shouldn't have OS or Phone in the name either.
So looking at- Android
- Sailfish
- Plasma
- Tizen
- FireFox
- Ubuntu
- Mint
- Debian
What would sound good in this kind of area?
I don't know, but we'll have to figure something out sometime. -
@Lakota said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
If it needs one how about Utouch.
@Bastos said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
If it needs one how about Utouch.
"Utouch Urself. The most pleasant OS in the World".
UB-Mobile, U-Mobile, UBports-Mobile, stealing that from somewhere ~
@Flohack said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
@CyberAly I am a bit opposed against emphasizing Ubuntu in the name. TBH Canonical let us all down, and now we should give them free advertisment for their name? Nah I dont like this. We are not affiliated with them, and on th elong run I want some distance here....
Ubuntu is not Canonical. The community was build in the Ubuntu community with their values. If that are not the values which should be in this mobile operating system than it is better to change the name. Ubuntu is a philosophy. If it is a good goal for the operating system I think the project can use this name. The distance, when the project change the name of the operating system has nothing to do with a distance to Canonical. It is only a distance to the early adapter from the Ubuntu Community.
@toddy that's fine and dandy but please read my message above specially this part:
"Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be approved, certified or provided by Canonical if you are going to associate it with the Trademarks. Otherwise you must remove and replace the Trademarks".
In short, we can't use the name Ubuntu unless we want to deal with Canonical certification.
Canonicalโs Trademarks (registered in word and logo form) include:
- Ubuntu
- Kubuntu
- Edubuntu
- Xubuntu
- Juju
- Landscape
You can use the Trademarks, in accordance with Canonicalโs brand guidelines, with Canonicalโs permission in writing. If you require a Trademark licence, please contact us (as set out below).
You will require Canonicalโs permission to use: (i) any mark ending with the letters UBUNTU or BUNTU which is sufficiently similar to the Trademarks or any other confusingly similar mark, and (ii) any Trademark in a domain name or URL or for merchandising purposes.
You cannot use the Trademarks in software titles. If you are producing software for use with or on Ubuntu you may reference Ubuntu, but must avoid: (i) any implication of endorsement, or (ii) any attempt to unfairly or confusingly capitalise on the goodwill of Canonical or Ubuntu.
You can use the Trademarks in discussion, commentary, criticism or parody, provided that you do not imply endorsement by Canonical.
You can write articles, create websites, blogs or talk about Ubuntu, provided that it is clear that you are in no way speaking for or on behalf of Canonical and that you do not imply endorsement by Canonical.
Canonical reserves the right to review all use of Canonicalโs Trademarks and to object to any use that appears outside of this IPRights Policy.
We are in talks with Canonical about the use of Canonical IP.
Hi, I think we should not forget Ubuntu developers effort. On the other hand we have now bot logo and UBports branding that just works very well. I like it, I have a big respect with the people that have pick up the UT OS to keep it a live, they have choosen current branding and logo, we should listen to their opinion and feelings in this case and wait until they come to us with some new branding and logo ideas, if necessary.
We should take it easy, and keep working on more important issues. Let the future or Canonical do the first move.
@UniSuperBox said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
We are in talks with Canonical about the use of Canonical IP.
That evidently changes everything.
@MK73 I was looking at my browser home page,and wondering why it could not have ???
UBports Help
UBports Shop
UBports Community
this could be a link to the wiki ,etcOr a link for ,FAQ, or installing
I think that is a must.