Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years
@ktatar156 said in Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years:
Is there any features lists available
No, I do not think there is a list.. You will have to be curious and search under github and gitlab with what is related to UT. On the other hand, there is a big list of things required !! https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4754/wish-list-which-apps-do-you-need?lang=en-GB
@ktatar156 This is the link to Waydroid group https://t.me/waydroidonut which I am sure you know is a completely sperate project UT Development wise. Might be a good place to keep up with progress.
I don't understand why people want to change from iOS/Android to UT but on the other hand still want to use all their services. In my opinion one effort of UT is, that you don't have to use accounts and services from these big companies and still have a functional and free phone in your hand.
@kristatos Just because I would like to have ANY working cloud backup of my data (photos, files, contacts).
The ideal solution would be that Ubuntu Community will set-up their own paid cloud (aka Ubuntu One) that could sync data. -
I am not going to react to the majority of the content here as it has been commented on already. So just a few bits:
As for Waydroid + GPS, it works for me. I can run maps, uber etc. in the Android emulator just fine and GPS works there. The only thing I do experience is that once I launch Waydroid GPS no longer works in UT and I have to restart the phone. I am thinking if it could be something device specific then.
As for Google contact sync, yes, that is sadly broken since approx. February 2022 from what I remember: https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/address-book-app/-/issues/201
Sadly I have no idea what broke there but I presume Google changed some things. -
@kristatos Sadly some governments/cities/banks basically force you to use their Android or iOS apps or rely on WhatsApp if you want to talk to them. We do not live in an ideal world and I've been very lucky Waydroid got to UT when it got as if I didn't have that choice I would have to switch to Android just because of that. And surely I would stop using UT if I only had a phone with it laying all the time somewhere home.
Unless you only meant services/accounts like Google drive, mail, contacts/calendar sync etc. But even there I am not on the same boat. Google is nowadays just another terrible corporate company, so I am not fond of them. However it is quite convenient to use their services. I could opt in for another provider but that wouldn't have to be an advantage. And I don't want to rely on my own server as I would surely lose all data plus I would have to take care of it.
@cibersheep said in Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years:
Mail: You could use Dekko. It works perfectly with all standard email accounts. Gmail is being worked on (again).
Dekko works, but it would definetly need some love.
For instance there is no contact list.
Still experimental and no update for almost 2 years.Don't get me wrong, i know this is huge task to maintain such a complex app, and i'm glad there is at least one email app working quite well.
@keneda Maintaining an efficient email client is practically a full-time job. Mission almost impossible for volunteering.
What seems more likely is to make the browser stronger and quickly fix its few major issues (DNS leaks and WebRTC leaks).
And it is absolutely necessary that Webber continues to operate under focal...
@ktatar156 said in Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years:
@kristatos Just because I would like to have ANY working cloud backup of my data (photos, files, contacts).
The ideal solution would be that Ubuntu Community will set-up their own paid cloud (aka Ubuntu One) that could sync data.There is nothing stopping you from setting up your own cloud server.
@ktatar156 said in Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years:
In my opinion, there should be put more effort over:
2. Firefox - as mentioned before, in my opinion (from the user perspective) it could be better way to port it (maybe from Firefox android app?), instead of maintaining additional app. I'm aware of that, from the developer perspective, it is a completely different matter.The only way this would be significantly better than the present situation is if Mozilla themselves would officially support UT. Otherwise the burden of maintainance and catching up would be on some community member and we would still be having complaints that the browser does not support the latest features. Adapting Firefox to integrate with UT features such as Content Hub and Media Hub and also getting it to play nice with our display server requires work and maintainance, especially if upstream would not want to carry the needed patches.
Morph is based on QtWebEngine, which is a stripped down Chromium and is maintained by QT, and integrates better with the rest of the platform out of the box.
Having said all of that, anyone, and I mean absolutely anyone is free to jump in and put in the work needed to get Firefox to integrate with UT. It might be time that all the members who want to see this happen, get together, start a fundraiser and hire a developer, or something instead of repeatedly expressing this desire, or worse, saying this should be done instead of something else. Those who do not code, do not get to dictate what those who do code will spend their time on. You want something done, organise to get it done. That is how open source works.- Working sync for most popular services like Google or iCloud (contacts, calendar, mail, photos and file sharing/drive) - most of people would like to have additional backup in these, and on the top of that, have an opportunity to migrate data easily and sync between devices.
Yes, and when these proprietary systems change access to their services locking us out, or at least making it necessary for us to play catch up, we will be right back where we are at the moment.
Better would be to use a solution which is opensource friendly such as NextCloud or such. There are community members exploring such options.
I'm familiar with open source movement and volunteering (also in 'real' life) - I'm the last person that could demand anything - because, among others, I understand the idea that stands behind all of that. I'm only showing my observations, perspective and presenting my opinion over these topics - not to complaint, but to make UT better and more attractive for users.
Your desire to help the project is noted. But the way you are approaching the subject is not the best way to go about it.
Hi @zubozrout and @ktatar156,
Despite all the arguments that your and also the above posts contain, which for me contain nothing but conveniences, it in no way gives you permission to express yourself so condescendingly about the work of such a small group of people who do great things here.
And please remember that you are not the only ones, it happens every 3 to 7 weeks that we have to endure such complaints here.Because for the amenities you are looking for, there is also eOS and others.
Sorry, but I had to give myself breathing room, because my device is first and foremost; simply a phone, over which I am the <master/woman)>. And for that I love the makers and helpers of Ubports with their OS Ubuntu Touch.
With love Mario
@mario-ch hmm, did I do any of the things you accuse me of? I am quite fond of UT and I am more than aware of how complex a development of it is. What I am not aware of is that I would ever say anything that would be "condescending" towards the whole project or the people here.
So I wonder how you got to that judgment
Perhaps it was me saying I am glad we now have Waydroid which allowed me to continue using UT in nowadays world? But that is more of a "phew, I am happy I can stay with UT and spin up Android when needed even if I am traveling etc..."
I have absolutely nothing to criticise. It is not my place (you are correct about that, but I don't think I do that) plus UT is well usable for my case.
Thanks for your comments.
I have an idea (that could also maybe support UT developers). Maybe there is a possibility to set-up some paid service related to could service? What I mean that UBports Foundation could be a service provider for nextcloud/owncloud? I'd love to subscribe and pay monthly fee for some place in the could? Margin archived on such service could be utilized to support UT development?
Of course, before starting such project, we should estimate how much people could probably buy such service from UBports Foundation and whether it will be economically viable. -
@arubislander Would it be easier to use the Brave Browser? I find it more stable than Firefox on desktop Ubuntu.
@ktatar156 The Foundations bylaws make it impossible for it to be a service provider in such a way as you suggest. But nothing is stopping members of the community from banding together to create an entity that provides such a sevice. Though this would be a very tricky endeavor as it would be storing / handling data from people accross the globe, making it subject to a variety of privacy and data protection legislations.
@wizardi3 Integrating Brave into the OS environment would face many of the same challenges as integrating Firefox would, I imagine.
Plus Brave is chromium based, so no big difference with Morph here. -
@keneda The main issues are probably not which browser engine is used. But have more to do with other functionality the browsers bring that users value, such as extensions and syncing across devices.
Hi, I'm a silent reader, but this could help:
@zubozrout said in Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years:
And I don't want to rely on my own server as I would surely lose all data plus I would have to take care of it.
One user-friendly option to do this without much coding knowledge is "syncloud[dot]org" that I'm using myself in combination with my UT volla as daily driver.
@arubislander You're right, I didn't think in that way... So maybe, we should try to convince some established provider to prepare 'special' offer for UT users and share some part of revenue with Uports Foundation. So it'll take major part of risk related, but on the other hand, get some additional clients and profit.
I'll try to handle with this topic (but I don't have any experience and connections in this area); I suppose, I should start with some questionnaire in our community to get some predictions, how much people would be interested in such service. Do you guys know there I should start? This forum or some other places (e.g. telegram?)?
Secondly, I'll try to get connections with some major opensource cloud providers. Or maybe, someone already know some people in this business?