Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?
@libremax I might have misread @flohack but I think all that is being said is a why to stop people flashing the GS290 with the VollaUT Installer image thinking the devices are exactly the same (potentially bricking their device) when they are not. The price or choice of device is not the issue damaging devices is.
@lakotaubp said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
@libremax The price or choice of device is not the issue damaging devices is.
If the user of the UBports installer is well informed he should only used it for devices list by the installer and that otherwise it would be at its own risks, I don't think it would be a right move to take away his freedom to do so to by beginning to "prevent the installer from flashing the image onto a GS290".
And until now there is no report of "damage" for people who use the UBports installer for GS290 so this idea of preventing from flashing the image is questionable and would be the object of criticism and polemics.
People will begin to use previous versions of installer or fork it to get back the possibility to install UT on GS290 and it will be a mess.
@libremax Maybe a simple "If your device is not a VollaPhone but a GS290 we cannot guarantee the install of UT will be successful and you may brick your device. You proceed at your own risk" message would do.
I agree you cannot stop people trying but you cannot also say they will be "well informed" and be aware of the potential risk. Unless of course someone wants to do a dedicated port for the GS290 and get that on to the installer -
@lakotaubp said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
@libremax but you cannot also say they will be "well informed" and be aware of the potential risk.
I don't say that but "If the user of the UBports installer is well informed he should only used it for devices list by the installer and that otherwise it would be at its own risks...".
So yes for me it's a matter of warning and not of preventing.
a fact is, "Hallo Welt" can sure sell they high extreme special "Volla Phone" for 359 Euro ... but IF ... then with his one an only "Volla OS" but UT is "FREE" for everyone ... so the Phone with "Ubuntu Touch" should cost absout 200 Euro ... then i would buy such a Phone just right now ... IF it is available ^ xD
What ever, i think such a forum is just for that Point THAT the user can try to flash his old or new phone with a rom of his own choice ... the possibility that he is bricking his phone, i think every one who will flash a phone will know it before that it could be bricked.
anyway, a warning about a brick, dont will be a wrong thing ^ xD
@tomcic81 So finaly it works, have now Ubuntu Touch on my GS290 ... so im happy now ...
Thank You to the "anonym" Helper ...
@tomcic81 Does the phone receive updates?
@odo Yes ist does, you can update what you want ... apps, software, secure ... it starts and have the Volla Logo ...
i bet, a "original" VollaPhone has the same "GS290" in SN
@flohack said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
We are therefore thinking about how we can identify that this is a real Vollaphone, and to prevent the installer from flashing the image onto a GS290.
I understand Hallo Welt is putting efforts in the VollaPhone, and should at least earn something.
But, and i agree with some other posters here, restricting devices would be so negative for an open-source community...Open-source MUST be liberty : no jail, no forbideness, make_your_choices@your_own_risks...
And : not everyone has 350€ to put in a phone.
You REALLY should hide personnal data like MAC adresses.... -
@keneda xD i konw, but i will Sell this new phone again ... i only want to know that it is possible to install UT on a GS290 ... i had help, but IF you know the steps itś realy simple ...
The Hardware is the same, there is a little tricky with the software ... a rookie like me CAN NOT see this and will brick that thing
Now i have my Galaxy S9+ with /e/ OS ... next step i will install Ubuntu Touch on it ... and the next step ... i will try to run AnBox on it ... there are som Android-Apps i realy need ...
( Whatsapp / Bankingapp ) ^ -
@tomcic81 Are there any secret steps? Or is it just necessary to install a compatible Vendor-image? Did you use the SP Flash Tool, or did you flash with fastboot?
The reason why I ask:
I have a GX290, and I'm wondering if I can get UT up and running on it. As far as I read, GX290 has different hardware: display, camera and battery differs compared to GS290.
But Gigaset provides the same Open Source Archive for both devices. I couldn't check the files, as the 14GB download did not finish so far.
But maybe both devices share the same kernel and vendor files. -
@cmuc dont know how much i can say but yes i use the SP Flasher for it ... may be the HELPER, can send intrested people a lil link ...
it will not be fair to the Helper IF i earn the honor for that ^ xD
Question ? Whatś Fair ?
Gigaset GS290 made in Germany with Android 10 for 169 Euro
VollaPhone GS290 made in Germany with Ubuntu 360 Euro ? so they will make money with the work from your community about 200 BUGS ... for a FREE open source software ???
I would say "pull the stick out of ya asses" and see the dam TRUE ...
i got help to install Ubuntu Touch very easy on my GS290 ... so i give you the LINK to do that :
If some one delete this post or this link, feel free to contact me ... i have the HowTo and the needed programms and roms for it ...
Thank You for your support ^
@tomcic81 Ok let's keep this under control. No one is saying you can't or should not flash UT onto a GS290 (UT is free and Open Source after all) only that if you go to use the installer and use the Volla install it may well fail.
As for the rest of the issues you raise, not really for this thread. Maybe more fitting for Off Topic. -
@lakotaubp you can eread it in the /e/ Forum in den UB Ports Forum there are many people they don´t think about it ... and say something about "NOT FAIR for Hallo Welt GmbH for theyr work" to install UB on a GS290 ... Hallo Welt GmbH had a reason why they change the Vendor ... because that will be NOT so easy to install UB on a GS290 ... to make Money ... today all is making FOR Money ... that a thing we should be fight against it ... thats a free open source Software not exist to make extra money ... why anybody don´t want to understand that ?
And another FACT Yes the VollaPhone hardware ist absolut identical to the Gigaset GS290
@tomcic81 Then with your last point, and I have no reason to doubt it, you have answered the the main question for this thread "Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?"
As for the rest as I said before we have the Off Topic section of the Forum for other issues not directly related to UT which the business plans of other entities and companies would fall into. Please feel free to use it. -
This post is deleted! -
@keneda said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
And : not everyone has 350€ to put in a phone.
Well, you can buy another device and put UT on it. Why it has to be the GS290?
They have spent time to build VollaOS, an UT and SFOS port. Why do people except often that other people should work for free?
I think it's great (for UBports) that you can a device, which already runs UT - without flashing etc... There are people out there, who don't want to get into that stuff.
And what's actually important for me. I want to have a device which gets supported properly. Most ports never get "finished" or abandoned at some time.
I look for a new device quite some time and for me one of the most important reason for the decision is how well a device will be supported. Therefore, there are at the moment just 2 options. VollaPhone or Xperia II with SFOS.Its just sad, what people are willing to do, just to save some bucks.
@makeixo said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
Well, you can buy another device and put UT on it. Why it has to be the GS290?
Because, maybe, it's a quite recent hardware, at a decent price, still available in pristine condition?
@makeixo said in Volla Phone identical to Gigaset GS290?:
Why do people except often that other people should work for free?
Why do you think people want other to work for free?
If someone want to get a recent hardware phone to put uT on it, but he doens't have 360€ to buy a VollaPhone, should he stick to 7 years old hardware like N5 or OPO because it's the only other "cheap" choice he have that don't make people like you unconfortable?
Can't he just buy a GS290, new or used, and donate something to Hallo Welt for the port effort?
I think Hallo should add "donate for uTouch port effort" perk, 10€ would be fair, on indiegogo for that purpose.ubports devs works FOR FREE if you don't donate to them, is that's fair to have them maintaining uTouch, for all devices to profit their work in the end (that's not Hallo that migrate to 20.04 for example), and they don't earn anything?
Let people free to use LIBRE software the way they can/want to use it, no?