OK. Obviously, I had to do some homework. (To all the readers: Thanks for your patience. Hopefully, my posts could be useful for UBports learners.)
It 's a standard that you the libertine container's version is the same as UBports' - in my case 16.04 (xenial):
libertine-container-manager create -i xenial
I am switching as root into the newly built libertine container. It 's a GNU/LInux system where packages could be installed via apt
libertine-container-manager exec -i xenial -c "/bin/bash"
For example, I am installing vim
apt install vim
I am leaving the libertine container:
Outside the libertine container, I can see the installed packages this way:
libertine-container-manager list-apps
I added the matching mopidy repository. If I am right, on a 16.04 (xenial) system, it has to be jessie
wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list https://apt.mopidy.com/jessie.list
I am installing mopidy and mopidy-spotify via apt. I do the (hopefully) appropriate configuration. I am starting mopidy using the new icon in my OnePlus One's GUI. Here 's the appropriate log file:
cat ~/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-xenial_mopidy_0.0-.log
Yay! So far, all went well. - Now, I have to install Mopidy-Iris as a Python package. Therefore, I have to install Python3.7
. This is, where the road is starting to get bumpy (for me), for I am not too familiar with Python packages:
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt install python3.7
apt install python3-pip
python3.7 -m pip install Mopidy-Iris
Now, thing's are getting out of (my) control:
- A message is requesting me to upgrade
- I guess, mopidy is installed as a Python package in another version as the previous one.
- I am not able to start mopidy via icon. I am not able to see a file
- Starting mopidy in the libertine container's console via command line, I see that (another version of) gstreamer is requested.
I guess, this dependency mash-up is caused by Python3.7 from the deadsnakes repository. At this moment, I am not able to fix this.
Any suggestions?