@AppLee In times of COVID19 isolation these news made my day :thumbs_up:
Best posts made by nogoogle
RE: PinePhone
RE: Ubuntu on Huawei devices?
Why would UbPorts foundation with it's stated objective of respecting user privacy and open source software even remotely consider cooperating with the most intransparented IT-company in the world, bound to the regulations of an authoritarian anti-democratic regime ?
This would be the end of UbPorts foundation before it even has fully taken off.
This also nicely demonstrates the importance of being a foundation registered under German law because any activities in such direction could be in conflict with the foundation by-laws and objectives. -
RE: How to show storage space left on Ubuntu Touch? [Solved]
@Opolork Under "System Settings" click on "about" and the storage space is displayed. For more detailed information open terminal and type "df -k" it will display a list of all partitions and the percentage of space used on each.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 66 Saturday 28th Of December At 19:00 UTC
Related to GizmoCicken's questions. The roll out of the first end-user version of pine phone in March will likely create a high demand for UBTouch and bring in new users which is great for the project. These new users will, however, also require resources and attention e.g. download server capacities for the store, attention in the forum etc.. Does UbPorts foresee any capacity shortages (IT infrastructure as well as man-power) to handle these requests (I remember having read a post form Jan asking for assistance with server resilience issues) ? Sounds like a luxury problem but are we at risk of becoming a possible victim of our success ?
RE: FP2 in newly redesigned devices page
@jezek Agree same with my FP2. I was a bit puzzeled about this rating on the device site... I assume this depends on the individual use case if you have many apps running in the "do not suspend" mode you will drain battery faster than a minimalistic user. But still the new site is a hughe improvement and the ratings being on the "conservative" side avoid raising false expectations. I think this is very important to give potential new users a realistic picture of what they can expect for the “average" use case
RE: "The" Bluetooth Thread
I tried to pair my Nexus 5 with my car's (Subaru Forester) audio system via Bluetooth. The phone detects the audio system but there is no dialog box to enter the PIN from the audio system in the Bluetooth setup. The audio system thus refuses the connection request. Is there any work-around for this ?
Thanks. -
RE: Bluetooth pairing with car audio system
@Elpibe I have the exact same problem with my 2015 Subaru audio system and posted it under a different thread some time ago. This pairing problem seems - at least in part - also be caused by the Subaru audio system and not only by UBtouch. I had no problems pairing my FP2 or N5 with audio systems in several rental cars from different companies (Nissan Micra, Hyundai Accent and Ford Mustang) with music player, contacts and phone calls mostly working (some funny behavior on the Nissan when accepting incoming calls). I will try htc_tatoo's command line solution.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 115 Is This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
@nero355 I recently tried Mobian and PostmarketOS on Pinephone (out of frustration about inactive development on UT). Both OS have the mobile version of Firefox as default browser which was another reason for me to give it a try. Did you ever try to manage the Firefox settings on one of these OS's ? Not usable in real life for me. Same thing trying to setup Nextcloud via Web (I use 2FA for my cloud so I need to go via website): impossible to navigate (need to rotate phone change zoom etc).
While I agree with you that tab management is way easier than with Morph, the idea of using applications from standard repositories will not work for non-geek users and result in poor user experience.
So unless someone steps up to port the mobile version of Firefox specifically to UT (which I do not think will happen any time soon because you probably need an army of devs to pull that off) Morph - for me - remains the only workable solution for now. -
RE: Paid proprietary apps on Open Store?
@makeixo As @Flohack pointed out already: UbPorts cannot collect money on behalf of a 3rd party (the developer), at least not without a bulk of legal implications, not to speak of time, resources and manpower to invest in setting up such a scheme. I think it should already be possible for developers to upload free trial version on OpenStore which need be unlocked once the trial period has exdpired. So the user would have to buy some form of license code from the dev and likely provide something like a device ID. But this is then a business between the end user and the dev. I dont´t see why and how UbPorts should be involved in such a deal as a broker. UbPorts should invest resources and manpower in what they are doing best, which is OS development.
RE: Wish list : which apps do you need?
@3T_Ed I would second that. Specifically with pinetab now shipping. Pinetab with the keyboard definitely could become a light-weight laptop replacement and as such an office-suite becomes something like an essential app.
Latest posts made by nogoogle
SIM-PIN not stored in Focal
I am running Focal latest OTA4 equivalent on the original pinephone. When I insert a SIM-card with SIM-PIN and boot the phone, it asks for the SIM-PIN and then connects to the network. When I write a SMS or make a call the OS sends a message that I need to unlock the SIM and redirects me to the system,settings, privacy menu. Here the SIM-PIN switch reads "off". When I turn it on, the switch turns green and the tab shows "unlocked" but when I close the SIM-PIN tab and go back to the privacy menu it is turned off again and I can not text or make calls. I tried to leave the unlock tab open, no difference.
I thought this may be related to the read only fs but a r/w remount and reboot made no difference,
Any ideas? Not sure if this is a Focal problem or pinephone port problem so posted it in support. -
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 136 Call For Questions
As a UT user in North America I am still using Xenial on my FP2. So far I did not switch to focal because - to my understanding - UT does not support 5G on any of the 5G capable high-end devices (FP4 or FP5). While FP4 looks feature complete, it is not clear from the device page whether 5G is supported by focal.. The FOSSDEM talk on VOLTE in UT also dampened my hope that this will be a viable alternative any time soon. Is there any estimates if 5G will be supported before they pull the plug on 3G (and 2G as a fallback) in US and Canada ? I heard that there is work being done to have a future UT version shipped with the FP5 as option would this include 5G?
RE: UB Ports funding
@aarontheissueguy I think this is a good idea and it can work. I was very impressed by the fundraising campaign netzpolitik.org ran from October to end of December. They managed to raise 1 Mio Euro (they had about 400K in October if I am not mistaken). I think this was successful because they made it clear (in their quarterly transparency reports) how much money the need to continue providing their service/product for free for one year without adds. It was impossible to visit their site and not seeing the amount still needed. If the foundation would come up with a clear goal and good justification for what the money is needed each year, I am convinced it would work. Specifically if certain budget items can be personalized (e.g. don't say software developer 0.5 FTE/y, but we do need XX$ per year to support Joe X to work on this and that and advance this and that feature for your phone). I am donating regularly ans would not mind paying a regular fee but I think this OS and it's updates as well as certain basic apps should remain free so that underprivileged users can continue to use it (I am specifically thinking of users in countries where a phones like this might be the only option to some kind of privacy in communication). We just need to motivate those who could contribute more to do so.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 115 Is This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
@nero355 I recently tried Mobian and PostmarketOS on Pinephone (out of frustration about inactive development on UT). Both OS have the mobile version of Firefox as default browser which was another reason for me to give it a try. Did you ever try to manage the Firefox settings on one of these OS's ? Not usable in real life for me. Same thing trying to setup Nextcloud via Web (I use 2FA for my cloud so I need to go via website): impossible to navigate (need to rotate phone change zoom etc).
While I agree with you that tab management is way easier than with Morph, the idea of using applications from standard repositories will not work for non-geek users and result in poor user experience.
So unless someone steps up to port the mobile version of Firefox specifically to UT (which I do not think will happen any time soon because you probably need an army of devs to pull that off) Morph - for me - remains the only workable solution for now. -
RE: Cannot send messages on Axolotl to any contact
I wholeheartedly sympathize with your post. I have a related issue (see this thread https://forums.ubports.com/post/58152).
A reinstallation did not fix this issue either. I would really like to know whether other forum members experience similar issues or whether this is FP2 on OTA20 specific ? There is quite some urgency for me in this and I would hate nothing more than activating an android phone for this. I also confirm that the Desktop App does not solve my issue. -
RE: Axolotl on UbTouch: Add contact and join group issue.
@applee Thanks Applee. That was the first thing I tried (I am using the native Signal desktop client for Ubuntu 20.04 most of the time) and accepting the invite gives an unspecific error mesage asking to contact support.
I have not tried to de- and reinstall Axolotl though. -
Axolotl on UbTouch: Add contact and join group issue.
First, I am aware that this is not the best place to ask and I did check the issues on GitHub where a similar issue has been filed, but I need some sort of urgent quick fix for this problem and I am sure that some people on the forum will have faced the same problem and may know how to fix it.
I received an invite to urgently join a signal group and Axolotl tells me that this feature is not yet supported. It says "In order to join please send private a message to the other side to exchange profile key..."
So I sent the group admin an individual Signal message, he deleted me from the group and rejoined me via the new message with the same result.
When I try to set up a group myself I just noticed that I am unable to add any new contact to the Axolotl contact list neither via UbTouch contact app nor manually nor by adding a contact via a received signal message.
I am using the latest Axolotl version (1.0.8 on FP2 running OTA 20).I updated to OTA 20 only a couple of days ago and noticed this behaviour only after the update. Could this have something to do with the OTA 20 update ?
Again, I know this may not be the most appropriate place to ask, my apologies but any help is appreciated.
RE: fstab getting overwritten?
@crackulator if you only want to access shares from filemanager then this solution may work
I believe fstab is overwritten because /etc is on the system partition which is overwritten with every OTA because of image based updates.
RE: File explorer PC files samba acces
@pierpaolo the content of the file places.conf is like this (ignore the line numbers they are from the editor):
1 [General]
2 userRemovedLocations=/home/phablet/.local/share/evolution/calendar/system, /home/phablet/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system
3 userSavedLocations=/home/phablet/.local/share/evolution, smb://sambaservername/sharedirectoryThis works on my FP2.
RE: Intransparent and incomplete maturity ranking?
as mentioned in an other thread, the new device page is a hughe step foreward.
To some extent, the "degree of maturity“ is somewhat dependent on the individual use case. In the blog @UniSuperBox suggested using the survey results to weight maturity ratings. Would it not be better to have an "individual user profile" questionaire and then match the profile to the devices? Answer 10 questions on a visual analog scale (0=couldn't care less, 10=can't live without) and than list all devices matching that individual profile?