@keneda thanks I got to Feb 2022, hopefuly I find either another carrier or try a hand at mod. a cheap 5g phone. Because I hate all things Google

RE: 3g gone Nexus 5
3g gone Nexus 5
Cricket is shutting down 3g will this affect my Nexus 5 (Hammerhead). If does what 5g phone will work with UT
3g gone, Nexus 5 still work
Cricket is shutting down 3g will this affect my Nexus 5 (Hammerhead). If does not work after shutdown of 3g, what 5g phone works with UT?
Please someone explain this to me
How come there is not a strip down verison of UT, so it can work with any phone or tablet. They do it desktops and laptops operating systems, why not cellphones and tablets?
Strip down or bare bones verison means no extra software. Like phone, contacks, media player. But just enough of a OS to boot so you can add what you need.
You can do that with other Linux desktop OS, but why can't they just make it one size fits all.
I just can't get my head to understand why someone or something has not made this happen already.
RE: How come Firefox is not standard in UT?
@thilov I don't even know I just know it's ubuntu touch on a nexus 5 cellphone
RE: How come Firefox is not standard in UT?
@potet I been trying to install Firefox for almost a month. Not having any luck.
but I didn't see that link you posted before. So I will try that method.
How come Firefox is not standard in UT?
I want to know why Firefox is not standard in UT. It's
pretty much standard in most other Linux formats. Firefox is default in them.Also I want to know why they picked Morph Browser. This browser don't work with banking, many stores, and other websites.
I can't stop it from tracking me, I Can't modifiy it and I just don't like it
RE: How can I get logged in as a root user?
@DaveNotHere Never mind I solved it. it is sud -s then your passcode
How can I get logged in as a root user?
Okay so I enter su - at the end of the ~$ but I want ~# and I hit enter and enter my passcode and I get authentication error
How can I get logged in as a root user?
RE: Wish list : which apps do you need?
@Rebecca58 For me I would want everything removable and installable. Like for me the Phone and Messaging Applications are useless to me and would like them uninstalled. Since I don't use my Nexus 5 as a cellphone. I use it as a computer/Remote Control to my big desktop computer.
I want my Ubuntu Touch to be bare to bones. All I want preinstalled is open store. The rest I want to pick and choose. I don't need 99% of the junk thats preinstalled
For what I want to see available for UT is some Ham Radio Apps, a app for Wine, some remote Admin tools(to make linking computers and cellphone/tablets easier to link together)
RE: what does Ubuntu Touch use that the equivalent of the mighty .rpm
@dobey That's really cool to know that
what does Ubuntu Touch use that the equivalent of the mighty .rpm
Okay we all know that rpm file refers to .rpm file format and the package manager program itself. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distribution.
So what does Ubuntu Touch use that the equivalent of the mighty .rpm
RE: Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
@rocket2nfinity to bad I can't just put the cat5 cable right into the phone lol that would be to simple of a fix
RE: Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
@AppLee I think your right on compatibility Issues. I just got back from the city and it was picking up wifi everywhere and stop at a place to eat and was able to use their internet.
So the problem has to be with my router. So I'm going to look into that.
Thanks for the help
RE: Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
@AppLee I'll look into that and get I'll get back to you. Thanks for the help and ideas to check.
RE: Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
@Rondarius No Go, nothing worked from that page. Thanks for trying
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Well I'm Dave. I started using Linux when my Windows 98 machine crashed and a friend recommended Linux Slackware in 2000/2001.
I been using Linux ever since. From Red Hat to Ubuntu and everything in between.
So when I heard of a cellphone can run without Google and Apple I had to try it.
So my very first cellphone had to a LG Nexus 5 running Ubuntu Touch. I don't have a need for the phone part. That part is useless to me. House phone is good enough for me for my telephone needs.
What I want the Nexus 5 to do is be a remote control for my desktop. By the way the desktop is a dual boot Mandrake and Ubuntu Zoran.
So I had this cellphone for one day and like everything new to has to be pain to me. So I can here looking for help with my wifi problem.
Hey want to know something else. This also my first time using a forum. Heck I never even used social media before.
I never did MySpace or any of that Twitter junk. I basically keep to myself and away from sites like that.
So I said why not try and see what I get. Who knows I might be able to help others as I learn about Ubuntu Touch. Plus I could be a big help with big computer version of Linux. With all them years under my belt of Linux use. I'm sure my experience could come in handy here.
Thanks for reading and let's learn together
RE: Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
@Rondarius I'll try them tips next chance I get and reply if it works or not
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 84 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
@UBportsNews Hey there guys. Big time fan of all things Linux. Been a Linux user for Decades and just discovered Ubuntu Touch Cellphone. I'm very new to cellphones. As a matter a fact. This Ubuntu Touch is my very first cellphone and so far I'm liking it, but only if I can get the WIFi working on it. That's whole another topic there. So I won't digress. So on to my question.
My question is how can I to Set Up Remote Desktop on my Ubuntu desktop and Ubuntu Touch cellphone?
I want to use the cellphone to remotely control my Ubuntu desktop machine when I'm out about.
Thanks again and can't wait to hear from you.
Nexus 5 wifi connects but no internet
I just got a nexus 5 with ubuntu touch. It connects to wifi but no internet.
I don't plan on using this as a phone. So sim card is not needed. I'm just going to use phone as a hand held computer and link it to my desktop Ubuntu machine.