Device recommendation for VoLTE support
Great news!
Could you explain the path to follow to test VoLTE or a place i could read it? -
@ywilien you can add Fairphone 5 on your list.
@Keneda Its port is still not on par with other ports though. Not sure yet if it'll get the same love as the Fairphone 4
@ywilien Have Anybody tested VoLTE in Xiaomi Redmi note 9 in focal or noble? please inform in the forum or teleports group.Thank you.
@alagirialagiri no idea, I was just listing Halium11+ devices hoping it will help to maybe have VoLTE oneday.
For VoLTE it seems best to wait some month for a clear view.
So in order to have a more recent device than my old E4.5, I'll go with a classic Pixel 3a, even if its halium version is older.
@kugiigi said in Device recommendation for VoLTE support:
Not sure yet if it'll get the same love as the Fairphone 4
That would be very awkward for a promoted device with official Fairphone support for UT.
@Keneda I don't think it has official Fairphone support unless there's a plan for that that I'm not aware of. That would be great though
Yeah I think I mixed with FP4 which has official support for sure, I'm dumb -
@Keneda I don't think that's also the case. As far as I know, Fairphone was open to it but the port/OS doesn't pass their quality requirements.
@kugiigi To clarify this, support for 5G and VoLTE are necessary.
Once that's solved, we can try to get that sorted and updated and hopefully have Fairphone selling devices with UT preinstalled. -
@alagirialagiri There are a few people that are working on the Miatoll series to try to make VoLTE working. (I'm in the Telegram group). Even some (unsuccessful) attempts have been
So I'm sure it will get one day. Don't know how hard is the task though...
@ywilien I too have pixel 3aXL.Wait,wait,wait.Till volte is put to use.!?