@aarontheissueguy There are a few ways - all include copying the modules into the package. This should be very easy if you are using a virutalenv, because ideally all the packages required are installed in it (and hopefully no others, because that would be a bit of a waste of space).
The simplest way is to copy all the folders into the main package folder (i.e. in the same folder as the Python files) since Python will automatically look for the modules in that folder, so it should find them. Note that any modules that have binary files that are specific to one arch will fail on the other arches.
Another method is to use the PYTHONPATH
(https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONPATH) environment variable to point to the folder containing the modules. This can also be done in Python by adding the following to the top of your Python files:
import sys
This will make Python look for the modules in the provided path.