Hello my name is jeremy aka developerbayman im a web/android/python developer and im excited to get started developing native apps for UBT im glad to finally be able to participate took me awhile to get a device that can run UBT and i cant wait to meet new people and collaborate on this (oops i just realized where i posted this mods please move to appropriate place)

Best posts made by developerbayman
i need to drop a big thank you UBports community!
i joined this community the day after my mom died ... not only did i get alot of love and support and a great distraction ....at the end of the day this is a great community! .... thank you!
now i ended up leaving ubuntu touch because it wasnt what i was looking for in a mobile operating system ...and thats ok
.....not only do i owe thanks for the emotional support but also thanks for the inspiration .... the things i dont like about UT lit a fire under me and eventually gave birth to "pylinux" .....while built on top of linux the total user software stack is all python applications (lol growing pains) eventually the total goal is to eventually port everything to python ....time will tell
after i post this im going to switch over to my pi then i can post picture of pylinux in action (sort of still a work in progress) .....but i would love to talk about it .....when designing most of the tools for pylinux ubuntu touch was in the back of my mind
we NEED this!!! ....or something like it
pretty self explanatory we need something like rom kitchen
more devices=more people=more development=less load on existing developers=a better operating system
RE: Redmi note 9 screen not rotating
@TandyNeoma basically some of xaiomi redmi note 9 pro android 10 roms feature broken sensors took awhile but foumd one that works again
RE: Few thoughts regarding coming back after several years
@Moem thanks man i appriciate that .....also as much as i might complain .....the UT community is filled with such wonderful people as yourself .....i cant walk away from that
RE: effects of a rooted android rom on UBports install?
You are correct i got rootfs rw all i fid was try again i guess it just took the 37th try .....whole thing makes no sense but it works
Also im able to run clickable from the command line
specific halium code base just for us community members?
a few weeks or about a month ago me and a buddy tried porting halium to a random device and we found it was chock full of missing links and libraries outdated in the end we had to give up
so my question is can we the community please get a updated code base that just works when trying to follow the guides ....or is there one already?
RE: any way to change desktop environment?
@kugiigi lol true i could ....but i wont....for some reason im totally obsessed with UT (prob all the years i wanted a UT device)
....basically i look at it like this ....this is the platform i have chosen so what i will do is go long term once i master the dev cycle (like i did with android) i will just create the functionality i want
see part of the fun also is the feed back
Also i have to point out ...why even have libertine if not for power users?(i mean yeah i know its usefull for general use)
Its so close to being every devs nerd dream power pocket pc phone
~according to my beliefs i must remain a broken record on this ....even tho it might not have any real world effect lol
RE: i need to drop a big thank you UBports community!
probably one of the coolest features is local LAN play (still a work in progress) the idea is to simulate a LAN on a local machine allowing split screen play on one computer
Latest posts made by developerbayman
RE: Some Confusion about the install requirements
@GosuSan i have the same device you will actually need 12.02 as the final version will work but for some reason screen rotation is broken i dont know why you should just be able to use the installer but if you cannot you will need to use fastboot command from the terminal and you will have to fasboot flash <partition> filename.img to each file the partiton names are the same as the filenames
RE: Which devices support Ubuntu Touch to run games smoothly?
i for one would love to play openMW on UT and doom3 "dehm3" (not sure if i spelled that right)
RE: I am about to give up and leave
@jojumaxx i feel the same way im a dev for over 30 years .....after banging my head into brick walls over and over again and i complained non stop for a bit .....but really i just had to step back and realize "this isnt linux" ....ask all these guys they will tell you ......i dont have any answers it just is what it is ....the sooner you accept that the better off you will be ......i have like 50 programs i want to port to UT but i keep running into outdated libs and dead links all kinds of issues .......but ultimately the scope of UT versus how many developers is extremely unbalanced and as time goes forward UT seems to be falling behind .......its just not very cool to bust the existing developers ballz as they are doing their best and usually not even getting paid ......i totally get your frustration tho (like im your #1 fan in this) ........if you know how to code forge ahead and add the features you want (will be a learning experience)
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
omg i see why axolotl isnt getting any development love ........its a giant mess .....this may take a extremely long time .....30 years of writing software i have come to the conclusion the K.I.S.S method is really king ....axolotl does not and i repeat does not follow K.I.S.S (keep it simple silly) ....i can build it kinda so we shall see
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
@Moem im cloning it now if i can get it to build on my system ill prob be able to do something with it ....although i prob wont be able to directly help them because im locked out of github atm
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
@Moem actually i can make the script i have use it automatically so you wouldnt have to use the terminal ....but alas i think its just to outdated to bother
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
when the newer libraries become available i can make it happen pretty easy i already have the main shell of the program as you see ....so eventually it prob will happen ...depends on the core devs
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
so iv been stalking the signal github ....and right now im thinking it wont be possible for alot of reasons ....the only way currently would be to install the signal-cli program and that would might not work because of alot of current updates to the core libs of signal and lack of updates with everything else ...currently .....have you tried to use libertine? (i have never gotten it to work) ....im sorry i wanted to make this happen for you
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
one main issue im running into is signal does not provide a public api so i have to use signal-cli to make things happen the issue is UT file system is locked ....so i dont know what to do .....can a clickable app download and install a program for the system or does it only use its own space to do anything? ...if its a command line app like signal-cli can it run in a apps user space? ....so much i dont know about clickable ........this is why im usually complaining about this or that on UT regarding the locked file system ....great for security but makes app development .....really hard ....im sure its just something simple (or complicated lol)i need to learn though
RE: Would it be possible to port this app?
@Moem do you prefer to use you username and password or do you use any Oauth i.e google, github, ect?